Nick Mercuro, Austin Moore, Evan Klipple

Nick Mercuro, Austin Moore, Evan Klipple
Merchandising is being able to get the
right merchandise:
 (color, size, style, quality, etc.)
 at the right time
 at the right price
 at the right place
 in the right amount
Purchase Orders
A business form used to tell a vendor that
you want to buy merchandise.
Shipping Date
The date the merchandise is shipped
How an item is
shipped (etc. plane,
boat, train, car)
“Free On Board”/ A trade term requiring
the seller to deliver goods on board a
vessel designated by the buyer.
 The buyers vessel (boat, truck, plane)
Unit Costs: The cost of an individual
unit of merchandise.
 Total Cost: The total cost of all the
Total Order
Total number of items ordered.
Steps To Take When There Is A
Problem With A Delivery Of
Document the problem(take pictures as
visual proof of the problem).
2) Immediately contact the business who
shipped you the merchandise.
3) Be sure to obtain a resolution to any
problem before you continue the next
process of receiving freight.
Important Terms
Bill of Lading
- Also called a shipping order
- Used to request that a transport company come pick up & deliver merchandise.
- Serves as a contract
- Consignor vs. Consignee
- Physical Distribution Forms
- Used to keep track of merchandise as it moves through the “Channel of Distribution”
Freight Bill
- An invoice (bill) for the shipping charge
- Tells who should be paying for the shipping charge
Delivery Receipt
- Form used to verify that merchandise has arrived
- Signed by the buyer
Packing Slip
- Used to compare merchandise delivered w/ what was supposed to be in the
- Condition, number of items, correctness of order
Steps For The Stocking Of
Merchandise On The Selling Floor
Procedures to take into account…
1) Customer Service
2) Safety
3) Efficiency
4) Appearance
5) Increased Sales
Customer Service
Customer comes first…when out on the
floor stocking, you should help
whenever you can.
 If customer needs help finding a
product, take them to the
product…DON’T point in a general
Keep your aisles clear!
Don’t overstock your
Be able to see over your
floats when stocking.
Remove out of date
Lift properly when moving
Be careful using forklifts
and other pieces of
Stock using both hands(stock quicker
this way).
 Have good product knowledge.
 Properly stocked merchandise uses less
space, which will allow more profitable
products to be stocked and sold in the
open space.
Shelves should look neat and full
 Keep your shelves clean.
 Repair damaged products in your store.
 Keep yourself as an employee looking
neat and clean.
Increased Sales
Signage is important.
 Rotate products to have the logo
facing out(Ex: have sweatshirts facing
the correct way).
 Place most profitable merchandise at
eye level(the sweatshirts).
Steps to Take When New
Merchandise Arrives
Make sure that the number of items delivered match
the number of items on the order sheet.
Look to see if it is the correct type of merchandise
and that they deliver the right style/size/color.
Inspect each piece of merchandise for any defects
or issues.
If everything thing is correct, add the new items into
the stores total inventory or perpetual inventory (for
advanced stores).
Decided if you wish to market the new items right
away or save them to display after all previous
items have been sold.