COURSE ESSENTIAL STANDARD OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 7242 Health Science II Unit B Health science standards and emergency procedures 3.00 B2 57% Understand health science standards. 3.01 B2 18% Understand diagnostic and therapeutic services. What are the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel? How is patient data collected and reported? What are basic patient care skills used by diagnostic and therapeutic services professionals? Unpacked Content I. II. III. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services A. Diagnostic services professionals create a picture of the health status of patients at a single point in time. B. Therapeutic services professionals change the health status of the patient over a period of time. Patient Care Process A. Plan patient care B. Implement patient care C. Evaluate patient care Collect Patient Data A. Patient interview 1. Demographic data 2. Financial information 3. Privacy Information 4. Release of information 5. Medical history B. Patient assessment 1. Subjective/objective assessment 2. Using senses a) See b) Hear c) Smell d) Touch 3. Using medical instruments a) Ophthalmoscope b) Otoscope c) Penlight d) Reflex hammer e) Scales f) Sphygmomanometer g) Stethoscope h) Thermometer 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 182 IV. V. VI. VII. Record patient data A. SOAP notes B. Subjective observations C. Objective observations Report patient data A. Oral reports B. Written reports Diagnostic Skills A. Vital signs 1. Temperature a) Electronic thermometer b) Aural/tympanic thermometer 2. Pulse a) Radial b) Apical 3. Respirations 4. Blood pressure 5. Combined vital signs TPR BP 6. Height and weight 7. Visual acuity a) Snellen charts b) Ishihara method c) Tonometer B. Positioning the patient 1. Sitting 2. Horizontal recumbent (supine) 3. Prone 4. Sim’s 5. Fowler’s 6. Lithotomy 7. Trendelenburg C. Laboratory procedure: Using reagent strips to test urine Therapeutic Skills A. Patient movement 1. Ambulation aids a) Cane b) Crutches c) Walker i. Standard ii. Folding iii. Rolling iv. Platform 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 183 2. 3. B. C. Ambulation with crutches Transfer a) Chair/wheelchair b) Stretcher Massage therapy 1. Effleurage 2. Petrissage Optional: Respiratory therapy: Measuring lung capacity 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 184 ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 Introductory Activity Ask students to name various career fields in healthcare. Determine if healthcare personnel work in a diagnostic or therapeutic services role. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Distribute handout. Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 17. Facilitate discussion about diagnostic and therapeutic services career responsibilities. Students will record notes and class discussion on the handout. Collect Patient Data Distribute handout. Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 18. Facilitate class discussion about the patient interview. Students will refer to the handout and add notes related to class discussion. Obtain Medical History Assign student partners. Review the guidelines from the HOSA competitive event. Distribute and review 7242 Health Science II RELEVANCY TO OBJECTIVE RESOURCES Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) a relationship between diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel. Students will RECOGNIZE (A1) the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel. 3.01 Understand Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services PowerPoint Presentation, slides 1-7 3.01 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Handout Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the patient interview in collecting patient data. 3.01 Collect Patient Data PowerPoint Presentation, slides 1-8 3.01 Key Terms Related to Collecting Patient Data Handout (Refer to this handout in activity # 6.) Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the patient interview. Summer 2011 Medical Assisting Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Competitive Events Guidelines: Obtain Medical History rubric Page 185 5 the Obtain Medical History rubric. Distribute the HOSA History Form. One student from each pair will interview the other and complete history form to simulate the patient interview at a healthcare facility. The teacher may choose to re-arrange the students to facilitate the interview process for all students. The teacher will facilitate discussion by asking: o How did you feel about asking your patient these questions? o How did you feel being asked these questions? o Why is patient confidentiality important? Patient Assessment Using the Senses Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 919, providing ample time for reflection and discussion of the PowerPoint pictures. Distribute the handout. Allow students to use their senses by completing the activity as directed. Facilitate discussion by asking the students 7242 Health Science II HOSA History Form torg/sectb/cat-ii/ma.pdf Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the use of the senses in collecting patient data. 3.01 Collect Patient Data PowerPoint Presentation, slides 9-19 3.01Using the Senses Teacher Resource 3.01Using the Senses Handout Summer 2011 Page 186 6 7 8 if the assessment matched their senses. Why or why not? How are the senses useful in patient assessment? Patient Assessment Using Medical Instruments Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 20-29. Demonstrate the medical instruments used in patient assessment. Allow students to manipulate the medical instruments. Discuss how each instrument is used. Refer to handout as a reference for key terms. Medical Instruments Quiz Distribute handout to assess student knowledge of medical instruments and their use in patient assessment. Collect, grade and return to students in a timely manner. Record and Report Patient Data Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 19. Facilitate discussion regarding subjective and objective patient data and data documentation. 7242 Health Science II Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the use of medical instruments in collecting patient data. 3.01 Collect Patient Data PowerPoint Presentation, slides 20-29 3.01 Key Terms Related to Collecting Patient Data Handout (This handout was used in activity # 3.) Medical Instruments Used in Patient Assessment Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the use of medical instruments. 3.01 Instruments Used for Patient Assessment Handout Students will 3.01 Record and Report UNDERSTAND (B2) the Patient Data PowerPoint difference between Presentation, slides 1-9 subjective and objective data and responsibility of the healthcare professional as they record patient data. Summer 2011 Page 187 Students will record notes and class discussion in their notebooks. 