Marketing & Advanced Marketing Competency Four Quiz NAME ____________________ DATE ____________________

Marketing & Advanced Marketing
Competency Four Quiz
NAME ____________________
DATE ____________________
1. How are brands, trade names, brand marks, and trade characters used by businesses?
2. Identify three of each:
A. Well Known Brands –
B. Well Known Trade Names
C. Well Known Brand Marks
D. Well Known Trade Character
3. From the list provided, what is the one most important characteristic of a brand that makes it
connect to potential customers. Tough question because there’s no set answer, more of an
4. Provide two examples of the following:
A. Brand Extension
B. Co-Branding
C. Brand Licensing
5. A product line is a group of related products. Branding a line of goods is done to create loyalty
towards a product or group of related products. Identify a company and three of their product
6. Describe the difference between product width and product depth, and what product mix refers
7. Draw the product life cycle and label each of the four points. For each, in one sentence, describe
the goal of the marketing efforts during that stage
8. Using the School Store as a guide, identify a product and describe what stage in the life cycle
that product would be. Using the slide show done in class, describe how we could best market
that product. (You may not chose a product that anyone else is doing, so work it out ahead of
time with others in the class).
9. Identify five products and in less than five words its position in the market place.
10. Ignore business for a moment, if you become more efficient with your time, what benefits in
general could you enjoy? Describe at least three.
11. From the list provided by me, identify five of your biggest time wasters.
12. Technology offers us a variety of time saving techniques. Look over the list provided in class or
come up with your own and identify at least five tools that you might actually want to use in
your personal or business life.
13. Using the techniques of successful executives, describe in depth how you would use at least two
in your current life. Be specific and describe real examples of how you would use the
14. Define negotiating (focus on the goal).
15. From your current life, describe three things you have to negotiate with others. Each should
involve a different partner in the negotiation. Don’t do three things with your folks.
16. For each situation above, describe how you would use at least one technique discussed in class
or one found on your own.
17. For each situation above, describe the win/win result.
2015 Competency Quizzes
Task Three
Name _____________________
Date _____________________
Business Report Writing – Jeremy, Evan, & Andrew
Using this website,, describe the
purpose of a written business report AND describe the concept of a “theme.”
Describe a report that either LVHS DECA or the DECA School Store might need to generate at some point
AND identify a theme for such a report.
Briefly describe the meaning of the following phrases from the same web site:
a. Scope of the Report
Consider the Target Audience including Primary, Secondary, & Immediate
Gather & Organize the Supporting Information
Analyze & Weight the Supporting Information
Determine the Solution, Findings, and/or Recommendations
Still from the same web site, explain why they feel graphics are important.
Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation were described as critical to an effective report. Why?
Business Report Presentations – Alex & Lakshya
Proper body language was considered critical to an effective business presentation. What four
components of body language did the group discuss? For each, give just one most important tip to follow
when making a business report presentation
What is rapport and how do you establish it when presenting a business report?
Keeping the audience “engaged” was also critical to an effective presentation. Provide three bits of
advice as to how we can best keep the audience engaged.
For a presentation related to LVHS DECA or the DECA School Store, describe three visual aids you could
use in a presentation that does not include just the clothing or merchandise itself. In other words,
describe three selling aids we could use for better selling our merchandise.
Using the following website,, describe what a
presenter needs to know about his prospective audience. (Look under “Start with the Audience.) There
are six parts.
The author suggests that every presentation is a sales pitch. On page seven of the website, he/she
identifies nine elements to a successful presentation. Briefly describe each.
a. Focus
Using the model on page 10 and the elements above, create an outline for a presentation a marketing
student might do regarding LVHS DECA or the DECA School Store. (Consider using the SBE project as your
topic; next year’s group might be able to use your ideas).
Types of Business Risk – Sarah, Lydia, & Stephanie
1. Define what business risks are including the three different types.
2. Develop an employee manual that includes three specific pieces of advice to mitigate the
chance of loss for each of the “Human Risk” factors identified by this group. For some tips, you
can visit my website under “Marketing” called “Business Crime.”
• Shoplifting
• Employee theft
• Burglary
• Robbery
• Computer Crime
• Stolen credit cards and bad checks
• Accidents and injury
Non-Profit Organizations – Jolie, Belmira, & Zander
What is a non-profit business (and why do they exist?)
Identify three large non-profit businesses/organizations in the Washington, DC region and for each,
identify at least two potential competitors.
What is the difference between a public sector and private sector non-profit. Identify the names of at
least two each.
