Civics and Economics 2015-2016 Ms. Rodriguez ~ Room A4 House A (703) 957-4438 Welcome to Civics and Economics! I look forward to an exciting year! We will be learning about government and the rights and duties of citizens. We will learn about what it means to be a responsible citizen of the United States and of the global community. We will also study how economic decisions are made in society, types of businesses, and entrepreneurship. This class, and social studies in general, will require active engagement with current events. Let’s commit to learning together and making it a great class! Supplies Needed: 3-ring binder ( 1” or 1.5”) Loose leaf paper (college-ruled) Dividers (5 Tabs) (Tab Categories: Stretch, Notes, Skill Builders, Tests/Quizzes, and Other) Colored pencils Fine-Point Colored Markers- not Sharpies 2 Pens ( blue or black ink). We will use pens for class work and sometimes, a #2 pencil. (Correction Tape- optional) Ruler Glue Sticks or Scotch Tape Safety Scissors Donations: Sometimes students and parents ask if there is anything that we could use for the classroom. Donations to my classroom supplies are greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate an item, here are some items we could use: Kleenex/Tissues Index Cards Scotch Tape Colored Pencils or Markers Safety Scissors Used Magazines such as Time, Economist, Newsweek, Business Week, Money, Smart Money, Forbes, etc. Textbook: We will use a class set of textbooks. Our textbook is Civics Today. It can also be accessed online (student edition) via the following website: User Name: CIV Password: 7u36aMuXub Class Format: This course is designed to last 90 minutes each class session. At the beginning of class each day, there will be a warm-up activity. For the rest of the class there will be a variety of activities such as writing and reading assignments, group activities, tests, quizzes, and project presentations. Attendance: Good attendance is critical! This course includes material beyond the textbook; so class notes, in-class discussions, and activities are too important to miss, if you can help it. Please check with me when you return to school so you are aware of what you missed. It is very important to understand that you are responsible for making up any missed work. Any missed quizzes and/or tests must be rescheduled with me. If you have a pre-arranged, pre-approved absence, make sure you know what the assignments are before you leave, and complete them by the time you return to class in order to keep pace with the class. If you are Tardy to class (unless you have a note from home) for any reason or if you come to class unprepared and have to go back to your locker to get materials, you will be marked with an UNEXCUSED TARDY. This is a disruption to class. Each day, the Deans receive and log the Unexcused Tardy Reports from all teachers. They will monitor this and excessive Unexcused Tardies will result in disciplinary action. Assignments: Assignments are due on time. Points will be deducted for late assignments. In addition, on the day that the assignment is due, if it is not submitted when collected in class, an email will be sent to the Dean with this information and you will be completing the assignment during lunch (either at the HW table or in my room, as instructed) that day. Assessments: Both summative and formative assessments are an important part of gathering information. Examples of summative assessments are Unit Tests, Virginia State SOL’s, semester exams, and projects. Examples of formative assessments are: Questions during Class, Skill Builder Enrichment Activities, Class Notes, Checkpoints, Warm-Ups/Daily Stretches, Quizzes, and HW Grades The overall course grade consists of Summative Assessments (Unit Tests, Essays and Projects) Formative Assessments (HW, Quizzes, Skill Builder Enrichment Activities, Class Notes, Notebook, Daily Stretch/Warm Ups, Projects, and others) are evaluated and recorded. These demonstrate participation and practice. These do not factor into the final grade. Categories Summative Assessments include Tests and Projects. Summative Tests will make up the most significant part of a Final Grade. Tests make up 70% of the Final Grade and Projects are worth 30% of the Final Grade. Formative Assessments are informal. They help us adjust our instruction during the learning process. They help us to figure out what we may need to review again. They provide us with important information about where a student is in the process of learning an objective. We can make adjustments at any time. These informal observations and assessments are recorded for feedback and communication purposes, but are not factored into the Final Academic Course Grade. The purpose of these is to provide practice and the ability to demonstrate progression towards proficiency in all of the Virginia Department of Education's Standards of Learning (SOL) for Social Science. Our goal is to achieve ‘Proficiency’, at a minimum, for each of these Standards. Class participation and oral participation is very important. Please ask questions! You should also try to answer a question when called upon, even if you are not sure of the right answer. You have to try at least to guess or you can refer to your notes to find the answer. This is a very important part of Formative Assessment. Your class participation will be noted in the gradebook (Phoenix) as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. Parents will be aware via this separate category, whether a student participates in class or not. In addition to providing teachers with important information about a student’s progress, it also encourages the development of communication skills as important life and work skills. Do not be afraid to ask questions or ask for extra help. Please ask for help with anything that you do not understand. I am always available for extra help during Resource, or before/after school by appointment. You can also let me know if there is anything that is interfering with learning. My role is to help you learn and provide the best environment possible! Your responsibility is to participate, ask questions, set goals, and be part of your learning process. Common Sense: All school rules listed in your agenda will be observed. Do not expect to leave the room during instruction. While I am at the board giving instructions or explaining a lesson, DO NOT raise your hand in the middle of a lesson to ask permission for the restroom. For each of your subjects, you will have 3 bathroom passes available to you each Grading Quarter, as recorded in your agenda. Please come prepared. Bring all of your supplies to every class. If you have to leave the room to go to your locker and get something, this will be counted as an Unexcused Tardy to class (as mentioned earlier). If you run out of supplies during the course of the school year (paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, glue, or tape), you must replace them. I have purchased a full set of all of these, as emergency backup, but you cannot rely on these alone. If any student has a challenge with purchasing supplies, please see me one-on-one. Please turn OFF electronic devices, including cell phones and IPods, and keep them out of sight unless we are doing a class activity with them or you have SPECIFIC PERMISSION from me. Specific permission means: I have asked you to take out your device or you have asked me for permission to use it. Gum chewing is not allowed in my class. If you have to be continually reminded of this, I will note this in your gradebook comments and it may also result in a detention. Every teacher has a different policy on this. Please be mindful and respect each classroom policy on this. Eating a snack may be allowed only after you have asked for permission first. Please clean up after yourselves before leaving class. Any student who continually disrupts the learning environment may be placed in another work area temporarily or may be referred to the Dean for disciplinary action. Behave in a mature and respectful manner always!