9 Subjective or Objective? Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 10-18. Have the students determine if the information on the PowerPoint slide indicates a subjective or objective assessment. Facilitate discussion about how to record the assessment. 10 Report Patient Data Present PowerPoint Presentation, slides 19-22. Facilitate discussion by asking: How does reporting patient data impact the healthcare team? How does reporting patient data impact patient care? 11 Measure and Record Temperature Using an Electronic Thermometer Distribute the handout. Refer to the handout as a resource for students as you progress through the activity. Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 114. Facilitate discussion 7242 Health Science II Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the how to record subjective and objective patient data. 3.01 Record and Report Patient Data PowerPoint Presentation, slides 1018 Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the responsibility of the healthcare professional as they report patient data. 3.01 Record and Report Patient Data PowerPoint Presentation, slides 1922 Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record temperature using an electronic thermometer. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 1-14 3.01 Key Terms Related to Interpreting Patient Data Handout 3.01 Measure and Record Temperature Using an Electronic Thermometer Handout Summer 2011 Page 188 12 of measuring and recording the temperature and factors that influence body temperature. Distribute the Measure and Record Temperature Using an Electronic Thermometer handout to the students. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Temperature Using an Aural (Tympanic) Thermometer Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 15-16. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording the aural temperature. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 5-verify student passing 7242 Health Science II Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record temperature using an aural (tympanic) thermometer. Summer 2011 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 15-16 3.01 Measure and Record Temperature Using an Aural (Tympanic) Thermometer Handout Page 189 13 14 Measure and Record Radial Pulse Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 17-23. Facilitate discussion regarding when to use the various pulse sites. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording the radial pulse and factors that influence the pulse. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Apical Pulse Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 24-25. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording the apical pulse and when to use an apical pulse. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 7242 Health Science II Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record a radial pulse. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 17-23 3.01 Measure and Record Radial Pulse Handout Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record an apical pulse. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 24-25 3.01 Measure and Record Apical Pulse Handout Summer 2011 Page 190 15 16 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Respirations Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 26-29. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording respirations and factors that influence respirations. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Blood Pressure Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 30-33. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording the blood pressure and factors that influence blood pressure. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 7242 Health Science II Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record respirations. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 26-29 3.01 Measure and Record Respirations Handout Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record blood pressure. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 30-33 3.01 Measure and Record Blood Pressure Handout Summer 2011 Page 191 17 18 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Combined Vital Signs Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 34. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording combined vital signs. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Height and Weight Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 35-39. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording height and weight. What factors influence the frequency of weighing patients? Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 7242 Health Science II Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record combined vital signs. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 34 3.01 Measure and Record Combined Vital Signs Handout Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record height and weight. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 35-39 3.01 Measure and Record Height and Weight Handout Summer 2011 Page 192 19 20 21 5-verify student passing Measure and Record Visual Acuity Present Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 40-42. Facilitate discussion of measuring and recording visual acuity. Distribute the handout. 1- review the handout 2-demonstrate the skill 3-provide for guided practice 4-provide for independent practice 5-verify student passing Record Vital Signs Distribute handout. The students will work together, using each other as patients, to obtain and record the vital data as requested on the handout. Positioning a Patient Present PowerPoint Presentation. Facilitate discussion on positioning patients. Distribute the handout. 1-demonstrate the skill 2-provide for guided practice 3-provide for 7242 Health Science II Students will APPLY (C3) skills to accurately measure and record visual acuity. 3.01 Vital Signs PowerPoint Presentation, slides 40-42 3.01 Measure and Record Visual Acuity Handout Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the proper recording of vital signs. 3.01 Record Vital Signs Handout Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the importance of proper patient positioning for assessment. 3.01 Positioning a Patient PowerPoint Presentation 3.01 Positioning a Patient Handout 3.01 Positions for Patient Assessment Handout Summer 2011 Page 193 22 23 24 independent practice 4-verify student passing Assign Positions for Patient Assessment Handout as homework or use as a quiz tomorrow. Using Reagent Strips to Test Urine Present PowerPoint Presentation. Facilitate discussion on testing urine with a urine reagent strip and the type of information obtained. Distribute the handout. 1-demonstrate the skill 2-provide for guided practice 3-provide for independent practice 4-verify student passing Patient Movement Present PowerPoint Presentation, Slides 1-13. Facilitate discussion on patient movement. Distribute the handout. 