Iredell-Statesville Schools CWT 2012-13 DRAFT CWT Standard Tool Date: Time: Observer Name: Title: School: Subject: 1. FOCUS ON CURRICULUM AND LEARNING 1a. Strategic direction is evident. Grade: Strategic data displayed and current Strategic learning goal displayed and current Classroom mission statement displayed Classroom rules/norms displayed 1b. Current learning targets and criteria for success are visible by all in age appropriate language. Yes No 1c. Students can articulate current goals/learning targets and criteria for success. Yes No 1d. Identify key math instructional phases. Concrete presentation of material Representational presentation of material Abstract presentation of material 1e. Identify literacy components of College & Career Ready Anchor Standards. Guided Reading Reading Informational Text Word Study Writing Reading Foundational Skills Speaking and Listening Reading Literature Language 2. FOCUS ON INSTRUCTION 2a. PDSA cycle(s) is current and authentically used to drive instruction. Yes No 2b. Identify instructional practices. Coaching Modeling Lecture Testing Providing directions/instruction Learning Centers Hands on 2c. Identify Grouping Format. Grouping format matches task at hand Focused Group Pairs Discussion Teacher directed Q & A Presentation Informal formative assessment Providing opportunity for practice None Observed Whole Group Individual Small Group(s) Centers/Stations 2d. Identify research-based instructional strategies. Setting Objectives Cooperative Learning Non-linguistic Representation Providing Feedback Summarizing Notetaking Similarities/Differences Cues, Questions, Advanced Organizers Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Generating and testing hypotheses 2e. There is evidence that the teacher is responding to the different learning needs in the classroom (differentiation). Yes No Unable to determine 2f. Technology is utilized by: Teacher Student No one 3. FOCUS ON THE LEARNER 3a. Identify student actions. Listening Reading Discussion/Dialogue Use of Hands On Materials Writing Skilled Performance/Demonstration Solving Math Problems Skill Practice Test/assessment 3b. Identify instructional materials. Video/Audio Real world objects Student Created Materials Oral Test/assessment Worksheet Published print materials Textbooks Content specific manipulatives Overhead/board/flip chart Lab/activity sheet 3c. Determine levels of class engagement. Highly Engaged – Most students are authentically engaged in learning Well Managed – Students are willingly compliant, ritually engaged in learning Dysfunctional – Many students actively reject the assigned task or substitute another activity 4. FOCUS ON CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT 4a. Corrections are made by refocusing the student on learning (mission, norms, strategic goal. . . . ). Yes No No opportunity for correction 4b. Models/examples of quality student work with meaningful feedback are purposefully displayed/utilized. Yes No 4c. Classroom environment supports learning. Student focused Respectful interactions Teacher is engaged with students Classroom is organized and prepared for learning Edited 7.24.12 Iredell-Statesville Schools CWT 2012-13 DRAFT Edited 7.24.12