Blackfish Assignment – AP Language Theatrical Killer Whale Show.”

Blackfish Assignment – AP Language
AP Language students will watch Blackfish. Then, students will read “SeaWorld to End
Theatrical Killer Whale Show.”
After reading, students should write a 250-word response to this prompt. I have made copies of
this prompts for distribution to students.
To address customer concerns and dropping attendance, SeaWorld in San Diego has decided to
end its “signature killer whale show” at its San Diego location. In addition, the state of California
has prohibited SeaWorld from breeding killer whales in captivity, a decision with which
SeaWorld disagrees. Debate continues about the ethics of keeping orcas in captivity and using
them in shows at amusement parks.
After having read the San Diego Tribune article and having watched Blackfish, write a 250-word
response in which you start to develop a position on this issue.
Remember to make claims of fact, claims of value, and/or claims of policy, defend those claims
with evidence, and write commentary that expresses the importance of the evidence. Avoid first
person and identify the criteria by which you are asserting your opinion.