1-demonstrate the skill 2-provide for guided practice 3-provide for independent practice 4-verify student passing Transfer to a Chair/Wheelchair Distribute the 7242 Health Science II Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the importance of proper testing of urine. 3.01 Testing Urine PowerPoint Presentation 3.01 Using Reagent Strips to Test Urine Handout Provide “urine” to be tested using a food coloring and sugar mixture. Students will APPLY (C3) skills to safely assist with ambulation with crutches. 3.01 Patient Movement PowerPoint Presentation, Slides 1-13 3.01 Ambulation with Crutches Handout Students will APPLY (C3) skills to safely assist with ambulation Summer 2011 3.01 Transfer to a Chair/Wheelchair Handout Page 194 25 26 27 handout. Review the handout and facilitate discussion on patient transfer to a chair/wheelchair. The teacher will: 1-demonstrate the skill 2-provide for guided practice 3-provide for independent practice 4-verify student passing Transfer to a Stretcher Distribute the handout. Review the handout and facilitate discussion on patient transfer to a stretcher. The teacher will: 1-demonstrate the skill 2-provide for guided practice 3-provide for independent practice 4-verify student passing Patient Movement Scenarios Distribute the handout. Students will complete the handout as directed. Grade and review the handout as a quiz or homework. Massage Therapy Present PowerPoint Presentation. Facilitate discussion 7242 Health Science II with crutches. Students will APPLY (C3) skills to safely assist with ambulation with crutches. 3.01 Transfer to a Stretcher Handout Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) assisting with patient movement. 3.01 Patient Movement Scenarios Handout Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the benefits of massage and demonstrate two types of massage. 3.01 Massage Therapy PowerPoint Presentation Summer 2011 3.01 Massage Therapy Handout Page 195 28 29 on massage therapy. Allow students to discuss massage therapy experience they may have had. Distribute the handout. 1-demonstrate the skill 2-provide for guided practice 3-provide for independent practice 4-verify student passing Respiratory Therapy Invite a respiratory therapist to visit your classroom. Ask the therapist to bring and demonstrate any portable equipment that they work with, if possible. Prior to the visit, distribute the handout. In preparation for the guest speaker, the students will reflect as described on the handout. When the guest arrives, the students will use the handout to record notes and class discussion. Respiratory Therapy Optional Activity: Use a purchased spirometer to allow students to measure their lung capacity. If this is not available, ask students that have a Peak Flow Meter to bring it in for them to demonstrate. Do 7242 Health Science II Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the role of respiratory therapy in the healthcare setting. Summer 2011 3.01 Guest Speaker Form Handout Page 196 not allow students to share Peak Flow Meters. 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 197 3.01 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Name_________________ Handout Date _________________ Directions: Record notes and class discussion about the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Explain the responsibilities in your own words and give examples. Diagnostic Services Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Therapeutic Services Examples Plan patient care Examples Career Responsibilities Explain what this means Implement patient care Explain what this means Evaluate patient care Explain what this means 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 198 3.01 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Name________________ Handout KEY Date_________________ Directions: Record notes and class discussion about the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Explain the responsibilities in your own words and give examples. Diagnostic Services Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Therapeutic Services create a picture of the health status of a patient at a given time change the health status of a patient over a period of time Examples (answers will vary) Examples (answers will vary) doctor x-ray technician physical therapist dietician laboratory technician respiratory therapist doctor Career Responsibilities Plan patient care Explain what this means (answers will vary) Never do anything you have not been taught to do work within scope of practice Is this safe determine if a request is appropriate for Can he/she walk that far patient goals include patient in plan of care specific to patient develop a plan of care to meet patient needs Have everything together assemble needed materials Implement care Explain what this means (answers will vary) Make sure you understand what you are to do check physician’s orders Make sure you have the right patient verify patient identification Make sure patient can tolerate the evaluate for contraindications obtain patient’s consent properly prepare patient perform care in an orderly manner perform procedure according to standards use equipment as recommended by manufacturer monitor patient condition throughout procedure modify care as required based on patient response Evaluate care patient response and/or procedure implementation of the procedure personal performance analysis of information obtained revision of treatment plan based on information gathered 7242 Health Science II procedure/activity Patient says OK Make sure he/she has the right medicine/prep/etc. Step 1, step 2, etc. Step 1, step 2, etc. Follow directions Assess patient throughout procedure or activity Change care if patient got dizzy: sit him/her down to rest Explain what this means (answers will vary) Document vital signs Did I have all of my materials Did I follow directions What do I do with vitals of …….. Change care: I will not make him/her walk as far next time without rest. Summer 2011 Page 199 3.01 Key Terms Related to Collecting Patient Data Handout Patient Interview Name__________________ Demographic data Financial data Privacy data Release of Information Medical history assessment determination of normal versus abnormal values based on patient results auscultation listening to sounds produced by the body as the organs perform their functions objective perceptible to the external senses; results that are measurable observation using the sense of sight to determine characteristics of a patient ophthalmoscope instrument used to examine the interior of the eyes otoscope instrument used for inspection of the ears palpation using touch (fingers) to determine physical characteristics of tissues or organs penlight flashlight used to observe size and reaction of the patient’s pupils