ERPD, April 20
Flip Flippen
Has adopted and raised approximately 20 children
Created CKH through his counseling agency in the
early 70s for male juvenile offenders in Texas
Program was initially used for group-home type
Texas governor learned that the initial group of
teen offenders who experienced CKH had no
repeat crimes
Governor pursued Flippen to turn program into
school curriculum for entire state
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“ I do what I do today
because of my teachers.
Everyone does.”
Flip Flippen
CKH’s Mission Statement
To build relationships and
processes that bring out
the best in people.
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“If you have a child’s heart,
you have his head. If you don’t
have their heart, you have no
business messing with their
Flip Flippen
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“A leader is someone who sets
aside a personal agenda and
embraces the greater agenda
of serving others.”
Flip Flippen
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“Everyone has the power for
greatness because greatness
is determined by service.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“Feedback is the breakfast
of champions and
accountability is the muscle.”
Flip Flippen
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“I’ve discovered that the only person
I can really change is me! I can
control only my behavior and my
attitudes. My hope is that by
accepting responsibility for
myself…others may choose to do the
Lee D. Bason
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“I’ll never let anyone walk
through my mind with dirty
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“Groups don’t grow by
accident; we facilitate that
Brad McCoy
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“True teachers are those who use
themselves as bridges over which
they invite their students to cross;
then, having facilitated their crossing,
joyfully collapse, encouraging them
to create their own.”
Nikos Kazantzakis
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“You earn the right to
discipline a child. If you
haven’t won his heart, you
haven’t earned that right.”
Flip Flippen
CKH’s Core Beliefs
“It’s not what we teach, but how we teach that
is most important. We do not teach content,
we teach children. At the very heart of what
we are trying to do is a deep level of
commitment to young people and an attitude
that says, ‘I am here for the kids.’ It is our job
to teach leadership and prepare kids to
reach their potential.”
Flippen group
NIHS 14-15 Dropout Report
39 students dropped out from NIHS
3.21% of students dropped out
2.36% of students in our system dropped out
Monticello had 35 dropouts
Statesville HS had 28 dropouts
NIHS 15-16 Attendance Report
After first semester, NIHS had the lowest student
percent present of all the high schools
In March (latest report)
All traditional high schools had better student
attendance than NIHS (93.45%) except for WIHS
Case Study Evidence of Success:
Wayne Community High School, Iowa
Case Study Evidence of Success:
Lomax Junior High School, Texas
Case Study Evidence of Success:
Brenham Junior High School, Texas