If for PR reasons, DECA or the DECA School Store wanted to start up a non-profit, what are two potential
focuses we could pursue? (You may want to look at question five below first).
As an example, in 50 words or less, summarize the executive summary of the “Nonprofit Youth Services
Business Plan” organization found at this website:
Marketing Trends – Nick, Austin, & John
Define what a trend is.
For each major advancement of the past decade, the internet, smart phones, social media, & television
changes - describe how businesses are responding to better serve their customers.
Describe the concept of “an emerging economy,” and describe the economic conditions within such a
Provide two examples of how a changing economy might impact consumer behavior.
Provide two examples of how our country’s demographics are changing and how that might impact how
business market goods..
Economics Changes in Business – Eileen & Tomas
Natural disasters can and will impact businesses. As a matter of fact, research shows that 25% of business
will not reopen after a natural disaster. What are the most common of these disasters and what impact
might they have on a business? naturaldisasters/
Describe three common sense preparations a business can take in advance of any disaster to help them
survive and recover from a disaster.
The impact of disasters can be seen in our primary economic indicators. Describe each of the following:
Unemployment Rate
What types of insurance does a business carry to protect themselves from natural disasters? Summarize
the types of insurance a small business might carry found on this website:
2015 Competency Quizzes
Task Two
Name _____________________
Date _____________________
Fair & Unfair Business Practices – Jeremy, Evan, & Andrew
1. What is Bait and Switch?
2. What is Price Fixing?
3. What are Whistle Blowers?
Ethical Decision Making – Alex & Lakshya
What are some (3) of the benefits of employing ethical business practices?
As a manager, how do you promote ethical behavior among your employees? Remember, no matter how
ethical you are, if your employees are not ethical, it will reflect on you. It’s a basic business fact, you are
responsible for your employee’s behaviors whether you know about them or not, and the best course of
action for you to follow is to accept responsibility for the employee’s behavior and for all of its
consequences regardless of how unfair it might seem. You’ll be seen as more mature and responsible
individual. Of course, you might be unemployed, but at least you’re seen as responsible. In your next job
search, that may prove helpful. (Life is harsh sometimes folks).
Customer & Manager Feedback – Sarah, Lydia, & Stephanie
1. Why is reaching out directly the most informative way to receive feedback from customers?
2. Why is it important to get feedback from your managers and co-workers?
3. How is constructive criticism different from regular criticism
Workplace Diversity – Jolie, Belmira, & Zander
Provide me with three reasons why diversity is important in the workplace
Provide me with four tips on how to increase the diversity in my workplace.
Resolving Customer & Co-worker Conflicts – Nick, Austin, & John
1) What are five most common customer conflicts?
2) What are three of the most common Co-Worker Conflicts?
3) When is early intervention the key?
Appropriate Workplace Behavior – Eileen & Tomas
What are two examples of the characteristics of someone with a good work ethic?
Why is it important to address your superior properly?
What are three examples of relationships with different importance and value?
2015 Competency Quizzes
Task One
Name _____________________
Date _____________________
Community Issues: (Evan, Andrew, & Jeremy)
Describe how new businesses opening in a community benefits everyone who lives nearby. Make at least
four points, but shoot for more based on the presentation.
Adding businesses to a community does not only benefit the residents, but improves government
services. Describe three ways businesses help the community indirectly via government services. Think in
terms of what government can do with the additional tax income.
However, the addition of businesses can also have a negative effect on a community. Describe at least
two of them.
How does a business give back to the communities that support them? Provide at least two examples.
Nonverbal Communications (Sarah, Lydia, Stephanie)
Describe the three primary ways we communicate nonverbally
What’s more powerful, verbal or nonverbal communications? In other words, which one do people
believe more than the other? Why?
How do cultural differences come in to play in the world of nonverbal communications?
Labor Issues (Alex & Lakshya)
Fill in the appropriate blanks in the following bullet points:
As an employee you have the right:
• To request an OHSA inspection of the company for workplace________________.
• File a ____________with the OHSA if you believe you have been wrongly discriminated,
demoted or fired from the organization.
• You may refuse to work in a ________________ work situations.
As an employee you have the responsibility:
• Comply with all the OHSA ________________
• Cooperate fully with the OHSA officer who inspects your workplace.
• Report to your officer if you have any work related injury or illness
OSHA is a government agency and stands for . . .
Describe the purpose of . . . .
Employment Contracts
Employee Handbook
Describe the primary role of labor unions
Online Etiquette (Eileen & Tomas)
Why should you use proper grammar when using e-mail and other electronic communications? Make at
least three points.
