Name: ________________________________ Reading Strategies Study Guide Due on _____________________

Name: ________________________________
Reading Strategies Study Guide
Due on _____________________
Reading Strategy
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast
Text Structures
Dress Like an Egyptian
Early Egyptians dressed according to their wealth and their roles in society. Those who did
common work wore what was practical, and those who were rich wore what was beautiful.
The clothing of servants and laborers was simple and inexpensive. It was usually white in color and
rough in quality. Not only was it cheaper, but it was easier to work in. Men wore a cloth like a Scottish
kilt. Women wore long skirts with plain shawls or dresses without sleeves, and no jewelry. Children
often wore nothing at all. Even their scalps were bare because they were shaved to prevent lice.
Wealthy people dressed differently. They wore colorful clothing, though fabric dye was
expensive (the vibrant colors, such as gold and yellow were especially costly). They could afford
delicate linens of fine quality (so fine that some were as transparent as a screened window). The rich
sometimes wore pleated and loosely flowing robes that would have ruled out hard work. The rich also
wore wigs, eye makeup, perfume, and jewelry. Even children wore jewels around their neck.
Yes, the dress of the poor was practical for labor while the decorations of the rich were not.
However, these rich decorations did serve at least two purposes. They made the wearer feel
beautiful. They also reminded the working-class Egyptians of the rank and majesty of those who were
1. Why do you think the lower class wore mostly white clothing?
White was a symbol of innocence.
Colored cloth was not permitted.
Rough cloth came in white only.
Fabric dyes were too expensive.
2. The very wealthy Egyptians dressed splendidly for several reasons. Which of the
following was NOT a reason for their style of dress?
It made them feel beautiful.
It showed their majesty.
They could buy it cheaply.
They did not have to work hard.
3. Why might it have been difficult for a servant to work in clothing like that of the
They might be too worried about how they looked.
They might get the clothes caught and ruin them or hurt themselves.
They might spend all their earnings on clothes.
They might fight over the fashion.
4. Why would the pharaoh dress even more elaborately than the
He knew all the designers.
He would want to the wealthy to copy his clothing.
He would want to set himself apart and be respected.
He changed his clothes often.
Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
Adam’s Trip
Adam had on a special suit and helmet. He had to wear them in order to maintain his safety. His
coworker made sure Adam’s air tank was full. Adam went out carefully. He bounced because he felt
so light. He picked up some rocks. He checked out a crater. Adam carefully bounced back to the ship.
He caught a glimpse of Earth. Even so far away, it looked gorgeous.
5. Highlight at least 5 KEY words.
6. Make an Inference: Why did Earth look far away?
Adam was looking at a picture in a book.
Adam was high on a mountain.
Adam was in outer space.
Adam needed glasses.
Bridget mailed the invitation to her party. A week later, no one had responded. When Bridget’s mom
asked if she had any stamps left over, Bridget knew what happened.
7. Highlight at least 3 KEY words.
8. Make an inference: Why didn’t anyone respond to the invitations?
Bridget forgot to seal the envelopes.
Bridget forgot to put stamps on the envelopes.
Bridget put the wrong addresses on the envelopes.
Bridget never mailed the invitations.
Cathy was going to summer camp for the first time. She was worried her clothes would get mixed up
with her roommate’s clothes. “No problem,” her mom said. “I’ve got a plan for that.”
9. Highlight at least 3 KEY words.
10. Make an inference: What does Cathy’s mom plan to do?
Write a mean note to warn Cathy’s roommate.
Buy only red clothes.
Label the clothes.
Lock them in a suitcase.
Becoming a Winning Cyclist
What’s the secret of a winning cyclist? Skill, daring, and good preparation do make a difference, of
course, but another answer is technology. Since bicycle races are often very close, riders need every
advantage they can get. For instance, a racer might wear a suit designed so that it has no creases or
winkles to affect the airflow. Special racing shoes are covered with a seamless silver fabric for the
same reason. Aerodynamic brakes and a bike frame made to cut through the air effectively are also
part of a racer’s equipment.
11. From this paragraph you can conclude that…
Cyclists like to look good when racing
Many riders wear the wrong kind of clothing
Air resistance affects a rider’s speed
Some riders don’t spend enough time training
12. From the paragraph you cannot tell…
What materials are used in marking racing bikes
That riders need every advantage they can get
That bicycle races are often very close
That riders must have skill to win a race
Making Predictions
Marie is getting herself some soda. She begins to pour the soda and her hand slips. Her soda is all
over the floor. Marie knows her mom will not be happy if she sees the mess.
13. What do you think Marie will do next? __________________________________________
John can't find his mother in the store. He looks all around the store and soon he starts to cry. The
lady from the store asks John what is wrong.
14. What do you think John will do next? ___________________________________________
There is a small mouse creeping out of his hole. As he slowly walks out he sees a cat. The cat is
ready to jump on the mouse.
