Who ARE You???? The U.S. in the Cold War I am researching in class (Check) Power points Textbook Note packet resources My Device http://americanhistory.si.edu/militaryhistory/ Timelines (all) Hw: Videos and www.coldwar.org (all) I will make flashcards for the following words in Letters # 1-4 : Circle I will make flashcards for all the words on Letter #5. My Group JOB: I am the rough/final draft typist, I will highlight key words, print the final draft of the letter and google doc share with my group Letter # ___________ and complete the EXTRA for my group. I am completing at Home Videos: watch and take notes PBLQ: What major events are included in the Cold War? (Thesis) Design your own cover: 50’s CMC K V Name _____________________________________ Block ____________ 1 SCORE DESCRIPTION CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 3 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 0 BLANK The student completes all important components of the task and communicates ideas clearly. The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts and/or process. Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations or extensions (generalizations, applications, analogies). The student completes most important components of the task and communicates clearly. The student demonstrates understanding of major concepts even though he/she overlooks or misunderstands some less important ideas or details. The student completes some important components of the task and communicates those clearly. The student demonstrates that there are gaps in his/her understanding. The student shows minimal or basic understanding. The student addresses only a small portion of the required task(s). Responses and work completed are incorrect. No response. Cold War Who Packet SCORING RUBRIC Rubric Self Check Score ________________ or Group check Score_____________ Teacher Check Score ____________ 2 Unit V.4 – A Changing Society 1945 - Present Standard: Students will be able to determine the impact of new technologies on American life (USII.9b) Learning Target: I can give examples of how new technologies have changed American Life. Learning Progression Advanced Proficient I can evaluate the potential impact of new technologies on America’s interaction with the rest of the world Proficient I can give the pros and cons of technology’s impact on American Life Intermediate I can give examples of how new technologies have changed American Life Beginning I can list the new technologies that have been developed in the last 50 years 3 Unit IV.5 – The United States as a World Superpower: 1939 – Present Standard: Students will be able to evaluate America’s role as a major superpower in the Cold War following World War II (Includes USII.8a, USII.8c) Learning Target: I can evaluate America’s “balance of power” during the Cold War. Learning Progression Advanced Proficient I can give theorize based on facts, how America’s role in the world has changed since the Cold War. Proficient Intermediate Beginning I can evaluate America’s role in the “balance of power” during the Cold War I can list and explain the factors that created the “Cold War” I can explain the meaning of a “Cold War.” 4 Cold War Time Capsule Letters Project Imagine that you have moved to a new house in an older neighborhood. There is a giant tree in the backyard that provides a lot of shade for you to sit in while reading a book. This morning, when you were sitting against the tree, your dog started digging near the roots. Curious about what he was trying to find, you got up to take a closer look. You started to see something shiny and decided to help little Fido dig up the item. You have discovered a time capsule left behind from the prior homeowners! Before you start writing your letters in your group, each person must create the following: IN CLASS in your “Who Packet” 1. Divide up key words by letter and create a set of 41 group flashcards for letters 1-4 and 13 individual flashcards for letter #5. 2. Take notes on your key words for each letter using your research source. 3. Create 5 timelines describing each event. 4. Put all typed letters/EXTRAS in a Mason Jar for others to open and look at. AT HOME in your “Who Packet” 5. Review “John Green Crash Course” Video segments by John Green and other video segments.. Take notes to add to your key word flashcards. May only participate in a group Letter Writing if Flashcards are completed: Using group flashcards, your group will work together to create/write 4 letters. The last letter you will write by yourself using your flashcards. 