Travel Newsletter - Setup

Travel Newsletter - Setup
Word Setup:
Font – Palatino Linotype, Garamond or Book Antiqua
Font size – 12 point
Line spacing – 1.15 with NO before or after spacing
Margins – Narrow
Turn on Line Numbers
Save as: Travel Newsletter Draft 1 to your “travel” folder.
Line 1 = Visit _____________!
Line 2 = Dates of Trip
Line 3 to the end: Description of trip.
You are SELLING this package so make it sound good!
Create a fictional travel agency. You can be an agent,
the owner, etc.
Your newsletter should contain at least…
1 paragraph – overall description of the trip
1 paragraph – hotel options. These need to be in
sentence form!
1 paragraph – restaurant choices. Sentence form!
2 paragraphs – describe activities for each day
It needs to fill at least one page, but there is no limit on the length.
Save often!
Do not add any more formatting yet! Use spell check and grammar check to
make corrections.