Write a program that plays the Rock-Paper-Scissor game. Have... randomly select Rock, Paper, or Scissor and then prompt the...

AP Computer Science – Chapter 1, assignment 2
Name: _________________
1. Write a program that plays the Rock-Paper-Scissor game. Have the computer
randomly select Rock, Paper, or Scissor and then prompt the user for their choice.
First one to win 3 times wins. Display the results after every turn. A sample
display is shown below:
Enter sissor
The computer
Enter sissor
The computer
Enter sissor
The computer
Enter sissor
The computer
Enter sissor
The computer
(0), rock (1), paper (2)
is rock, the user is rock, Draw.
(0), rock (1), paper (2)
Score: user=0, computer=0
is rock, the user is paper,You win.
(0), rock (1), paper (2)
is paper,the user is sissor, You win.
(0), rock (1), paper (2)
Score: user=1, computer=0
is sissor, the user is paper,You lose.
(0), rock (1), paper (2)
is sissor, the user is rock, You win.
Score: user=2, computer=0
Score: user=2, computer=1
Score: user=3, computer=1
User wins!
2. Use a Monte-Carlo simulation to verify the value of PI. Using a circle with a
radius of 1 and a bounding square with a length of 2. Pick random points within the
square and use the distance formula to determine if the point also lies within the
circle boundry. Using a ratio of hit counts to total attempts, estimate PI and
compare with Math.PI. Try an attempt count of 1,000,000. Try multiple
simulations and display the results.