Equine Maintenance

Equine Maintenance
Daily grooming may be required for show
horses, boarding horses and horses used in
a business. All horse should receive
grooming on a regular basis.
Some horsemen who own horses for
pleasure groom their horse each time it is
ridden; however, this can result in sporadic
The amount of time one
has to manage a horse and
devote to necessities such
as grooming should be a
major consideration in the
decision to purchase a
horse for business or
Ideally, a horse should be
groomed daily.
Advantages of Grooming
1. Regular grooming is essential for
health, cleanliness and appearance.
2. Grooming is the only way to remove
dirt, dust, grease and dead skin cells
from a horse’s coat.
3. Grooming brings the skin’s natural oils
to the surface and give the hair coat a
glossy shine.
4. Helps the horse overcome fear, relax and
become less nervous around people.
5. Allows the owner time to get to know the
6. Provides an opportunity to check the horse
for injuries and health problems
7. Stimulates blood circulation and help
maintain a horse’s muscle tone.
Grooming Procedure
Basic techniques:
Talk softly to the horse to calm the
Keep one hand on the horse’s shoulder or
Lets the horse know where the groom is at.
Helps keep the groom out of the way of a
Hoof Care:
Objects such as rocks left stuck in the hoof may
cause bruises to the foot and result in lameness.
Remove these items with a hoof pick
Dirt left in the hoof can lead to a fungus disease
known as thrush. Remove dirt with a stiff brush
Insert the hoof pick at the heel and pull toward
the toe of the hoof to avoid injury to the animal.
Steps in Body Grooming
1. Curry comb the horse
Removes mud
Loosens matted hair
Massages the skin and muscle
Increases blood circulation
Brings out natural oils.
Curry combs are available
in hard rubber or metal.
Rubber is more desirable
and less irritating to the
horse’s skin.
Curry Comb Procedure
Start on one side of the horse:
Work from the neck down the front leg to
the knee.
Curry the back, side, belly, crop and hind
leg down to the hock.
Repeat on the other side of the horse.
Proper technique is to work the curry
comb in a circular motion.
Only use curry combs on the fleshy part
of the horse.
Clean the curry comb by tapping on any
hard object such as a floor, wall, post,
Steps in Grooming the Horse
2. Brush the horse with a stiff brush or
“dandy” brush.
Follow the same order as currying.
Use the “dandy” brush with short, hard,
snapping strokes. Brush in the same direction of
the hair growth.
The dandy brush cleans down to the skin leaving
the hair full of fine dust and dirt particles.
One way to clean the “dandy” brush is by
stroking against the curry comb.
Steps in Grooming the Horse
3. Brush the entire body, including the head
with a soft brush.
Removes dust and dirt the “dandy” brush pulled
out in the horse’s coat.
Brush with the direction of hair growth.
Clean every stroke or two. The soft brush only
hold a limited amount of dust.
Clean by brushing against a metal curry comb.
Steps in Grooming the Horse
4. Mane and Tail
Remove tangles
Mane and tail combs, human hairbrush or
fingers will remove tangles.
Some groom’s prefer using their fingers to
avoid pulling out any tail hairs. This method
can be time consuming
Human hairbrush is a good compromise for
brushing out the horse’s tail with a minimum
hair loss
Detangling solutions may help prevent pulling
out hair.
Steps in Grooming the Horse
5. Wipe the coat with a grooming cloth.
Cloth can by any soft, absorbent cloth.
Use the cloth by rubbing hard and long in
the direction of hair growth.
The cloth will polish and shine the horses
coat. It helps bring out the natural oils in
the skin.
Bathing Horses
When to Bathe:
Some argue horse’s should never be
bathed because is removes the natural oils
from the hair and skin
Most are bathed a few days prior to a show
so they have time to regain their “gloss.”
Too frequent use of soaps may lead to dry
skin and a dull coat.
Fundamentals of Bathing
1. To prevent colds:
The temperature should be at least
50 degree F.
Allow enough time for the horse to
dry completely before nighttime.
Cover the horse with a cooler (a
large square of wool or acrylic
material used to cover a horse from
head to tail.)
Use a sweat scraper to remove
excess water.
2. Use warm water to wet the skin, apply
shampoo and rinse
If the horse is frightened by a water
hose, use a sponge.
Start shampooing behind the ears and
move toward the tail
Scrub one section at a time.
Keep washing and rinsing until the
soapsuds stay white.
Never allow soap or water to get in
the horse’s ears.
Always was underneath the horse’s
tail because sweat collects there and
may cause irritation.
Periodic Bathing for the
Stallion or Gelding
1. The sheath is the double fold of skin
that covers a male horse’s penis
2. Smegma is a cheesy, smelly, black
secretion that combines with dust and
dirt to accumulate on the outer
portion of the sheath and interfere
with urination.
3. Most male horse’s sheath require
cleaning at least four times per year.
4. Veterinarians or experienced
horsemen can help with performing
this procedure safely.
Blanketing Horses
1. Horses raised in confinement may
need blankets during cold weather for
warmth, but horses that stay outside
usually do not need blanket because
they are allowed to develop a winter
2. Reasons for blanketing horses:
Show horses are blanketed to protect
their coats from sun bleaching in the
Show horses are blanketed and stall
lights are used to stimulate summer
conditions to “fool” the horse into early
shedding in the spring.
Show horses may be blanketed to
keep them warm and prevent them
from growing long winter coats.
Blankets help keep the coat clean.
Racehorses and performance horses
are blanketed in cool weather to
prevent them from cooling down too
fast when “cooling out” after
exercise or activity.
Proper Use of Blankets
1. They must fit properly
so as not to rub hair off
the horse.
a. Watch the shoulders,
withers, chest and
top of tail for signs of
blanket rubbing.
2. The blanket or sheet weight is
determined by weather conditions and
the needs of the horse
The blanket should be heavy enough to
keep the horse warm.
The sheet should be light enough to
prevent the horse from sweating.
The End!