Chapter 17 Creating and Linking Web Pages Copyright 2006 South-Western/Thomson Learning

Chapter 17
Creating and Linking
Web Pages
Copyright 2006 South-Western/Thomson Learning
History of WWW
• World Wide Web was invented in 1989
• Inventor was Tim Berners-Lee
• Release of Netscape browser in 1994 brought
increased use of the Web
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Web Site
• A collection of related Web pages
connected using hyperlinks
• Hyperlinks can be text or graphics
• When clicked, hyperlinks take a user to a
new location
– On the same Web page
– On another page at the same Web site
– On a different Web site
Lesson 121
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• Stands for HyperText Markup Language
• Web browsers use HTML to interpret and
display Web pages
Choose View, Source to
view the HTML code for
a Web page
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• Make up the code that Web browsers
• Normally work in pairs, but some work alone
• Can be written in UPPERCASE or lowercase
• Are written in angle brackets < >
– Open HTML tags start commands <Center>
– Close HTML tags stop commands </Center>
Lesson 121
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Basic HTML Tags
• These tags provide the basic structure of a
Web page
– <HTML> </HTML> begins and ends a Web page
– <HEAD> </HEAD> creates a header for a Web page
– <TITLE> </TITLE> displays a title in the title bar of the
– <BODY> </BODY> causes words and pictures to
display in the main viewing area of the browser
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File Extension
• A three- or four-letter code that identifies a file
• Separated from the filename by a period
– PowerPoint files use .ppt extension
– Word files use .doc extension
• Exact and complete filenames and extensions
must be used in HTML documents
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Displaying File Extensions
• To display file extensions
Choose Start, Control Panel
Select Appearances and Themes, Folder Options
Click the View tab
Remove the check by
Hide extensions for
known file types
Lesson 121
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Basic Formatting Tags
• Formatting tags help organize and add
interest to Web pages
– <P> </P> leaves one blank line and begins a new
– <BR> </BR> begins a new line
– <TITLE> </TITLE> places a title in the title bar of
the Web browser
Lesson 122
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Headings and Nested Tags
• Heading tags create a bold heading in a
font larger than the body text
• Nested tags are organized in pairs moving
from the outside in
<CENTER> <H2> Mission Log <H2> <CENTER>
Lesson 122
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Bulleted List Tags
• Tags that create bulleted lists must be
nested correctly
<LI>Launched rocket on December 7, 1972.</LI>
<LI>Landed on the moon on December 11, 1972.</LI>
<LI>Splashdown took place on December 19, 1972.</LI>
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Sample Web Page
• This Web page has headings and a
bulleted list
<H2> tags create heading
<CENTER> tags center
text heading
<HR> tag creates a line
<B> tag creates bold text
<UL> and <LI> tags create
a bulleted list
Lesson 122
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Adding Hyperlinks
• Hyperlinks are created with an anchor tag
• A hypertext reference is placed between
quotation marks
<A HREF="">Link to NASA</A>
Hyperlink created with
anchor tag
Lesson 122
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Adding Color
• The background color of a Web page can be
set with HTML tags
• An attribute is added to the tag
• A value is given for the attribute
Lesson 123
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• Graphics should be in a format that allows
small file sizes for quick loading
• Place graphics in the correct folder
• Display graphics with the <IMG> tag
• Indicate width and height attributes
<IMG SRC="images/title.gif" WIDTH="627" HEIGHT="148">
Lesson 123
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Using Application Programs
• Web pages can be created using programs
such as
– Word
– Excel
– PowerPoint
• The Save As Web Page command saves
documents in a format that can be read by a
Lesson 124
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Save As Web Page
• To save a Word document as a Web page
Create the document
Choose File, Save As Web Page
Select a folder and enter a filename
Change the page
title if needed
– Click Save
Lesson 124
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Slide Show for the Web
• PowerPoint slide shows can be saved as
Web pages
• In the browser window
– An outline appears at the left of the window
– The first slide appears
– Buttons are provided
for navigating and
playing the show
Click to play the show
Lesson 124
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Linking Pages
• An index page can be used to link Web pages
– List each page name on the index page
– Create a link from each page name to that page
<P><B>Web Site Index </B></P>
<A HREF="webpage7.html">Mission Overview</A><BR>
<A HREF="webpage8.html">Photo Gallery</A><BR>
<A HREF="webpage9.mht">Astronaut Bio, Cernan</A><BR>
<A HREF="webpage10.mht">Astronaut Bio, Evans</A><BR>
<A HREF="webpage11.mht"> Astronaut Bio, Schmitt </A><BR>
<A HREF="webpage12.mht">Apollo 17 Slide Show</A><BR>
Lesson 125
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Web Creation Programs
• Several programs for creating Web sites are
– Macromedia Dreamweaver
– Adobe GoLive
– Microsoft FrontPage
FrontPage is a popular
Web page creation
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