Set 3 Vocabulary By: Rishika Botlaguduru

Set 3 Vocabulary
By: Rishika Botlaguduru
• Bluff- To engage in a false display of strength
or confidence, usually in order to deceive
• Synonyms: blunt, direct, frank
• Antonyms: courteous, definite, devious
• Amanda was bluffing about her expertise on
the balance beam in gymnastics; when she
got there she fell straight to the ground.
• Brackish- Salty
• Synonyms: saline, briny
• Antonyms: savory, tasty, delectable
• When Miranda went swimming in the
brackish water in the ocean she came out
spitting salt.
• Circumference- The boundary of an area, an
object, or geometric figure; especially a circle.
• Synonyms: border, boundary, margin
• Antonyms: center, middle, interior
• During math we were learning how to
calculate the circumference of the wheel
which was the outer core.
• Headway- To progress towards a place or goal.
• Synonyms: advance, improve, promote
• Antonyms: decrease, block, step
• When Stacie first learned the cartwheel she
was not very accurate, but she made headway
and reached her goal.
• Ignite- To cause something to start burning;
to catch on fire.
• Synonyms: burn, inflame, enkindle
• Antonyms: extinguish, cool, quench
• The firefighters extinguished the house which
had ignited with flames of fire with a hose.
• Illuminated- To cast light upon someone or
• Synonyms: bright, lit
• Antonyms: dull, dark
• The candle illuminated the dark room to
make it shimmer.
• Impending- About to occur
• Synonyms: approaching, brewing, looming
• Antonyms: gone, past, distant
• The impending hurricane scared everyone
and many people evacuated.
• Repugnant- Causing disgust; offensive or
• Synonyms: revolting, disgusting, distasteful
• Antonyms: good, delightful, pleasing
• When kids in the cafeteria started throwing
mashed potatoes on the ceiling it was
• Restitution- To pay money or make up for
damage or stops and activities.
• Synonyms: payment, refund, rebate
• Antonyms: penalty, taking, fee
• Kyra had to make restitution after she broke
the vase in the store.
• Sabotage- (n.) A deliberate act that causes
damage or injury that you have caused. (v.) To
commit sabotage against something.
• Synonyms: treason, destruction, vandalism
• Antonyms: devotion, loyalty, assist
• VERB: After Melinda sabotaged Clarissa’s
project they got in a lot of trouble with the
• Scarcity- Insufficient supply; a shortage.
• Synonyms: dearth, famine, paucity
• Antonyms: enough, plenty, excess
• In California there is a scarcity of water
because of the long drought.
• Zeal- Great enthusiasm or devotion to a
cause, idea or goal.
• Synonyms: gusto, spirit, zest
• Antonyms: dull, neglect, apathy
• When Annie got all A’s on her report card she
came home with great zeal.
Honors Words
Ambrosial- delicious, fragrant, divine
Synonyms: delicate, fragrant, luscious
Antonyms: disgusting, crumbly
When the goddess got stabbed she ate
ambrosial liquid that healed her.
• Halcyon- calm, peaceful
• Synonyms: quiet, still, tranquil
• Antonyms: agitated
• Mount Olympus is halcyon when there is no
battle or war.
• Metamorphosis- a transformation, a marked
• Synonyms: evolution, change, mutation
• The caterpillar went through metamorphosis
and became a butterfly.
• Labyrinthine- complicated, mazelike,
• Synonyms: intricate, winding, tangled
• Antonyms: simple, direct, straight
• The maze was labyrinthine, it was so
confusing and intricate.
• Titanic- huge, powerful
• Synonyms: epic, giant, enormous
• Antonyms: little, puny, tiny
• The diminutive kid had no chance against the
titanic bully.