Renaissance/Reformation Infomercial Potential Topics:

Renaissance/Reformation Infomercial
Potential Topics:
Silk Road Trade
 Products exchanged
(at least 3)
 Effect of products on
Europe (at least 1 country)
Black Plague
 Causes of the plague
 Attempts to fight the
plague (at least 1)
 Outcomes of the plague
(at least 1)
Changes to European Culture
 Humanism
 Changes to society and
political hierarchy
Renaissance Art
 Techniques (at least 1)
 Artists (at least 1)
 Patrons (Medici)
 Luther
 Indulgences
 95 Theses
 Jean Calvin
 Predestination
 Henry VIII
 Elizabeth I
 Council of Trent
 Jesuits
 Inquisition
Step One:
You will receive one of the topics from the list above. Using the key terms as a guide, describe the major details of
your event. Questions to consider are:
Did your event impact a small part of Europe or the entire continent?
Does your event affect the lives of all people in Europe, or just one particular social class?
Did your event leave a lasting legacy, or was it short-lived?
Did your event have a positive or negative impact at first? Over time? Was it both positive and negative?
To what degree did your event affect areas outside of Europe as well?
Step Two:
Create a product to sell or distribute during that time period (or modern day) that embodies your group’s event. It is not
necessary for the product to be relative to the time period.
Step Three:
Create a script for your infomercial. Make sure everyone in the group has a role to play (although it’s not necessary for
each person to appear on camera). Be sure to cover the important information. Content is just as important as a quality
Step Four:
Record a live infomercial endorsing your product, making sure to include the important information.
Necessary Group Roles:
 Script writing
 Product Creation
 Video recording / editing
Infomercial Requirements:
Mention the Name of the
product (Multiple Times)
Catchy Jingle
Product’s Uses (This is where the
historical info comes in)
Mailing address/Web address for
product ordering
“But Wait There’s More…”
Video Requirements:
 1 to 3 minutes
 Mpg or mp4 formats
 Credits with names of group
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Silk Road Trade
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o At least 3 products exchanged along the Silk Road, where
the product originated, AND each product’s importance
(why was it so valuable?)
o What effect did the Silk Road exchange have on at least 2
European countries? (How did they evolve/change?)
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o At least 3 products exchanged along the Silk Road, where
the product originated, AND each product’s importance
(why was it so valuable?)
o What effect did the Silk Road exchange have on at least 2
European countries? (How did they evolve/change?)
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Max Point
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Black Plague
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o Causes of the Plague (where it originated, what carried
the virus, what accelerated the spread)
o 2 methods used to fight the plague (details and
o 2 outcomes of the plague and how they shaped Europe
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o Causes of the Plague (where it originated, what carried
the virus, what accelerated the spread)
o 2 methods used to fight the plague (details and
o 2 outcomes of the plague and how they shaped Europe
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Max Point
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Changes to European Culture
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o What is humanism?
o 3 examples of humanism (specific works, where it can be
found, who created it)
o 1 way humanism impacted/changed society (changing
o 1 way humanism impacted/changed political hierarchy
(who wants the power?)
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o What is humanism?
o 3 examples of humanism (specific works, where it can be
found, who created it)
o 1 way humanism impacted/changed society (changing
o 1 way humanism impacted/changed political hierarchy
(who wants the power?)
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Max Point
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Renaissance Art
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o Discuss/describe 2 techniques used in Renaissance Art,
give an example of a work of art that used the technique
as well as the artist who produced the piece.
o Discuss the impact that patrons, such as the Medici, had
on Renaissance Art
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o Discuss/describe 2 techniques used in Renaissance Art,
give an example of a work of art that used the technique
as well as the artist who produced the piece.
o Discuss the impact that patrons, such as the Medici, had
on Renaissance Art
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Max Point
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Lutheranism
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o Martin Luther’s issues with the Catholic church,
especially the sale of Indulgences
o Diet of Worms / Excommunication
o Spread of Protestantism/Lutheranism through
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o Martin Luther’s issues with the Catholic church,
especially the sale of Indulgences
o Diet of Worms / Excommunication
o Spread of Protestantism/Lutheranism through
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Points Received
Max Point Value
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Calvinism
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o John Calvin’s view of Christianity, especially his
ideas on Predestination
o Spread of Calvinism from France to Switzerland
and elsewhere (where did it go and why?)
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o John Calvin’s view of Christianity, especially his
ideas on Predestination
o Spread of Calvinism from France to Switzerland
and elsewhere (where did it go and why?)
Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Points Received
Max Point Value
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Anglicanism
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o Why did Henry VIII separate from the Catholic
o Elizabeth I (and/or Mary, Edward) – how did
religion in England evolve?
o Creation of Church of England
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o Why did Henry VIII separate from the Catholic
o Elizabeth I (and/or Mary, Edward) – how did
religion in England evolve?
o Creation of Church of England
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Points Received
Max Point Value
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points
Group Members:
Project Rubric: Counter Reformation
Project Component
 Script addresses essential content for the topic
o Pope Paul III & Council of Trent – what were they
trying to accomplish?
o Jesuits – how were they different from other
o Inquisition – what was the goal? Was it
 Script shows evidence of thorough planning and all group
members have assigned roles
Video Content
 Video addresses essential content for the topic
o Pope Paul III & Council of Trent – what were they
trying to accomplish?
o Jesuits – how were they different from other
o Inquisition – what was the goal? Was it
 Video includes required elements of infomercial
o Product name
o Slogan / Jingle
o “But wait, there’s more…
o Ordering info
Video Production
 1 to 3 minutes
 Proper format
 Credits
Points Received
Max Point Value
10 points
30 points
10 points
5 points
55 points