The Political process Hu Jintao, President Xi Jinping, Vice President Alexander strain

The Political process
Alexander strain
Hu Jintao, President
Xi Jinping, Vice President
How rulers are chosen
• The President and Vice President are elected for five year
terms by the National People’s Congress.
• They can both run for two terms.
• The President then nominates the Premiere, and the National
People’s Congress(NPC) confirms it.
• Only members of the CCP, its eight allied parties, and CCPapproved independent candidates are elected to the NPC, to
ensure that the communist party wins each election.
• The NPC is a rubber-stamp legislative body.
Alexander strain
Role of Political Parties
• The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) practically controls the
government, but it allows eight nominally independent small
parties which it controls.
• There is no political Opposition allowed in China.
• There are no major interest groups, due to government
ownership of most economic enterprises.
• There are small interest groups, but they generally only affect
local politics.
• The CCP help to unite Chinese individual under one party.
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Political map of china
Alexander strain
How individuals citizens participate in
• Individuals can become Civil servants, which are selected
through competitive examination
• These civil servants are given ranks(there are 27), which
determine their political power, and what job they do in the
• Chinese individuals can also participate in politics by voting in
village elections and voicing their dissent in CCP-approved
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Works Cited Page
• Cia world factbook. (2012, January 11). Retrieved from
• (2011). Maps of world. (2011). [0]. Retrieved from
alexander strain