Spanish II Syllabus Teacher : Mr. Cornejo

Spanish II Syllabus
Teacher : Mr. Cornejo
This form must be reviewed and signed by the student and the Parent/Guardian and
Welcome to Spanish II. I am looking forward to a productive semester with all my
students. The Goals and Objectives are provided by the North Carolina Department of
Public Instruction and referred to as North Carolina World Languages other than English
Essential Standards. Emphasis is placed on the development of the four skills of
listening, speaking, reading and writing. The students will also acquire insight into how
language and culture work by comparing with their own.
By the end of the semester the students will be able to: speak and write in the present and
past tense; talk about their daily routine, where they live, household chores, school
activities, emergencies and shopping; understand some grammatical differences between
Spanish an English; cultural aspects of the countries where Spanish is spoken; learn how
to write and talk about actions as they happen and how to describe things with pronouns
and adjectives in a more advance context.
I have high expectations for behavior and performance by all the students. Working
together as partners will ensure success for each student. I am counting on your support.
Please feel free to call the school to schedule appointments to discuss anything
concerning your student. My email is Please read and sign
those things which I ask your student to have you review.
The Grading Scale System is the one used in the Iredell-Statesville System.
The grade Percentage is the following:
34% Tests (no retesting or test correction); 33% Quizzes; 33% Performance.
Performance is based in how well prepared the student comes to class, disposition to
learn and classwork.
Homework is to study everyday, bring all material each day (notebook, pen and pencil).
Tutorials will be offered during Smart Lunch. Completion of five tutorials during the
first nine weeks will increase midterm exam grade by five points. Completion of five
tutorials during the second nine weeks will increase final exam grade by five points.
1. Composition Notebook (no binders)
2. Pencils and pens (blue or black only)
Classroom Behavior Requirements:
1. Always listen carefully and follow directions the first time.
2. Bring all materials each day (Notebook, Pencil and Pen)
3. Respect others, yourself and all personal and school property
4. Be polite, work quietly, and do not disturb others. Be kind with your words and
5. Be on time, in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings (pencil sharpened,
6. Use the bathroom before coming to class.
7. One person should be speaking at any time. Please be acknowledged before
8. Assignments must be submitted when due; if not the grade will be Zero.
9. Spanish class is for Spanish work only.
10. All School Rules will be enforced.
11. Seating is assigned.
All make –up work is responsibility of the student. Ask for make –up work the day you
return. I will be glad to help you. If you are absent when the assignment is given, you
have one day to make- up the assignment. If you are present when the assignment is
made, it is due upon your return. A Zero is given for work not made on time. I will be
available to help with make-up work or provide extra help buy appointment; please
schedule in advance.
Discipline Procedure: *
1. First offense – Verbal warning.
2. Second – Offense – Teacher/Student conference (After School Detention).
3. Third Offense – Parent Contact.
4. Fourth Offense – Discipline Notice written. Follow School Policy.
*I reserve the right to conduct escalated enforcement/discipline dependent upon the
severity of the offense.
I have read, understand, and agree to follow the rule I received from Mr. Cornejo
for my Spanish class.
Student Name
Student Signature and Date
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature and Date
Day Phone:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone: