Review Trivia

Review Trivia
the spread of cultural
beliefs and social
activities from one
group to another
the branch of science and
technology concerned with
the properties of metals and
their production and
an ancient Chinese belief
and philosophical idea that
tiān (heaven) granted
emperors the right to rule
based on their ability to
govern well and fairly
a system of government in
which most of the important
decisions are made by state
officials rather than by
elected representatives
a system of society or
government in which the
father or eldest male is head
of the family and descent is
traced through the male line
the spread of cultural
beliefs and social
activities from one
group to another
the branch of science and
technology concerned with
the properties of metals and
their production and
an ancient Chinese belief
and philosophical idea that
tiān (heaven) granted
emperors the right to rule
based on their ability to
govern well and fairly
Mandate of Heaven
a system of government in
which most of the important
decisions are made by state
officials rather than by
elected representatives
a system of society or
government in which the
father or eldest male is head
of the family and descent is
traced through the male line
Alexander the Great
Shi Huang Di/Qin
Sixth king of the First
Babylonian Dynasty
Known for the Code of
Hammurabi, one of the earliest
surviving codes of law in
recorded history
Classical Greek
philosopher credited as
one of the founders of
Western Philosophy
Alexander the Great
Spent most of his ruling years on an
unprecedented military campaign through Asia
& Northeast Africa
By age 30, had created one of the largest
empires of the ancient world, stretching from
Greece to Egypt into Northwest India &
modern-day Pakistan
Undefeated in battle & considered one of
history’s most successful military commanders
Indian emperor of the Maurya
Converted to Buddhism & was
dedicated to the propagation of
Buddhism across Asia
Shi Huang Di/Qin
Became China’s first emperor
after the Qin conquered all of
the other Warring States
Unified all of China in 221 BC
Self-invented title of “emperor”
Key Concepts
All major earth religions take
hold during the Classical Era
(600 BCE- 600 CE) EXCEPT
which one?
Greco-Roman Philosophy &
Science also took hold during the
Classical Era. Name TWO key
philosophical thinkers.
This empire was founded by Cyrus
the Great, was a center of trade, &
heavily influenced Islam.
Broad empire name considered
correct, specific empire earns bonus
This empire was considered the
Golden Age of India including
being the highpoint of Sanskrit
Bonus Points: Years
There were many new
technologies that facilitated
long-distance trade. This one was
a ship with one or more Lateen
sails, primarily used in the Indian
Ocean trade.
This system provides water in
arid climates and spread from
Iran to North Africa & the rest of
This occurred 10-12,000 years ago,
brought about by the advent of
farming & created new socioeconomic systems worldwide
Name THREE foundational areas
where civilization began.
Growth of social/gender
hierarchy coincided with growth
of what?
Pottery, Plows, Woven Textiles,
Metallurgy, & Wheeled Vehicles
are examples of improvements in
what areas?
Key Concepts
All major earth religions take
hold during the Classical Era
(600 BCE- 600 CE) EXCEPT
which one?
Greco-Roman Philosophy &
Science also took hold during the
Classical Era. Name TWO key
philosophical thinkers.
This empire was founded by
Cyrus the Great, was a center of
trade, & heavily influenced
Islam. (Give the broad name, not
the more specific.)
Bonus: Achaemenid
This empire was considered the
Golden Age of India including
being the highpoint of Sanskrit
Bonus Points: Years
Bonus: 320-600 CE
There were many new
technologies that facilitated
long-distance trade. This one was
a ship with one or more Lateen
sails, primarily used in the Indian
Ocean trade.
Dhow Ships
This system provides water in
arid climates and spread from
Iran to North Africa & the rest of
Quant System
This occurred 10-12,000 years ago,
brought about by the advent of
farming & created new socioeconomic systems worldwide
Neolithic Revolution
Name THREE foundational areas
where civilization began.
Mesoamerica (Mayas, Aztecs, etc)
Andean Region (Incas, etc)
Nile Valley (Egypt)
Huang Ho River Region
Indus River Region
Growth of social/gender
hierarchy coincided with growth
of what?
Empire/State Growth
Pottery, Plows, Woven Textiles,
Metallurgy, & Wheeled Vehicles
are examples of improvements in
what areas?
Agriculture, Trade, &