English Set 1 Vocab By: Denise Babiera


English Set 1 Vocab

By: Denise Babiera

Adversary (Noun)

Definition – An opponent or enemy

Sentence – The red troupe was spying on the adversary's team to find out secret information, for the red team to use against them.

Synonyms – antagonist, rival, competitor, foe, attacker

Antonyms – ally, friend, helper, supporter

Aplomb (Noun)

Definition – self-confident in a difficult situation

Synonyms – nonchalant, selfassurance, poise

Sentence – Military soldiers entered the task force with tremendous aplomb not even knowing what lay ahead and the danger involved.

Antonyms – fear, anxiety, suspicion

Apprehensive (adjective)

Definition – anxious or fearful; uneasy


– Some of the soldiers in the Military Air Force were feeling apprehensive when entering the air planes because they were afraid of crashing.

Synonyms – suspicious, uncertain, jittery, afraid, agitated,

Antonyms – calm, confident, certain, oblivious, unmindful

Fragrance (Noun)

Definition – A sweet or pleasant odor ; scent

Sentence – When entering the mall I caught a whiff of a delightful fragrance that seemed to emanate from one of the aisles.

Synonyms – aroma, perfume, aura, incense

Antonyms – odor, stench, stink

Furtive (adjective)

Definition – sneaky; acting in a way so as not to be noticed

Sentence – The furtive cat was creeping up on the fish tank to grab hold of the fish without being caught.

Synonyms – surreptitious, hidden, sly, secretive, stealthy

Antonyms – honest, open, forthright, straightforward

Grueling (adjective)

Definition – physically or mentally exhausting; very hard to do

Sentence – Sometimes I hesitate when eating broccoli because it’s a very grueling task to do; I abhor that vegetable.

Synonyms – excruciating, exhausting, tortuous, challenging, difficult

Antonyms – effortless, undemanding, easy, facile

Potential (Noun)

Definition – ability to grow, develop or improve; possibility

Sentence – The new cereal company has great potential of developing the best cereal in the world.

Synonyms –likely, chance, prospect, probable

Antonyms – impossible, lacking, unlikely, unpromising

Precipice ( Noun)

Definition – very steep overhanging rock; edge of a cliff

Sentence – The Roadrunner stopped at the precipice of the cliff to avoid falling off.

Synonyms – crag, bluff, escarpment, scarp

Antonyms – incline, rise, altitude

Pristine (adjective)

Definition – in a pure or unspoiled state; untouched

Sentence – A young gentleman exited out of the shop with his new, pristine t shirt that he just bought.

Synonyms –flawless, perfect, spotless, fresh, immaculate, impeccable

Antonyms – affected, dirty, spoiled, stale, used


Apparition (Noun)

Definition – An unusual or unexpected sight

Sentence – When I was walking through the cemetery, I noticed an apparition what looked like a ghost.

Synonyms – delusion, hallucination, illusion

Antonyms – truth, reality, actuality, certainty

Cryptic ( adjective)

Definition – secret; mysterious

Sentence – I wondered about the destination that the cryptic map would lead me to that no one knew about.

Synonyms – unknown, furtive, private, ambiguous

Antonyms – straightforward, apparent, visible , obvious

Lugubrious ( adjective)

Definition – exaggeratedly mournful

Sentences – One of the songs on the radio was so lugubrious that I almost broke into tears after hearing it.

Synonyms – tearful, aggrieved, grieved, dispiriting

Antonyms – cheerful, joyful, spiriting, merry, blissful

Maelstrom (Noun)

Definition – A powerful whirlpool; turmoil

Sentence – The ship was dragged into a maelstrom and pulled underneath the waves.

Synonyms – undercurrent, vortex, stir, eddy, whirl

Antonyms – calm, peace, relaxed, soothing

Mausoleum ( Noun)

Definition – A large, elaborate tomb

Sentence – The grave robbers got lost in the complicated, corridors of the fancy mausoleum while trying to steal thousands of dollars worth of jewelry.

Synonyms – chamber, vault, grave, burial, sepulture

Antonyms – I couldn't find any