percussion tapping a part of the body with the fingers to determine the size, position, and density of the organs underneath plan how patient results are used record documentation of patient results reflex hammer instrument used to test patient reflexes report telling the appropriate person information regarding a patient’s condition sphygmomanometer instrument used to measure arterial blood pressure stethoscope used to hear and amplify sounds produced by the heart and other organs subjective perceived by the person involved; the patient’s description of condition tonometer instrument used to measure intraocular pressure 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 200 3.01 Using the Senses Teacher Resource Set the classroom up into centers representing the four senses used in patient assessment. See (vision) Smell Touch Hear Provide items in each center for the students to assess. Centers might include but not be limited to: See (vision) Match the eye color of classmates. Match other items as resources allow. Smell Match scented candles from a collection of candles. Wrap the candles in tissue paper if they have color. Create matching pairs of smells using small containers with holes in the tops. Use an assortment of common spices and herbs, candy, powder, coffee, perfume, fruit, etc. Place cotton balls in the containers to hold the item in place. Students will match the smells. Touch Place an assortment of items in a paper bag that has the opening taped to only allow the entry of one hand. Students will reach into the bag and identify the items. Items for the bag: cotton balls, sandpaper, lace, satin, small zip-top bag of ice, etc. Hear 1. Using a deck of cards, have a student draw a card, without showing to his/her partner, and clap the number of times as the number on the card. The partner will document the number of claps. 2. Create matching pairs of sounds. Place different objects in small containers. Students will match the pairs of sounds. Ask students to place items in the order that they found them so the next pair of students can have a turn. 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 201 3.01 Using the Senses Handout Name ___________________ Handout Date ____________________ Directions: Work in pairs, as assigned by the teacher. Complete the activity at each sensory center. Record your findings in the space provided. See (vision) Smell Touch Hear Comments: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 202 3.01 Instruments Used for Patient Assessment Name _______________ Handout Date________________ Directions: Identify the instruments used for patient assessment by writing the name of the instrument on the appropriate spoke. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page related to when these instruments would be used. __________ __________ ___________ _ Collect Patient Data Using Medical ___________ _ __________ Instruments __________ ___________ _ __________ __________ ___________ _ Identify the tool(s) used for: 1. a neurological exam ___________________________________________________ 2. measuring the pressure exerted on arterial walls _____________________________ 3. weighing a patient ____________________________________________________ 4. examine the retina ____________________________________________________ 5. evaluate the reaction of the pupil _________________________________________ 6. measuring temperature ________________________________________________ 7. examine the ear _____________________________________________________ 8. auscultate the apical pulse _____________________________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 203 3.01 Instruments Used for Patient Assessment Handout KEY Name _______________ Date________________ Directions: Identify the instruments used for patient assessment by writing the name of the instrument on the appropriate spoke. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page related to when these instruments would be used. __________ __________ __ otoscope electronic thermometer __________ __ __________ ophthalmoscope penlight Collect Patient Data Using Medical Instruments sphygmomanometer __________ reflex hammer wheelchair scale aural thermometer __________ stethoscope __________ __ mechanical lift with scale __________ __________ __________ __ Identify the tool(s) used for: 1. a neurological exam ____reflex hammer_____________________________ 2. measuring the pressure exerted on arterial walls __sphygmomanometer____ 3. weighing a patient ___lift or chair scales_____________________________ 4. examine the retina __opthalmoscope_______________________________ 5. evaluate the reaction of the pupil _____penlight_______________________ 6. measuring temperature _aural/electronic thermometer __________________ 7. examine the ear ___ otoscope _____________________________________ 8. auscultate the apical pulse ___stethoscope___________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 204 3.01 Key Terms Related to Interpreting Patient Data Handout Name__________________ afebrile without fever apnea without respirations arrhythmia irregular heart rhythm bradycardia pulse rate under 60 beats per minute bradypnea slow respiratory rate, below 10 per minute Cheyne-Stokes abnormal breathing pattern; periods of dyspnea and apnea cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin diastolic pressure within the walls of arteries when the left ventricle is at rest dyspnea difficulty breathing febrile elevated body temperature, above 101°F (38.3°C) hyperopia defect in near vision; farsightedness hypertension high blood pressure hyperthermia rectal temperature above 104°F (40°C) hypotension low blood pressure hypothermia rectal temperature below 95°F (35°C) myopia defect in distant vision; nearsightedness OD abbreviation for right eye OS abbreviation for left eye OU abbreviation for both eyes orthopnea severe dyspnea; requires breathing sitting or standing pyrexia fever rales bubbling or noisy respirations caused by fluid or mucous in the air passages rhythm regularity of the pulse, space between the beats (regular or irregular) systole pressure within the walls of arteries when the left ventricle is contracting tachycardia pulse rate above 100 beats per minute (except in children) tachypnea rapid, shallow respiration, over 25 per minute volume strength of the pulse (strong, weak, thread, bounding) wheezing difficult breathing with a high-pitched whistling 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 205 3.01 Measure and Record Temperature Using an Oral Electronic Thermometer Handout Name ________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies ____ 2. Washed hands ____ 3. Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure ____ 4. Greeted and identified patient ____ 5. Identified self ____ 6. Explained procedure ____ 7. Questioned patient about eating, drinking or smoking ____ 8. Demonstrated proper use of electronic thermometer according to manufacturer's instructions ____ 9. Removed and disposed of plastic sheath/covering in biohazardous waste container ____ 10. Recorded temperature accurately ____ 11. Washed hands ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 206 3.01 Measure and Record Temperature Using an Aural (Tympanic) Thermometer Handout Name ________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies ____ 2. Washed hands ____ 3. Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure ____ 4. Greeted and identified patient ____ 5. Identified self ____ 6. Explained procedure ____ 7. Removed thermometer from base and set to proper mode ____ 8. Installed probe cover assured thermometer was “ready” ____ 9. Positioned patient ____ 10. Holding the thermometer in the proper hand, pulled he pinna up and back ____ 11. Inserted the covered probe into the ear far enough to seal the canal ____ 12. Accurately measured the temperature ____ 13. Removed thermometer. Read and recorded temperature ____ 14. Ejected probe, disposed of it properly and returned thermometer to base ____ 15. Repositioned patient, observing safety checkpoints. ____ 16. Recorded temperature accurately. ____ 17. Washed hands. ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 207 3.01 Measure and Record Radial Pulse Handout Name________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies ____ 2. Washed hands ____ 3. Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure ____ 4. Greeted and identified patient ____ 5. Identified self ____ 6. Explained procedure ____ 7. Positioned patient's hand and arm so they were well supported and rested comfortably with palm of hand turned downward ____ 8. Placed fingers properly on thumb side of wrist ____ 9. Assessed quality of pulse and described accurately to teacher ____ 10. By exerting light pressure, counted regular pulse for 30 seconds times 2; if irregular, counted for full minute ____ 11. Counted pulse accurately within + or - 2 of teacher ____ 12. Recorded pulse accurately ____ 13. Washed hands ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 208 3.01 Measure and Record Apical Pulse Handout Name________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies ____ 2. Cleaned earpieces and bell/diaphragm with alcohol ____ 3. Washed hands ____ 4. Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure ____ 5. Greeted and identified patient ____ 6. Identified self ____ 7. Explained procedure ____ 8. Placed stethoscope in ears properly ____ 9. Placed stethoscope on apical area, avoiding unnecessary exposure of patient ____ 10. Counted pulse for one full minute ____ 11. Counted pulse accurately within + or - 2 of teacher ____ 12. Assessed quality of pulse and described accurately to teacher ____ 13. Recorded pulse accurately ____ 14. Cleaned and replaced equipment ____ 15. Washed hands ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 209 3.01 Measure and Record Respirations Handout Name _________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies ____ 2. Washed hands ____ 3. Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure ____ 4. Greeted and identified patient ____ 5. Identified self ____ 6. Explained procedure ____ 7. Placed hand in pulse position, or continued pulse position, to keep patient unaware of counting ____ 8. Assessed quality of respirations and described accurately to instructor ____ 9. Counted regular respirations for 30 seconds times 2; if irregular, counted for full minute ____ 10. Counted respirations accurately within + or - 2 of teacher ____ 11. Recorded respirations accurately ____ 12. Washed hands ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 210 3.01 Measure and Record Blood Pressure Handout 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name ________________ Assembled equipment and supplies Cleaned earpieces and bell/diaphragm with alcohol Washed hands Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure Greeted and identified patient Identified self and explained procedure Measured blood pressure: a. Exposed patient's arm, extending arm with palm up b. Wrapped deflated cuff around patient's arm above the elbow, snugly and smoothly c. Centered the bladder over the brachial artery, 1 - 1 1/2" above the elbow d. With one hand, closed valve on bulb, clockwise e. Palpated radial pulse f. Inflated cuff to 30mm Hg above pulse disappearance g. Opened valve slowly until radial pulse detected h. Reported palpated pressure and maximum inflation level to teacher i. Deflated cuff completely and waited 15-30 seconds j. Positioned earpieces of stethoscope in ears k. Palpated brachial artery l. Placed bell of stethoscope over brachial artery m. Rapidly inflated cuff to the maximum inflation level n. Released the air in the cuff at a rate of 2-3 mm Hg/second, silently noting systolic/diastolic pressures o. Listened for 10-20 mm Hg below the last sound heard to confirm disappearance, then deflated cuff rapidly p. Removed cuff from patient's arm, made pt. comfortable 8. Recorded blood pressure accurately 9. Obtained accurate systolic and diastolic readings within + or - 2 of teacher 10. Cleaned earpieces of stethoscope and replaced equipment 11. Washed hands 12. Recorded results. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 211 3.01 Measure and Record Height and Weight Handout Name _________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies 2. Washed hands 3. Balanced scales at zero 4. Placed paper towel on foot platform of scale if appropriate 5. Greeted and identified patient 6. Identified self and explained procedure 7. Told patient to remove shoes or slippers if appropriate 8. Positioned patient on scale a. Assisted as needed b. Positioned in center of platform c. Positioned feet slightly apart 9. Balanced scale correctly 10. Recorded weight accurately 11. Assisted patient off scale and raises height bar 12. Assisted patient back on scale with back toward scale 13. Asked patient to stand erect while positioning bar correctly, just touching top of head 14. Accurately read measurement 15. Assisted patient off scale after raising height bar 16. Recorded height accurately 17. Replaced all equipment with weight beams to zero and height bar lowered 18. Washed hands ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 212 3.01 Measure and Record Visual Acuity Handout Name _____________________ 1. Assured that chart is at patient's eye level, and tape is 20 feet from chart ____ 2. Washed hands ____ 3. Greeted and identified patient ____ 4. Identified self ____ 5. Explained procedure ____ 6. Had patient stand with heels on 20 foot mark ____ 7. Asked patient to remove corrective lenses if needed ____ 8. Had patient cover left eye gently with occluder ____ 9. Instructed patient to keep both eyes open during testing ____ 10. Instructed patient to verbally identify letters/pictures on chart, beginning with the smallest line the patient could read