Nombre: ____________________ Guía de Estudiar Examen Final (Epañol 2)

Nombre: ____________________
Guía de Estudiar
Examen Final (Epañol 2)
Capítulo 8A (pg. 396, libro morado) – Vacaciones
the museum_____________ the place ___________ the country __________________
to leave (salgo is “yo” form) ______________ to go by train _____________ to learn _____________
the trip _________________ to scuba dive ____________________ to visit_______________________
the boat___________________ monuments__________________
to travel______________________ the vacation_________________ the airport__________________
the ticket ______________________the river___________________ the tree___________________
amusement park_______________ to sunbathe (to tan)_________________
the city _____________________ to return (to a place)________________________
Capítulo 3A (pg. 152, libro azul) – La comunidad
bank ________________ the post office _____________________ the supermarket ____________________
dentist/doctor’s office ______________________ sporting-goods store _________________________
yesterday______________________ last week____________________ last month_____________________
Capítulo 3B (pg. 180, libro azul) – Manejando
avenue____________________ train station______________________ the street ________________
stoplight________________________ to drive______________________
until _______________________ the stop __________________ to follow, continue_____________
Capítulo 4A (pg. 208, libro azul) – La infancia
doll _______________________ action figure _____________________ toys _________________
blocks ____________________ fish (pl) _______________________ as a child ________________
daycare center ______________________ obedient ______________________
mischievous___________________________ to offer______________________
well-behaved_____________________ I used to be______________________ shy/timid_____________
the world _______________________
Preterite Tense:
When do we use the preterite tense?
AR verb endings: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______
IR/ER verb endings: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______
The irregulars in the preterite tense:
Estar-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Tener-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Hacer-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, _________
Poder-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Ir-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Ser-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Ver-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, __________
Dar-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Imperfect Tense
When do we use the imperfect tense?
AR verb endings: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______
IR/ER verb endings: ______, _______, ________, _______, ________, _______
The irregulars in the imperfect tense:
Ver -__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Ir -__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Ser-__________, ___________, _____________, _____________, _____________, ___________
Present progressive:
a form of “estar” (estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están) + _________-ando/-iendo
1. Pedro y Andrés __________________________ (dar) un paseo en bicicleta.
2. Miguel todavía ________________________________ (dormir) porque anoche estudió muy tarde.
3. Yo ___________________________________ (leer) mi correo electronic.
4. La profesora me ____________________________________ (decir) de escucharla.
5. Nosotros _____________________________________ (incluir) a mi mejor amiga en el viaje.
6. Tú _______________________________________ (pedir) ayuda.
7. Mi madre _________________________________ (vestirse) ahora.
8. Uds. _____________________________________ (recordar) el presente progresivo.
Imperative (informal commands)
Use the 3rd person singular of the present tense unless it is of the irregulars. The irregulars are:
Ve: ______________________________
Sé: ______________________________
Ten: ______________________________
Ven: ______________________________
Haz: ______________________________
Di: ______________________________
Pon: ______________________________
Sal: ______________________________
1. ¡ ____________________ (sacar) a pasear al perro.
2. ¡ ____________________ (traer) el periódico.
3. ¡____________________ (recoger) tus libros de tu casillero.
4. ¡____________________ (poner) gasolina en el tanque del coche.
5. ¡___________________ (venir) aquí!
6. ¡___________________ (decir) la verdad!
7. ___________________ (venir) conmigo!
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (placed in front of the noun)
Replaces the object of the sentence.
Subject and object are the same.
Replaces what was “verbed”
Replaces the person who receives
the direct object
Interrogative (question) words:
Write a question using the following interrogative words and
vocabulary from this semester.
¿De dónde? =
¿Dónde? =
¿Adónde? =
¿Quién? =
¿Con quién? =
¿Cuándo? =
¿Cuántos/as? =
¿Por qué? =
*Porque =
¿Cómo? =
¿Qué? =
¿Cuál? =