Yes No
Appropriate hygiene
Age-appropriate attire
Ability to follow dress code (e.g., no hats, etc.)
Hair – clean and cut in a manner that is age-appropriate
Skin care – appropriate attention given at home to acne, etc.
Ability to remain quite in hallways when classes are in session
Ability to participate in MEAP/proficiency exam given appropriate modifications
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________
Yes No
Bus – catch independently at close of day
Money – store, handle & pass appropriately as needed
Go to restaurant/community with peer support
Restroom – independent entry/use/exit – appropriate (zipper up, etc.)
Gym – ability to dress and undress, store clothes in locker
Locker – ability to get locker open (manipulate lock or ask for help) – independently obtain coat
General Ed. Classroom – independently locate seat
Hygiene – independent use of tissue, independence with sanitary napkins
Hall pass – obtain and use appropriately when exiting during class hour
IEPC – attendance/participation in annual and reevaluation
Transition life plans – attendance/participation in preparation for and meeting
Sexuality issues reviewed (e.g., participation in middle school level course)
Hallways – move independently between classes and at start and close of day
Lunchroom – maneuver through lunch line, pay for hot lunch, independently locate a spot and eat lunch with LINKS
Commons – comfort level in “hanging out” in commons area
1 HD 2.11e
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
Yes No
Participation in extracurricular activities given peer support (e.g., clubs, sports, etc.) and peer transportation arrangements
Demonstrate appropriate behavior in classroom during down time (e.g., responds to
LINKS in conversation or FC)
Responds quickly to behavior plan for socially inappropriate behaviors (e.g., picking nose, roughing opposite sex)
Participates in monthly case conferences
Demonstrates socially appropriate behavior across settings – hallways, commons, gym assemblies
Socializes with LINKS at homes and in community (parent support necessary
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
Yes No
Responsible for own behavior plan – carries, insures it is filled out at close of each hour
Token strips have been faded and students are able to use paper and pencil plan
55 minutes in class without exiting
Demonstrate success in classroom with peer support only
Demonstrate a minimum of significant behaviors
Timeout room may be used – some self-initiation of need for timeout
Comfort level with crowds, physical contact and noise
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
2 HD 2.11e
Yes No
Demonstrates ability to sit through lecture-format classes
Fulfills requirements of general ed. Class with minimum modifications
Homework completed at home
Responsible for transporting own materials – Canons, books, computers, binders/folders
Active/ongoing participation in long-term projects
Participation in large and small group work in the general education class
Participation in study groups with peers after school (parent transport my be necessary)
Participate and remain attentive for 55-minute classes
Enrollment in three to five general ed. courses
Participation in one to three vocational classes
Participation in driver’s education
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
Yes No
Communicate basic needs and wants
Acknowledge peers and adults in socially appropriate manner
Express some emotional needs
Respond to a greater variety of people across settings
Express some personal information
Ability to carry and produce I.D. card
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
3 HD 2.11e