5 You will use these letters to take 5 Summative Quizzes. Time capsule letter #1 written by “Baby Boomer” William Dloc 15 sentence minimum (Captain) Use and HIGHLIGHT the following words: Time capsule letter #2 written by Korean War Veteran Bruce “Raw” Dloc 15 sentence minimum (Cheerleader) Use and HIGHLIGHT the following words: Baby Boom-Who were they? DATE start/end? Baby Boom Culture- Describe it your life as a child. Consumer goods- What can you buy? Credit-How can you buy things? Cards? Interstate highway system-What did it do? 41, 000 miles of? Results? Labor unions-How did they help your DAD? Economy-Good? Bad? How do you know? G.I. Bill of Rights-Purpose to help, whom? Loans for what exactly? College Education for Veterans Desegregation of armed forces-Who responsible? Why? EXTRA:*Copy of William Dloc’s birth certificate* Containment- How is the Korean War an example of Containment? Truman Doctrine-How is the Korean War an example of the Truman Doctrine at work? Korean War-Causes? Effects? South Korea-Democratic and who supported? North Korea-Invades SK? Date? Supported by? United Nations and U.S. Team up to do what? Douglas MacArthur-role he played? Yalu River? China interferes-Why? Stalemate leaves Korea in two parts? DATE? Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Along the 38th parallel at end of war. What does it mean? Map of Korea: Helps to explain the war. It goes on your letter. EXTRA: *Copy of Bruce “Raw” Dloc’s dog tag* In class: Research your source: In class: Research your source: Take Notes Make Flash Cards/Timeline Write Letter (Group) (Captain) Type Letter/Highlight Words/Double Space/Make copies for group Make “Extra” (Captain) At Home Videos: Take Notes while Watching “Crash Course” Take Notes Make Flash Cards/Timeline Write Letter (Group) (Cheerleader) Type Letter/Highlight Words/Double Space/Make copies for group Make “Extra” (Cheerleader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S64zRnnn4Po&list =PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593eG7ObzO7s&index=42 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY5voiVz Yt0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06s6tH8i 5kc At Home Videos: Take Notes while Watching “Crash Course” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2IcmLk uhG0 6 Time capsule letter #3 written by Dorothy Dloc, secretary in Kennedy’s White House 15 sentence minimum (Grader) Use and HIGHLIGHT the following words: Time capsule letter #4 written by Vietnam War Veteran Kenneth Dloc 15 sentence minimum (Timer keeper) Use and HIGHLIGHT the following words: Vietnam War Begins- Causes? Educational opportunities for Dorothy? Economic opportunities for Dorothy? Eleanor Roosevelt- Helped women how? Pwrpt #1 Civil Rights Movement-what was it and who led it? Berlin Wall-Date built? Who built? Why build it? Fidel Castro- Turned Cuba what? Bay of Pigs: Cause Cuba to feel what? Ask the Soviets to do what? Cuban Missile Crisis (Begin)- DATE started Nuclear Missile Launch Site-Who was building? Why was America upset? JFK’s Blockade of CUBA (Middle)- Who, Why, wanted what? Cuban Missile Crisis (End)- Date ended? Ended how? Results? (2) Space Race- Sputnik? NASA? Who won? Why U.S. JoinsHow is it an example of Containment and the Truman Doctrine at work? North Vietnam-What did they want? Supported by? South Vietnam-supported by? Domino Theory-motivation to go to war? Containment-motivation to go to war? U.S. Fights- Dates the U.S. was actually fighting? Protests- in the U.S. caused what? Cease-fire (DATE?) and what it meant? Vietnam War Ends How? U.S. leaves resulting in????? EXTRA: *Protest for or against the Vietnam War* EXTRA: *Dorothy Dloc’s fallout shelter packing list* In class: Research your source: In class: Research your source: Take Notes Make Flash Cards/Timeline Write Letter (Group) (Grader) Type Letter/Highlight Words/Double Space/Make copies for group Make “Extra” (Grader) At Home Videos: Take Notes while Watching “Crash Course” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkXFb1sMa 38&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593eG7Obz O7s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig8UdfQKXS Y Take Notes Make Flash Cards/Timeline Write Letter (Group) (Timekeeper) Type Letter/Highlight Words/Double Space/Make copies for group Make “Extra” (Timekeeper) At Home Videos: Take Notes while Watching “Crash Course” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2IcmLk uhG0 7 Time capsule letter #5 written by CIA Agent Charlie Dloc All your group’s #5 Letters will go in your Mason Jar Time Capsule 15 sentence minimum (Each Person Writes their own) Use and HIGHLIGHT the following words: Power Points Cold War-Define, Date? Nato- Countries? #2 and #4 Warsaw Pact- Countries? US Democracy / Capitalism- Explain in your own words what each of these mean. USSR