11/15/15-11/20/15 Dear Families: This was a short busy week filled with learning and remembering our country's veterans. Students watched a Discovery Ed. video about the origins and importance of Veterans Day, read a passage about the Veterans as well as shared stories about family members who have served. They will be turning a two or more paragraph write up about a veteran (either a family member, family friend, or a famous person that is a veteran). Students were given a week to complete this and it is due Monday, November 16th. Also, some students have started to present their Native American projects, which we have been working on in class. I have enjoyed seeing the creativity and group collaboration. Thursday, classes took their Wordly Wise lesson #4 test. Monday, we will be starting lesson #5 and doing a variety of games and activities to master our new vocabulary. We have continued our read aloud of Esperanza Rising. Students have been discussing story elements such as setting, character details, and problem and solution. They have provided great examples and have been able to make comparisons to Harry's situation in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from ELA class. Please remember Friday, November 20th is the last day to donate baking supply items for the Shepherd gift basket for Shepherd's Winterfest. Proceeds from the baskets will go to helping Shepherd students. Thank you to those families who donated items already. Lastly, please encourage your students to bring their planner every day to school and to complete all homework for their classes. Thank you for your cooperation. Dates to Remember: Friday, November 20th-Last day to donate baking supplies for 5th grade gift basket for Winterfest. No School, Novermber 25-27th. Friday, December 4th Winterfest Have a great week! Jennifer O'Connor