It’s a fact that businesses and colleges are monitoring social media to learn more about their students and
their employees. Describe what they are looking for and what they hope to see. Make at least two points
Telephone Etiquette (Jolie, Belmira, & Xander)
Fill in the blanks for a question on how to answer a business phone:
Always answer the phone ________- at least by the third ring.
Answer the phone in a __________and pleasant manner. People can sense your mood
on the other end, so be enthusiastic.
If you’re answering a company phone always introduce yourself and the company.
Speak _________ and clearly to ensure the caller can understand you. Keep a calm
tone of voice, you don’t want to sound like you’re yelling.
If you have callers on multiple lines, make sure you ask the caller if it’s alright to put them
on hold ____________you do. Try not to keep them on hold for too long.
Don’t use _____________ to answer a call. You want to caller to know they have your full
If you have an answering machine, be sure that your message includes an introduction to
ensure the caller that they’ve reached the right number. You should also provide any
other information they may need such a business hours, different extensions, etc.
How can a caller “see” your facial expression?
The person answering a call for a business is the most important person for that company (and perhaps the
least paid). Why is that?
Basic Business Communications (Nick, Austin, & John)
Listed below are the “Basic Elements of Professional Writing.” For each, describe what the phrase means
in simple, easy to understand language.
Know the Purpose and Scope of Your Document
Respond in a Professional and Timely Manner
Identify/Write to Your Audience
Understand the Needs of Your Reader
Organize and Structure Your Document
Identify the Benefits to the Reader
Be Concise
Substantiate your Claims/Clarify Inquiries
Be Professional /Use Proper Grammar and Spelling
There are four main types of business communications. Letters, memos, e-mail, and reports. Briefly
describe the purpose or reason you would use that method of communication as compared to the others.
Each are used in specific circumstances. What are those circumstances?
E – Mail ______________________________________________________________________________
Report ______________________________________________________________________________
Jeremy’s Group
3 Questions from Power Point
4. What is Bait and Switch?
5. What is Price Fixing?
6. What are Whistle Blowers?
Quiz Questions
Stephanie Sedmak, Lydia Martin, Sarah McAllister
February 24, 2015
Q. Why is reaching out directly the most informative way to receive feedback from customers?
A. This is the most informative way to receive feedback, because you are able to have a better
understanding and you can receive deeper answers/ask deeper questions.
Q. why is it important to get feedback from your managers and co-workers?
A. Getting feedback from your managers and co-workers helps to be on track and do a good
performance on your job and also it helps you to improve by allowing you to make changes.
Q. How is constructive criticism different from regular criticism
A. Constructive criticism is only offered when asked and furthers the bond between coworkers.
Eileen & Tomas
1)what are two examples of the characteristics of someone with a good
work ethic?
2)Why is it important to address your superior properly?
3) What are three examples of relationships with different importance and value?
Answer 1) positive and responsible
Answer 2) it is important because you want to present yourself
professionally and create a good image for yourself.
Answer 3) employee to superior
Co worker to co worker
Friend to friend
Nick’s Group
1) What are three common customer conflicts?
Answer could be any of these...
Unwanted emails
Unsolicited Goods
Verbal Communication
Faulty Product or Service
Rude customers
Different Languages/customs
2) What are some Co-Worker Conflicts?
Not getting work done on time
Talking loudly
Not being friendly
Talking behind employees back
3) When is early intervention key?
Answer: When resolving customer conflicts.
Portfolio Assignment 3
Group 1: (Nick, Austin, & John)
37. Describe trends in marketing.
1. How does technology impact the way companies market their products?
2. What impact do emerging economies have on distribution?
3. How do changing demographics impact product development?
4. How do economic conditions impact trends in marketing and business?
5. What are two important trends facing marketers today? How can marketers use
these trends to their benefit?
Group 2: (Jolie, Belmira, & Xander)
51. Describe the effects of competition in non-profit organizations.
1. What is a nonprofit organization and describe why they exist.
2. What are examples of non-profit organizations in your locality? At the state level? At
the national level?
3. Why would a non-profit organization be concerned about competition?
4. How is competition between non-profit organizations different from competition
between profit organizations?
5. What is the difference between the public sector and the private sector? How does
this distinction relate to non-profit competition?
Group 3: (Eileen & Tomas)
55. Explain the effects of economic change on business and employment.
1. How might a tragedy or natural disaster change a nation’s economy?
2. What are examples of such occurrences that have directly affected the U.S.
economy, businesses, and work environment? What were the effects?