Totalitarian / Communism- Explain in your own words what each of these mean. Marshall Plan- What was it? Goal was to stop the spread of? Super Power- Who were superpowers during the Cold WAR? Berlin Airlift- First confrontation of the Cold War. What happened? Beginning, Middle, End? Who Won? Arms Race-Explain it. What weapons? MAD-Explain what it means? How did it prevent the US and USSR from attacking each other? Ronald Reagan- Helps end the Cold War by doing what? Mikhail Gorbachev brings Openness and Freedom-Explain Glasnost and Perestroika Symbols/Evidence of the End of Communism: Soviet Union Breaks up into 15 States. Year? Berlin Wall is destroyed. Year? EXTRA *Charlie Dloc’s SPY log* In class: Research your source: Take Notes Make Flash Cards/Timeline Write Letter by yourself Type Letter/Highlight Words/Double Space/Print copy for teacher Make “Extra” At Home Videos: Take Notes while Watching “Crash Course” Grading Rubric – Cold War Time Capsule Project http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C72ISMF_D0#aid=P9X2Emj4kBI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9HjvHZfCUI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-K19rVDxoM#aid=P-15tvNWUyI Cold War Time Capsule “Letters” 8 Names ______________________________ Block _____ Captain Sentence Count _________ Cheerleader Sentence Count _________ Grader Sentence Count _________ Time keeper Sentence Count _________ YOU #5 Sentence Count _________ #13 Flashcards __________ Letter Score _________ 41 Group # Flash cards ____ 4 Exceeds 100 Impressive flow, the reader can form a picture of the event with absolutely no difficulty Impressive detail and facts used to explain the “Cold War” event: Begin, Middle, End All 54 required vocabulary words are used and highlighted The Writer has shown an excellent understanding of the “Cold War Event” 3 Meets Good flow, the reader can form a picture of the event with little difficulty Good detail and facts used to explain the “Cold War” event: Begin, Middle, End All extras are included 2 Progressing Average flow, the reader can form a picture of the event with some difficulty Average detail and facts used to explain the “Cold War” event: Begin, Middle, End 40-52 required vocabulary words are used and highlighted 30-39 required vocabulary words are used and highlighted The Writer has shown an Good understanding of the “Cold War Event” 1 Below 50 Poor flow, the reader can’t form a picture of the event Poor detail and facts used to explain the “Cold War” event: Begin, Middle, End 20-29 required vocabulary words are used and highlighted The Writer has shown an Average understanding The Writer has shown a Poor understanding of the “Cold War of the “Cold War Event” Event” 5 Letters Completed, 76-100 sentences 75 5 Letters Completed, over 100 sentences 85 5 Letters Completed, 5 Letters 75 sentences Completed, 1-2 Extras than 75 sentences 3-4 Extras No Extras 9 less Cold War Time Capsule Letters Research Letter 1 Notes for 1950’s America Pwrpt #1 Complete Sentences Textbook: Chapter 28 , Section 2 p. 821, p. 798-799 Power point/Note packet/My Device: Videos: Watch and Take Notes on the EVENTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S64zRnnn4Po&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593eG7ObzO7s&index=42 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY5voiVzYt0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06s6tH8i5kc TIME LINE: Chapter 28 , Section 2 p. 821 10 Letter 2 Notes for Korea-United Nations Police Action Pwrpt #2 Complete Sentences Textbook: Chapter 27 page 801, Chapter 27 Section #3 p. 802 Power point/Note packet/My Device: Video: Watch and Take Notes on the EVENTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2IcmLkuhG0 TIME LINE: Chapter 27 page 801, Chapter 27 Section #3 p. 802 11 Letter 3 Notes for Cuban Missile Crisis Pwrpt #3 Complete Sentences Textbook: Chapter 29 Section 2 p. 844 and Section 4 p. 857; Chapter 30 Section 1 p. 866 Power point/Note packet/My Device: Videos: Watch and Take Notes on the EVENTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkXFb1sMa38&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593eG7ObzO7s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig8UdfQKXSY TIME LINE: Chapter 29 Section 2 p. 844 and Section 4 p. 857; Chapter 30 Section 1 p. 866 12 Letter 4 Notes for Vietnam War Pwrpt #4 Complete Sentences Textbook: Chapter 30 p. 871 Section 2, 3, and 4 Power point/Note packet/My Device: Video: Watch and Take Notes on the EVENTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2IcmLkuhG0 TIME LINE: Chapter 30 p. 871 Section 2, 3, and 4 13 Letter 5 Notes The Entire Cold Pwrpt #2 and Pwrpt #4 Complete Sentences Textbook: Chapter 27 Section #1 p. 786 and Chapter 32 Section #1 p. 920 Power point/Note packet/My Device: Videos: Watch and Take Notes on the EVENTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C72ISMF_D0#aid=P9X2Emj4kBI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9HjvHZfCUI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-K19rVDxoM#aid=P-15tvNWUyI TIME LINE: Chapter 27 Section #1 p. 786 and Chapter 32 Section #1 p. 920 14 Post War Hopes Cold War Fears an Overview-Video Guide Directions: Answer each question as it appears in the video. 