15. What do you think the mouse will do next? ______________________________________
Kids Should Be Able to Watch Television on School Nights!
I am tired of hearing all the bad and dangerous things about watching television. For a couple of
generations, it has been debated whether or not students should be allowed to watch television
during the week. I am here to loudly say “YES.” Television is not the enemy; old ideas are!
With a little bit of careful thinking, any parent will realize that watching television after school is a way
for students to relax and unwind. Students’ lives are more demanding today than the lives of past
generations. Not only are we getting more homework, but also, our after school time is overscheduled. Beside homework clubs, after-school tutoring, and lessons, we play sports, practice
music, dancing and art. When we do get home, we are tired. Most, if not all, of our homework is
done, and all we want to do is settle down in front of the television and give our brains a rest.
Parents, do you remember what television was like in the old days? There were only a few channel
choices, and most of the programs were silly. Today, the average household has over one hundred
channels. In one hour, you can learn about ancient Egypt, the
planets in other solar systems, and the latest dinosaur find. Many
parents think that learning has stopped once teenagers are on the
couch watching television. The opposite is true! The real
education is starting. T.V. viewers are seeing and hearing about
things that most school programs never touch.
Lastly, in the old days, parents saw television as something
separate from their children’s homework duties. Today’s smart
students use television as a means to support their homework
efforts. Many students have learned in Study Skills classes to use television watching as a reward for
finishing all of our homework. We will only watch television when we have pre-planned, at the
beginning of our homework session, to do so after we have completed all of our nightly homework
tasks. Therefore, television does not keep us from our work, it encourages us finish it.
So, I want to end with the advice that parents should allow their kids to watch television on school
nights. It allows children to unwind after a hard day, which will let their brains work better for the next
day. Watching television is educational and will show them more things than a book can. Good
students will use television watching as a way to encourage them to do homework and not to avoid it.
So watch television, kids, it is your friend!
16. According to this article, complete the cause and effect graphic organizer:
Watching T.V.
No T.V. on School Nights!
While many kids want to watch T.V. on school nights, I argue that it is a
harmful habit. As a former weeknight T.V. watcher, I can say since I
stopped watching T.V., my grades have gone up, I am healthier, and I
sleep better. Banning school night T.V. can help many kids be more
Although many kids believe that T.V. is helpful to their learning, I feel it
is a distraction. For several years, my parents allowed me to watch T.V.
on school nights. I would rush home, grab a snack, and turn on the
T.V. I watched it from 4 PM until 10 PM every evening. I was so hooked to the programs that I would
not stop to do my homework. Since I stayed up so late, I could barely get up in the morning to do my
assignments. To make matters worse, because I did not complete my homework and arrived to class
unprepared, I started to get bad grades. These bad grades caused me to make a change in my life. It
has been a year since I have turned off the T.V. during the week. I am more alert after school and
ready to do my homework. I wake up refreshed and prepared for the day’s lessons. I went from
getting “C’s” to getting “B’s” and “A’s” on all my assignments!
Another reason that the TV needs to be turned off on school nights is that it can make you unhealthy.
Kids wind up coming home, plopping down in front of the tube, and snacking. When you watch TV,
you are distracted from what you are doing. When I was a school night TV watcher, I would open a
whole bag of chips and eat all of it. The T.V. distracted me so much from the amount of food I was
eating. Soon I gained weight and was sluggish. Once I stopped watching T.V., I had more energy. I
also had more time to think about the portions of food I was eating. I finished my homework in time to
do additional activities, such as go to kickboxing class or shoot some hoops. By being aware of the
amount of exercise and the food I ate, I felt better, lost weight, and was energized for the school day.
Finally, kids should not be allowed to watch T.V. on school nights because it keeps them up late. Kids
are lured into the mindless watching of one program and the next. Before they know it, it is way past
their bedtimes. Yet, when they finally get in the bed, they are restless. All the visual stimulation from
the T.V. screen prevents them from falling asleep. I used to toss and turn in my bed for hours. I would
finally doze off only to be awoken a short time later by my alarm. Once I turned the T.V. off on school
nights, I slept better and was refreshed the next day. Parents, please encourage your kids to turn off
the T.V. on weeknights. It makes them fat, do poorly in school, and lose sleep. So, I say to kids, turn
off that T.V. and start living!
17. According to this article, complete the cause and effect graphic organizer:
Watching T.V.
18. Compare and contrast these articles using the Venn Diagram:
Students’ lives are more demanding.
Watching T.V. is harmful.
T.V. time gives brains a break.
The topic is T.V. watching among teenagers.
Some T.V. shows are educational.
T.V. viewing causes unhealthy habits to develop.
T.V. reduces the amount of sleep.
T.V. can be used as a reward that motivates students.
Constant T.V. watching makes it difficult to be successful in school.
Kids Should Be Able to Watch T.V.
No T.V. on School Nights