3. How might a business prepare itself to withstand unexpected occurrences?
4. Why is economic forecasting important?
5. What are some of the key economic indicators? Why is each important to a
Group 4: (Sarah, Lydia, Stephanie)
Explain the Nature and Types of Business Risk
Explanation should emphasize that business risk includes economic risks (e.g., changes in
demographics, business cycle, competition, government regulations), natural risks (e.g., perishability,
weather, fires), and human risks (e.g., employee theft, employee incompetence, accidents, shoplifting,
fraud, computer-related crime).
Process/Skill Questions
Why should businesses be concerned with risks?
What are the different types of business risk? How do business risks impact profits?
How do business risk factors affect business decisions?
What are ways that companies can protect themselves from business risks?
What are some examples of human risks? In what way is each considered a risk to the
business? (Optional)
Advanced Marketing
Group 1 - Evan, Jeremy, & Andrew
Business Report Writing
Written documents should include but not be limited to complex letters, executive
summaries, reports, proposals, press releases, and business plans. Documents should be
complete, accurate, and prepared in standard business format.
Process/Skill Questions
1. For what purposes are business documents written? For what audiences?
2. How can business documents be used to enhance company image?
3. How can business documents be used as a sales tool?
4. What are the possible consequences of incorrect information and/or errors in a written
5. Why is it important for writers to have a strong understanding of the English language?
6. How does one decide what is appropriate to put in written form?
Group 2 – Alex & Lakshya
Business Report Presentations
Oral presentations may include but are not limited to research findings, training sessions,
group sales demonstrations, and press conferences. Oral presentations should follow
established guidelines and reflect attention to factors such as expressed purpose, audience,
time constraints, volume, speed, and tone of voice & relevance and accuracy of
accompanying audiovisual or printed aids.
Process/Skill Questions
1. What body language is proper when giving an oral presentation?
2. How can a speaker establish rapport with the audience?
3. How can one keep the audience engaged in an oral presentation?
4. What are the steps in preparing an effective oral presentation?
5. Who is the best public speaker you have heard? Why do you consider this person a strong
public speaker?
Marketing Portfolio Assignment 4
Group 1: (Nick, Austin, & John)
Describe product life cycles.
1. How do marketing strategies differ in each stage of the product life cycle?
2. What happens to price and profits during each stage of the product life cycle?
3. How do marketing costs incurred at each stage of the product life cycle vary?
4. What specific strategies would be used to manage a breakfast cereal (or other common
product) during each stage of the product life cycle?
5. What is product positioning? In what ways can a business position its products in the
Group 2: (Jolie, Belmira, & Xander)
Explain the difference between brand name and brand.
1. What is the difference between a brand, a brand name, a trade name, a brand mark and
trade character, and a trademark?
2. Why are trademarks used?
What are the potential consequences of using an established brand without
permission? Why?
Group 3: (Eileen, Brianna, & Tomas)
Describe types of product mix strategies.
1. What is the difference between a product item and a product line?
2. What is the difference between product width and depth?
3. How does the product mix of a specialty store compare with that of a department store?
4. What factors might encourage a business to make changes in its product mix?
Group 4: (Sarah, Lydia, Stephanie)
Describe the importance of branding in marketing.
1. What role does branding play in an organization's marketing strategy?
2. What are the characteristics of effective brand names?
3. What are the benefits of common branding strategies such as the following?
a. Brand extension
Mixed brands
b. Brand licensing
d. Co-branding
Advanced Marketing Portfolio Assignment 4
Group 1 - Evan, Jeremy, & Andrew
Identify the steps in negotiation and their use in the workplace.
1. What are some business situations that may require negotiations?
2. What leadership style would be most effective in situations requiring
What human-relation skills are necessary for successful negotiation?
Group 2 – Alex & Lakshya
Apply time-management strategies.
1. What are the benefits of employing orderly and systematic time-management
2. How can technology enhance time management?
3. What are five time-management techniques used by successful executives?
What are the consequences of poor time-management skills?
44. Apply time-management strategies.
5. What are the benefits of employing orderly and systematic time-management
6. How can technology enhance time management?
7. What are some time-management techniques used by successful executives?
8. What are the consequences of poor time-management skills?
45. Identify the steps in negotiation and their use in the workplace.
4. What are some business situations that may require negotiations?
5. What leadership style would be most effective in situations requiring negotiation?
6. What human-relation skills are necessary for successful negotiation?
61. Describe the importance of branding in marketing.
4. What role does branding play in an organization's marketing strategy?
5. What are the characteristics of effective brand names?
6. What circumstances might make an organization change its brand?
7. What are the benefits of common branding strategies such as the following?
e. Brand extension
Brand licensing
g. Mixed brands
h. Co-branding