What is the Renaissance? A rebirth of art and learning
2. Why did it begin in Italy? Thriving cities, a wealthy merchant class, and Roman ruins
3. What are some of the techniques used in Renaissance art? Perspective and shading
4. Who supported and purchased artists and artwork? Patrons
5. How did the Renaissance change society? It encouraged a more secular outlook
What are the reasons for the decline and influence of the Catholic Church? Clerical corruption
2. What are Martin Luther’s major accomplishments? Salvation by faith and importance of scripture
3. What is a Protestant? Christians outside Catholicism (Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans)
4. What are John Calvin’s major accomplishments? Idea of predestination
5. What are Henry VIII’s major accomplishments? Established the Church of England
Scientific Revolution
What are some of the causes of the Scientific Revolution? What was the belief about the universe before
(and who came up with it), and what was the belief about the universe after (and who came up with it)?
New discoveries (America) and inventions (compass) helped Copernicus’s heliocentric theory to replace the
geocentric theory of Aristotle.
2. How did the Scientific Revolution change society? Improved medicine, emphasis on observation
3. Know the following people and their accomplishments:
a. Aristotle Greek philosopher who promoted geocentrism
b. Copernicus Polish astronomer who came up with heliocentrism
c. Galileo Italian physicist who pioneered use of telescope, promoted heliocentrism
d. Newton English physicist who formulated the law of universal gravitation
e. Kepler German astronomer who discovered planets’ orbits are elliptical
f. Vesalius Anatomist who popularized dissection of the human body
g. Harvey Physician who discovered that the heart pumps blood through the body
Ottoman Empire/Mughal Empire
What is the capital of the Ottoman Empire (both original and new name)? Constantinople/Istanbul
2. Why were Asian goods in such high demand by the Europeans? They could be sold for lots of money
3. What are some of the similarities between Suleiman (Ottomans) and Akbar (Mughals)? Encouraged arts
4. What are some of the reasons for the decline of both the Ottoman and Mughal Empires? Weak leaders
Age of Exploration
What are the main reasons for European exploration? God, Gold, and Glory
What are Prince Henry’s major accomplishments? He founded a navigational school
What are the effects of the slave trade on Africa? Brain drain which tore families apart
What is the Columbian Exchange? The exchange of living things between the Old and New Worlds
What is the Triangular Trade? What is the Middle Passage?
Europe sent guns to Africa, Africa sent slaves to America (Middle Passage), America sent crops to Europe
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas? Gave Asia, Africa, & Brazil to Portugal, most of America to Spain
Age of Absolutism
Know the importance of the following:
a. Frederick the Great Enlightened king who made Prussia a great power
b. Louis XIV French king who strengthened monarchy, built palace of Versailles
c. Peter the Great Emperor who westernized Russia
What are some of the items/laws that were passed to limit the power of the absolute monarchs
in England? Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus Act, Bill of Rights
How did absolute monarchs justify their total rule? Divine Right
Know the following Enlightenment thinkers and their contributions to the Enlightenment:
a. Locke Identified natural rights; if these are infringed, subjects may revolt
b. Hobbes Argued that people established government to control their baser impulses
c. Rousseau Wrote that government resulted from a social contract with the people
d. Voltaire Defended free speech, especially on the subject of religion
e. Montesquieu Invented idea of a third branch of government, the judiciary
French Revolution
What percentage of the population made up each of the Three Estates? Who belonged in each Estate?
1st – clergy, less than 1%; 2nd – nobility, around 2%; 3rd – everyone else, 98% (90% are peasants)
What happened when Louis XVI tried to tax the Second Estate? Estates-General called
What are the main causes of the French Revolution? Enlightenment ideas, financial crisis, high prices
What prior revolution influenced the French Revolution? American Revolution
What is the Storming of the Bastille’s significance? Commemorated by France’s national holiday (7/14)
What was the new “weapon” of the Revolution? The guillotine
What is the Tennis Court Oath and what did it accomplish?
National Assembly (3rd Estate) resolved to write a new constitution
What is the official slogan of the French Revolution? Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man? Official document recognizing natural rights
10. Who is Robespierre? What was his era known as? Jacobin leader who presided over Reign of Terror
What were the beliefs of each of the following political groups?
a. Radicals Revolutionaries who wanted sweeping change and opposed the monarchy
b. Moderates Representatives who wanted some change, but not as much as the radicals
c. Conservatives Politicians who resisted change and upheld a limited monarchy
d. Emigres Nobles who fled the country, and supported a return to absolute monarchy
e. Sans-culottes Urban workers who wanted lower food prices
What are the contributing factors to the onset of the French Revolution? Enlightenment, debt and prices
When Napoleon took power in France, he threw a “coup d’état.” What does that mean?
A coup d’état is when the military seizes power
What was the Continental System under Napoleon? A blockade of British trade
What was Russia’s technique in taking down Napoleon when he invaded their country? Scorched earth
What is the Napoleonic Code and why is it important? A uniform legal code which limited freedoms
What happened at the Peninsular War? Spain rebelled after Napoleon made his brother king there
What three events were considered to be Napoleon’s biggest mistakes before his eventual downfall?
The Continental System, the Peninsular War, and the invasion of Russia
What was the importance of the islands of Elba and St. Helena? Napoleon’s homes in exile
20. Why did Napoleon give up all of his territory in America?
He couldn’t keep it, he wanted to prevent Britain from taking it, and he needed money
What happened on the island of St. Dominigue (Haiti)? Who was in charge of the rebellious group?
Toussaint L’Ouverture led a slave rebellion
Why was the Battle of Waterloo significant? It was Napoleon’s final defeat