mercantilism – why? representative government Mayflower Compact

1. Role of colonies under mercantilism
2. Growth of representative government during colonial period – why?
3. Similarity between Mayflower Compact and the Virginia House of Burgesses
4. Differences between New England, Middle an d Southern colonies
5. Name colonial religious dissenters
6. French and Indian War was a long-term cause of the American Revolution. Why?
7. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense – why so influential?
8. Basic rights listed in the Declaration of Independence
9. Evidence of social contract theory of government in the Declaration of Independence?
10. Purpose of Benjamin Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union
11. Components of Articles of Confederation – list them
12. Main goal of Northwest Ordinance of 1787
13. The 4 main compromises at the Constitutional Convention
14. First Amendment freedoms
15. What is the opposite of freedom of press – how do authoritarian governments control
information released to the public?
16. Similarity between Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence
17. How does the process of amending the Constitution involve both the federal and state
18. Amendment process – why so difficult?
19. Name 3 main suffrage amendments.
20. 14th Amendment application to the state governments
21. Rule of law
22. Federalism
23. Checks and balances
24. Enumerated, concurrent and reserved powers
25. The elastic clause
26. What determines the number of representatives each state has?
27. Gerrymandering
28. Specific power given to the House of Representatives but not the Senate
29. The Constitution limits Congress from suspending the ___________________________ ,
passing ______________________________ and ______________________________,
and issuing _________________________________.
30. How can Congress circumvent a Supreme Court decision?
31. Fate of a bill that is introduced in one of the houses of Congress but is not liked by the
32. Conference committee in Congress
33. Main work of committees in Congress
34. Election of the president
35. Presidential duties not listed in the Constitution
36. Purpose of cabinet departments and regulatory agencies
37. Top priority of the FBI
38. If the president vetoes a bill, what can Congress do?
39. What speech does the president give to communicate his legislative plan to Congress?
40. Process of impeaching the president
41. Federal government’s main source of revenue
42. Level s of U.S. Courts
43. Who appoints U.S. Supreme Court justices? Who confirms appointments?
44. Judicial Review
45. Long term significance of: Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons
v. Ogden
46. Similarity between Gideon v. Wainwright and Miranda v. Arizona
47. Similarity between Tinker v. De Moines and Texas v. Johnson
48. Melting pot theory
49. Ageism
50. Engel v. Vitale
51. Miranda v. Arizona
52. Brown v. Board of Education
53. Texas v. Johnson
54. New Jersey v. TLO
55. Earning capacity – how can individuals increase it?
56. Political activism
57. Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens
58. Process of naturalization
59. Informed citizenry
60. Information gained from the Congressional Record
61. Benefit of getting information from a government website