English 111 College Composition I (English 12/ Dual Enrollment) Fall 2015 Course Syllabus S e m e s t e r , M o d e , C a m p u s I n s t r u c t o r N a m e , P o s i t i o n Instructor: Lara Alt, NVCC DE Adjunct Email: lara.alt@lcps.org Description: English 111 is a 3-credit college course that introduces students to critical thinking and the fundamentals of academic writing. Through the writing process, students refine topics; develop and support ideas; investigate, evaluate, and incorporate appropriate resources; edit for effective style and usage; and determine appropriate approaches for a variety of contexts, audiences, and purposes. Writing activities will include exposition and argumentation with at least one researched essay. English 111 will prepare students for all other expected college writing and for writing in the workplace through understanding the writing process and creation of effective texts. Prerequisites: Students must achieve satisfactory scores on placement tests or SATs as established by the VCCS and adopted by their college, or have satisfactorily completed either ENF 1 or ENF 2, depending on where the student was placed. Course Objectives: Goal One: The Process of Writing English 111 will help students understand that writing is a process that develops through experience and varies among individuals. Objectives • Students will engage in all phases of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and reflecting. • Students will incorporate reading and experience into their writing processes. Goal Two: Critical Thinking for Writing English 111 will develop students’ ability to analyze and investigate ideas and to present them in wellstructured prose appropriate to the purpose and audience. Objectives • Students will competently read, summarize, and respond to college-level texts—their own and others'—of varying lengths. • Students will create unified, coherent, well-developed texts that demonstrate a self-critical awareness of rhetorical elements such as purpose, audience, and organization. • Students will appropriately employ grammatical and mechanical conventions in the preparation of readable manuscripts. • Students will learn, in the course of completing a research paper, how to use and evaluate outside sources of information, incorporate and document source material appropriately, and avoid plagiarism. • Students will produce a minimum of 15-20 pages of finished, graded text, including at least ours one documented, research-based essay. e Syll 1 abus C English 111 College Composition I (English 12/ Dual Enrollment) Fall 2015 Course Syllabus S e m e s t e r , M o d e , C a m p u s I n s t r u c t o r N a m e , P o s i t i o n Virginia Grade 12 SOL Standards: Through the English 111 curriculum in the fall semester and the English 112 curriculum in the spring, the following Virginia Standards of Learning for high school grade 12 will be emphasized: 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 The student will make a formal oral presentation in a group or individually. The student will examine how values and points of view are included or excluded and how media influences beliefs and behaviors. The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts. The student will read, comprehend, and analyze the development of British literature and literature of other cultures. The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction texts. The student will develop expository and informational, analyses, and persuasive/argumentative writings. The student will write, revise, and edit writing. The student will write documented research papers. Classroom Guidelines and Expectations: Blackboard. All assignments will be posted on Blackboard. We will also use Blackboard to turn in several of the writing assignments using Safe Assign. As this is a lab-based, writing course, you will be expected to write during scheduled lab time as well as outside of class. It is your responsibility to check Blackboard to retrieve assignments and be aware of due dates. Materials. The following are required in this English class: o A notebook dedicated to English 111/112. This notebook will be either spiral-bound with folders for handouts or a loose-leaf binder with tabs for handouts. Please note: individual sheets or scraps of paper, even if safely stored in a back pocket, are neither acceptable nor satisfactory. o At least one working blue or black ink pen. o A jump drive is recommended. o Books and handouts will be provided and are listed below. Essays: Required Format o Typed and double spaced and saved in .doc or .docx format. o 12 Point Times New Roman o A right header on each page containing the student’s last name and page number. o A title centered above the introductory paragraph on your first page. Classroom Etiquette: This is a college course, and you are expected to behave like a college student. This means refraining from all distracting behavior including participating in irrelevant discussions, using personal electronic devices, and completing work for another class. As this is a computer lab, food and drink will not be permitted in the classroom. C ours e Syll 2 abus English 111 College Composition I (English 12/ Dual Enrollment) Fall 2015 Course Syllabus S e m e s t e r , M o d e , C a m p u s I n s t r u c t o r N a m e , P o s i t i o n Instructional Materials (subject to availability): Cohen, Samuel. 