comfortably ____ 11. Recorded smallest line patient could read comfortably ____ 12. Used correct charting abbreviations to record results ____ 13. Properly repeated procedure for the left eye ____ 14. Used correct charting abbreviations to record results ____ 15. Noted any observations such as squinting or turning head to see ____ 16. Cleaned occluder with alcohol ____ 17. Washed hands ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing Date: _______________________ Evaluator ___________________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 213 3.01 Record Vital Patient Data Handout Name _________________ Date__________________ Directions: Record the vital signs of classmates on the chart below. Patient Name __________________________ Patient Name _____________________ Temperature __________________________ Temperature _____________________ Pulse ________________________________ Pulse ____________________________ Blood Pressure ________________________ Blood Pressure ___________________ Height _______________________________ Height ___________________________ Weight _______________________________ Weight __________________________ Vision ________________________________ Vision ___________________________ Patient Name __________________________ Patient Name _____________________ Temperature __________________________ Temperature _____________________ Pulse ________________________________ Pulse ____________________________ Blood Pressure ________________________ Blood Pressure ___________________ Height _______________________________ Height ___________________________ Weight _______________________________ Weight __________________________ Vision ___________________________ Vision ___________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 214 3.01 Positioning a Patient for Assessment Handout Name _____________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assembled equipment and supplies Washed hands Greeted and identified patient Identified self and explained procedure Assisted patient with gown and onto table Horizontal recumbent (supine) a. Assisted patient to lie on back with arms at side b. Used small pillow for head c. Draped with one sheet/drape, hung loosely 7. Prone a. Turned patient toward self b. Positioned patient on abdomen with arms flexed by head c. Positioned head to side on small pillow d. Draped with one sheet/drape, hung loosely 8. Sim's or left lateral a. Turned patient onto left side b. Positioned left arm behind back, right arm bent at elbow in front of body c. Turned head to side on small pillow d. Flexed left leg slightly, right leg to abdomen e. Draped with one sheet/drape, hung loosely 9. Fowler's a. Positioned patient on back with small pillow under head b. Elevated head and back 25 degrees for low-Fowler's c. Elevated head and back 45 degrees for semi-Fowler's d. Elevated head and back 90 degrees for high-Fowler's e. Flexed knees slightly and supports with pillow f. Draped with one sheet/drape, hung loosely 10. Lithotomy a. Patient positioned on back, arms at sides, buttocks at end of table b. Placed pillow under head c. Flexed and separated knees and placed feet in stirrups d. Used diamond shaped draping procedure e. Dropped lower end of table 11. Trendelenburg a. Positioned patient on back b. Inclined table/bed with head lower than body c. Draped correctly with one sheet/drape d. Remained with patient at all times 12. Assisted patient off table and to dress 13. Cleaned and replaced all equipment 14. Washed hands ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: _________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 215 3.01 Positions for Patient Assessment Handout Name___________________ Date ___________________ Directions: Record the name of the proper position for the patient to be examined for each symptom listed. 1. abdominal pain _______________________________________ 2. becomes dizzy during procedure _________________________ 3. breast exam __________________________________________ 4. chest pain ___________________________________________ 5. hemorrhoids _________________________________________ 6. rectal exam ___________________________________________ 7. removal of abdominal stitches ___________________________ 8. shortness of breath ____________________________________ 9. vaginal exam _________________________________________ 10. wheezing ____________________________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 216 3.01 Positions for Patient Assessment Handout KEY Name___________________ Date ___________________ Directions: Record the name of the proper position for the patient to be examined for each symptom listed. 1. abdominal pain ___ supine, horizontal recumbent_____________ 2. becomes dizzy during procedure ____ Trendelenburg__________ 3. breast exam ______ supine, horizontal recumbent____________ 4. chest pain _____ supine, Fowler’s_________________________ 5. hemorrhoids ____ Sims’_________________________________ 6. rectal exam _____ Sims’_________________________________ 7. removal of abdominal stitches __ supine, horizontal recumbent__ 8. shortness of breath ____ Fowler’s_________________________ 9. vaginal exam ____ lithotomy_____________________________ 10. wheezing ____ Fowler’s_______________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 217 3.01 Using Reagent Strips to Test Urine Handout Name___________________ 1. Assembled equipment and supplies 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 7. 8. Read instructions for the reagent strip. Washed hands, put on gloves Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure Greeted and identified patient Identified self and explained procedure Obtained a fresh urine specimen Gently rotated the container to mix the specimen Held reagent strip by clear end and immersed in specimen Removed immediately, tapped against side of container to remove excess urine 9. Held strip up to color comparison chart, noting the exact time 10. Read reagent areas at correct time intervals 11. Rechecked all readings (repeated entire process if necessary) 12. Discarded strip and urine appropriately 13. Cleaned work area with disinfectant, cleaned and replaced equipment 14. Removed gloves, washed hands 15. Accurately recorded information on the chart or lab slip 16. Reported abnormal readings to supervisor ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date ________________________ Evaluator ______________________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 218 3.01 Ambulation with Crutches Handout Name_______________ Note: The gait used for the purpose of providing this checklist for competency evaluation is the swing-to-gait. 1. Obtained instructions or checked authorization ____ 2. Assembled equipment – checked crutches, rubber suction tips, axillary bar and hand rest padding ____ 3. Washed hands ____ 4. Greeted and identified patient ____ 5. Identified self ____ 6. Explained