1. What terrified people? 2. The period is known as (called) the _________ ____________ 3. Sign of the time? 4. John F. Kennedy in 1946 was a ___________________ 5. Richard M. Nixon was __________________ 6. _________ _________ set a speed record. 7. Normal number of children __________ 8. What did you want out of life? 9. Women were expected to ______________________ 10.Harry Truman wanted _________ and ________ at the end of WWII. 11.Name 3 new things/inventions 12.GI Joe became Joe __________ because of the GI Bill (Free $) 13.The ________ Boom resulted after 70 million babies were born. 14.What was it like in Europe? 15.Because they worried about another Hitler they wanted to help? 15 16.We began worrying about what country? ___________ We also worried about their world wide Communist Goal. 17.The ___________ Curtain had dropped around several Eastern European Countries. 18.1948 snapped the U.S. into the Cold War when __________ was taken over after it was already free and democratic. 19.Congress approved billions to help in the struggle it was called the __________ Plan. 20.Germany divided into _______ zones. Berlin was also divided into ____ zones. 21.Berlin was then blockaded by the U.S.S. R and the U.S. reaction was to supply by air 4,500 tons of needed supplies, it took 250, 000 flights to do this. What is this effort called ________ ____________? 22.What was the result of this huge effort by the U.S.? 23.America's monopoly on the A-Bomb ended on September 2, 19 ____. 24.In 1949 _______ fell to Mao. 25.Concern for Communist spies led to the _________ Scare and the ___________ hearings. These hearings targeted ______________ 26.Being like everyone else became the goal of ______________ 27.A new campaign began it called for __________ the enemy and to fear them. 28.The Korean War was not called a War, but a United Nations ________ ________. 29.The General in charge of the Korean War was __________________. 30.What did China do when he got to close to their border? 16 31.The Korean War led to and ended in a ________________. 32.Who was the President at this time? 33.Despite prosperity the nation was __________ for disaster. 34. What detonated in 1953? 35.At this time people were encouraged to build a __________ . 36.The 4th World War they believed would be fought with Sticks and __________. 37.What does it mean to bring something to the Brink? 38.In 1979 the CIA reinstated the Shah of _________back in power. 39.October 1956 ___________wanted their freedom and independence from the U.S.S. R. 40.Attention was drawn away from that country in 1956 when the Suez Canal was being fought over by ___________________. While the World watched, the U.S.S.R invaded ____________. 41.By 1957 the Space Race was on after the Soviets launched ____________ 42.Khrushchev and Eisenhower's planned meeting and hopes for a peaceful world were ended when the _______ crashed in the Soviet Union and the U.S denied everything until the Soviets produced the pilot and the wreckage. 43.SALT, MIR and IBM are _______________ 44.When did the Cold War End? 45.What did you think was the most interesting part of this video? 17 The Butter Battle War Butter Battle Video After reading the Butter Battle Book or viewing the video, we will compare the story in the book with the details of the Cold War. There are many similarities in world of the Yooks /Zooks to the world of the US /USSR during the Cold War. Let us find the similarities between the book and the real world. Butter Battle Book 1.______________________________ Cold War 1.Americans vs. Soviets 2. Butter Side Up vs. Butter Side Down 2.______________________ 3. _____________________________ 3. Iron Curtain/Berlin Wall 4. Building Bigger and bigger weapons 4. __________________ 5. _____________________________ 5. Deterrence/Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) 6. _____________________________ 6. Support of American people to contain Communism Academic: 7. ______________________________ 7. _______________________________________ Honors 8. ______________________________ 8. ________________________________________ Below: Write a short paragraph 3-5 sentences summarizing the chart. 18 19