Unit 1 Review Guide – Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution 1. What was the Renaissance? Where did it begin? When did it take place? 2. How did the medieval world differ from Renaissance society? Other Vocab to Know -Classical - Secular -Non-secular -Renaissance Man 3. What caused the Renaissance to begin? 4. What is humanism? How does Renaissance society demonstrate the idea of humanism? 5. What are the characteristics of Renaissance art? How does Renaissance art differ from medieval art? 6. Identify at least one major work with each of the following artists… a. Leonardo da Vinci – b. Michelangelo Buonarotti – c. Donatello – d. Raphael – 7. How did the Medici family and other patrons influence the development of Renaissance art 8. Identify the major work of each of the following authors, and then describe what that book/writing is about. a. Erasmus – b. Thomas More – c. Shakespeare – 9. How did Gutenberg’s printing press impact the Renaissance? The Protestant Reformation and the Counter Reformation 10. What were the major issues that led to the start of the Protestant Reformation? Other Vocab to Know -95 Theses -Recant -Predestination -Vernacular -Peace of Augsberg 11. What was the ultimate result of the Protestant Reformation? Where did it begin and where did it spread? 12. What is an indulgence? Why was Martin Luther opposed to the Catholic Church’s sale of indulgences? 13. How did Luther and the Church differ on the topic of salvation? 14. How did Luther’s reform movement begin? How did the upper/lower classes respond? How did the Catholic Church respond? 15. Identify the Protestant religion created/supported by each of the following people… a. Martin Luther b. John Calvin c. Henry VIII & Elizabeth I 16. What were the major effects of the Protestant Reformation on European society? 17. How did the Catholic Church respond to the Protestant Reformation? 18. Give a brief description of the purpose of each of the following aspects of the Counter Reformation… a. Council of Trent b. Jesuits c. Inquisition The Scientific Revolution 19. What was the Medieval view of the universe (before the Scientific Revolution)? 20. Explain the difference between the Geocentric and Heliocentric Theories. 21. Describe the major theories/discoveries of each of the following people… a. Aristotle/Ptolemy b. Copernicus c. Kepler d. Galileo e. Newton f. Descartes - 22. How did the Catholic Church react to Galileo’s discoveries? 23. What was the Medieval view of the human body (before the Scientific Revolution)? 24. Describe the major theories/discoveries of each of the following people… a. Vesalius b. Harvey