procedure ____ 7. Put shoes/slippers on patient as appropriate ____ 8. Assisted patient to standing position with crutches at each side ____ 9. Checked the measurement of the crutches and notified the physical therapist if adjustments needed ____ 10. Instructed patient to balance weight on foot or feet. Moved both crutches forward ____ 11. Instructed patient to transfer weight forward ____ 12. Instructed patient to swing body forward using shoulder and arm strength ____ 13. Repeated steps 10-12 as instructed and tolerated by patient ____ 14. Monitored progress and provided feedback to patient on gait performance and avoidance of resting weight on axillary bar rest ____ 15. Assisted patient back to bed/chair ____ 16. Replaced equipment ____ 17. Washed hands ____ 18. Reported/recorded procedure accurately ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Date passing: ______________________ Evaluator _________________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 219 3.01 Transfer to Chair/Wheelchair Handout 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Name _________________ Assemble equipment Washed hands Practiced standard precautions throughout procedure Greeted and identified patient Introduced self Explained procedure and provided privacy Determined which side of bed to use and placed chair at head of bed Locked wheels of wheelchair and folded up foot rest Lowered bed and locked wheels Elevated the head of the bed Lowered the side rails on the exit side of the bed Fanfolded the bed linen to the foot Assisted patient to dangle feet and maintained patient safety Put robe and slippers on patient Transferred patient into chair / wheelchair a. Assisted patient to stand at bedside b. Assisted patient pivot and sit down in chair c. Adjusted footrest to wheelchair as needed Draped patient with blanket / sheet Attached safety belt / took safety measures for chair Checked to assure patient comfort with call bell and supplies within reach Recorded / reported information accurately _____ . _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 220 3.01 Transfer to Stretcher Handout 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Name _________________ Checked order or obtained authorization Assembled equipment and supplies Washed hands and put on gloves if indicated Identified patient and explained procedure Screened unit Elevated bed to level of stretcher Locked bed to prevent movement Lowered siderails on side of transfer Draped patient with bath blanket Positioned stretcher parallel to bed Locked wheels on stretcher Held stretcher against bed with weight of body Held up bath blanket while patient slid across to stretcher Assisted patient as needed Positioned patient in correct alignment Locked safety belt (s) across patient Elevated siderails on stretcher Transported with two team members: a. One at head and one at foot b. Moved slowly on right side of hall c. Moved patient feet forward Returned patient to bed correctly by reversing transfer procedure Positioned patient in proper alignment Elevated siderails and lowered bed to lowest level Positioned call signal and supplies within reach Replaced equipment and leaves area neat and clean Washed hands Recorded or reported information accurately _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: ________________ Evaluator ____________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 221 3.01 Patient Movement Case Scenarios Handout Name_________________ Date__________________ Directions: Determine the appropriate device and gait to be used in the following scenarios. 1. Eighty-five-year-old patient with total hip replacement on right Order: weight bearing as tolerated on right leg __________________________________________________________________ 2. Sixty-three-year-old male status post CVA with right hemiparesis Order: needs ambulation aid to walk __________________________________________________________________ 3. Ten-year-old child with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy Order: full weight bearing but needs assistive device __________________________________________________________________ 4. Fifteen-year-old with fractured right ankle Order: non-weight bearing right leg __________________________________________________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 222 3.01 Patient Movement Case Scenarios Handout KEY Name_________________ Date__________________ Directions: Determine the appropriate device and gait to be used in the following scenarios. 1. Eighty-five-year-old patient with total hip replacement on right Order: weight bearing as tolerated on right leg ________walker with three point step to gait pattern_____________________ 2. Sixty-three-year-old male status post CVA with right hemiparesis Order: needs ambulation aid to walk ________cane with 3 point pattern ____________________________________ 3. Ten-year-old child with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy Order: full weight bearing but needs assistive device ________crutches with 2 or 4 point gait pattern__________________________ 4. Fifteen-year-old with fractured right ankle Order: non-weight bearing right leg ________crutches, swing through with 2 point__________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 223 3.01 Massage Therapy Skill Handout Name_________________ 1. Obtained instructions or checked authorization ____ 2. Provided a private, calm location ____ 3. Washed hands ____ 4. Greeted and identified patient ____ 5. Identified self ____ 6. Explained procedure ____ 7. Positioned patient in chair ____ 8. Clean the feet with a foot soak ____ 9. Soak feet for 5 – 10 minutes ____ 10. Apply lotion or cream and massage each foot completely with gentle strokes ____ 11. Include the top and bottom of the foot from toes to ankle ____ 12. Started massage with effleurage ____ 13. Follow with deeper strokes. Using both hands, place fingers on bottom and thumbs on top. Firmly slide thumbs between tendons of ankles and toes ____ 14. Massage the soles of the feet using circular motions with thumbs of the entire bottom of foot. ____ 15. Rub your toes with gentle, circular motions. Gently bend and rotate each Toe. Use circular motion to massage each toe individually. ____ 16. Finished massage with effleurage – all over gentle massage from #10 ____ 17. Assisted patient with clothing and back to bed/chair ____ 18. Replaced equipment ____ 19. Washed hands ____ 20. Reported/recorded procedure accurately ____ Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass. Passing date: _____________________ Evaluator _________________________ Comments: 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 224 3.01 Guest Speaker Form Handout Name ________________ Date _________________ Directions: Answer the following questions based on the speaker’s area of study. Pre-reflection (What do you know about this speaker’s subject? What would you like to