Algebra 1 Notes Questions / Main Ideas: TOPIC: Name: ________________________ Period: _______Date: ____________ Graphing from Slope Intercept One equation for a line has the form y mx b y mx b This is why it is called form 2 Given the equation y x 1 3 How can you remember which axis to put the “b” on? b ______ This is where you put your first point on the y-axis m ______ These are the “directions” you follow to get to the next point. How to follow m : m m 2 3 2 3 m 2 3 m 2 3 Think of Think of You try: Graph the equations: Function and equation are sometimes used interchangeably 4 y x4 5 f ( x) 3 x2 4 b ______ b ______ m ______ m ______ yx5 y 2 x 1 b ______ In order to graph these the slope needs to “fixed” by m ______ b ______ m ______ SPECIAL CASES for SLOPE CASE # 1: 4 y x4 5 Positive slope, but there is no space above the y-intercept to draw another slope “step” up towards the next point. What do we do? b ______ m ______ CASE # 2: 3 y x4 5 Negative slope, but there is no space below the y-intercept to draw another slope “step” down towards the next point. What do we do? b ______ m ______ You try: Graph: y 3x 5 Summary: 6 y x 1 5