know?) _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Speaker’s name _______________________________________________________ Occupation ___________________________________________________________ Place of employment ___________________________________________________ Notes from speaker’s presentation ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Questions you would like to ask __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 225 What to Do if a Mercury Thermometer Breaks Teacher Resource NOTE: these instructions also apply to spills from other sources, if the amount spilled is less than or similar to the amount in a thermometer Have everyone else leave the area; don't let anyone walk through the mercury on their way out. Make sure all pets are removed from the area. Open all windows and doors to the outside; shut all doors to other parts of the house. DO NOT allow children to help you clean up the spill. Mercury can be cleaned up easily from the following surfaces: wood, linoleum, tile and any similarly smooth surfaces. If a spill occurs on carpet, curtains, upholstery or other absorbent surfaces, these contaminated items should be thrown away in accordance with the disposal means outlined below. Only cut and remove the affected portion of the contaminated carpet for disposal. Items needed to clean up a small mercury spill 1. 4-5 ziplock-type bags 2. trash bags (2 to 6 mils thick) 3. rubber, nitrile or latex gloves 4. paper towels 5. cardboard or squeegee 6. eyedropper 7. duct tape, or shaving cream and small paint brush 8. flashlight 9. powdered sulfur (optional) Cleanup Instructions 1. Put on rubber, nitrile or latex gloves. 2. If there are any broken pieces of glass or sharp objects, pick them up with care. Place all broken objects on a paper towel. Fold the paper towel and place in a zip lock bag. Secure the bag and label it as directed by your local health or fire department. 3. Locate visible mercury beads. Use a squeegee or cardboard to gather mercury beads. Use slow sweeping motions to keep mercury from becoming uncontrollable. Take a flashlight, hold it at a low angle close to the floor in a darkened room and look for additional glistening beads of mercury that may be sticking to the surface or in small cracked areas of the surface. Note: Mercury can move surprising distances on hard-flat surfaces, so be sure to inspect the entire room when "searching." 4. Use the eyedropper to collect or draw up the mercury beads. Slowly and carefully squeeze mercury onto a damp paper towel. Place the paper towel in a zip lock bag 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 226 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. and secure. Make sure to label the bag as directed by your local health or fire department. After you remove larger beads, put shaving cream on top of small paint brush and gently "dot" the affected area to pick up smaller hard-to-see beads. Alternatively, use duct tape to collect smaller hard-to-see beads. Place the paint brush or duct tape in a zip lock bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag as directed by your local health or fire department. OPTIONAL STEP: It is OPTIONAL to use commercially available powdered sulfur to absorb the beads that are too small to see. The sulfur does two things: (1) it makes the mercury easier to see since there may be a color change from yellow to brown and (2) it binds the mercury so that it can be easily removed and suppresses the vapor of any missing mercury. Where to get commercialized sulfur? It may be supplied as mercury vapor absorbent in mercury spill kits, which can be purchased from laboratory, chemical supply and hazardous materials response supply manufacturers. Note: Powdered sulfur may stain fabrics a dark color. When using powdered sulfur, do not breathe in the powder as it can be moderately toxic. Additionally, users should read and understand product information before use. If you choose not to use this option, you may want to request the services of a contractor who has monitoring equipment to screen for mercury vapors. Consult your local environmental or health agency to inquire about contractors in your area. Place all materials used with the cleanup, including gloves, in a trash bag. Place all mercury beads and objects into the trash bag. Secure trash bag and label it as directed by your local health or fire department. Contact your local health department, municipal waste authority or your local fire department for proper disposal in accordance with local, state and federal laws. Remember to keep the area well ventilated to the outside (i.e., windows open and fans in exterior windows running) for at least 24 hours after your successful cleanup. Continue to keep pets and children out of cleanup area. If sickness occurs, seek medical attention immediately. For additional information on health effects, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) provides a Mercury Fact Sheet that also presents information on health effects related to exposures to vapors from metallic mercury. Recommendation: If there are young children or pregnant women in the house, seek additional advice from your local or state health or state environmental agency. 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 227 3.01 Prototype Assessment Items Note: These items illustrate the types of items used in the item bank for this objective. All items have been written to match the cognitive process of the understand verb in the objective. Questions require students to interpret, summarize or explain concepts related to and responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel. These exact questions will not be used on the secured test, but questions in similar formats will be used. These assessment items may be used as prototypes by teachers and students to generate similar items to comprise formative assessments for you classroom. This strategy is especially helpful during the field test year when classroom item banks are not available. Results of formative assessment should be used to diagnose levels of mastery, determine if re-teaching is needed, and guide further instruction. 1. Obtaining a medical history to assist in the diagnosis of a patient who presents with abdominal pain is an example of: a. planning patient care. b. implementing patient care. c. collecting patient data. d. evaluating patient information. Answer: C 2. A certified medical assistant gathered the supplies needed to assist the physician with the physical exam. Which component of patient care is she participating in? a. Collecting patient data b. Evaluating patient care c. Implementing patient care d. Planning patient care Answer: D 3. The nurse assessed the three-month-old patient’s irregular pulse using which pulse site? a. Apical b. Brachial c. Dorsalis pedis d. Radial Answer: A 7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page 228