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. Print. Kennedy, X.J., Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Jane E. Aaron. The Bedford Reader. 10th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. Print. Wyrick, Jean. Steps to Writing Well. 11th ed. Independence, KY: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. NVCC Grading Scale: A = 100 - 90 B = 89 - 80 C = 79 - 70 D = 69 - 60 F = 59 and below Note: The NVCC grading scale does not use pluses or minuses. In terms of percentages, it is the same as the Loudoun County grading scale. On your Loudoun County transcript, the grade will reflect the Loudoun County grading scale. A grade of 91, thus, will be an A-. Loudoun County Grading Scale A+ 98-100 A- 93-97 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F 0-59 Year grade for English 12 DE: The student’s year grade for English 12DE is the average of the four quarter grades. Each of these grades is weighted at 25% of the year grade. Note: English 111 and English 112 are, through Northern Virginia Community College, semester courses. You will receive a separate grade, and three college credits, for the successful completion of each course. The grade for English 111 does not affect the grade for English 112. By Northern Virginia Community College guidelines, a dual enrollment student must earn a grade of C or higher in English 111 to continue to English 112. Academic Honesty: All students are expected to complete their own work. Neither cheating nor plagiarism will be tolerated. If you are found cheating or plagiarizing you will receive a grade of 0 and the incident will be reported to the department and dean. According to the NOVA Student Handbook, “Academic dishonesty cannot be condoned. When such misconduct is established as having occurred, it subjects you to possible disciplinary actions ranging from admonition to dismissal, along with any grade penalty the instructor might, in appropriate cases, impose. Procedural safeguards of due process and appeal are available to you in disciplinary matters.” Official sanctions become part of your NOVA record. See Section VII of the Student Handbook (http://www.nvcc.edu/current-students/policies-forms/student-handbook/) for more information about this policy. C ours e Syll 3 abus English 111 College Composition I (English 12/ Dual Enrollment) Fall 2015 Course Syllabus GRADING BREAKDOWN: 1st Quarter: Close Reading (1) Paper 1* (College Essay) Paper 2* (Documented Essay) Paper 3* (Division /Analysis OR Classification) Writing Workshops (3) Quizzes (Readings, Grammar, Writing Strategies) Class Participation Portfolio Reflection (Goal Setting) S e m e s t e r , M o d e , C a m p u s I n s t r u c t o r N a m e , P o s i t i o n 50 points 100 points 150 points 100 points 60 points 80 points 20 points 10 points 2nd Quarter: Close Reading 2 (Posted on Discussion Board) 50 points Paper 4* (Definition OR Example) 150 points Paper 5* (Speeches and Technical Writing) 150 points Paper 6* (Webtext: Compare and Contrast/Cause and Effect) 250 points Writing Workshops (3) 60 points Quizzes (Readings, Grammar, Writing Strategies) 80 points Class Participation 10 points Portfolio Reflection 20 points First Semester Journals 50 points *Must be submitted to Safe Assign. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Points/assignments are subject to change) How to turn in papers: Safe Assign: As part of the writing process, you will submit your papers to Safe Assign, a data check similar to Turnitin.com. Safe Assign is found on NOVA’s Blackboard site. Instructions for using Safe Assign will be provided. Papers will also be printed and turned in to the instructor. Due Dates: Papers must be submitted at the beginning of class on the day they are due or they are considered late. That means that students should print their paper by the time the bell rings and/or submit to Safe Assign before class on the due date. Even though we are in a computer lab, you should plan ahead and make sure that you have printed your paper before class so that you can meet the deadline. Late papers: Late papers will be docked 10% for each day they are late, up to 40% off (max of 60/D- on a perfect assignment). If you have a legitimate emergency and need to make arrangements for an extension, do so before the due date. Late papers will be accepted up to one week beyond the due date if they are accompanied by written proof of your emergency. If the student has an excused absence from English class but is present for any other portion of the school day, the student must turn in the English assignment on the scheduled due date in order for it to be graded at full credit. C ours e Syll 4 abus English 111 College Composition I (English 12/ Dual Enrollment) Fall 2015 Course Syllabus S e m e s t e r , M o d e , C a m p u s I n s t r u c t o r N a m e , P o s i t i o n Revisions: All students will be allowed at least one revision, but no more than three revisions, on formal essays/papers. Revisions are accepted only from students who turned their initial assignment in on time. The student will earn the higher/better grade on a revision when it is evident that the student initially put forth his/her best effort on draft one AND worked to learn from and improve subsequent drafts. Note: Students will be allowed up to one week from the day a paper is returned to submit a revision. Attendance: Attendance is extremely important in any college class. As per LCPS policy, students have one class to make up any missed work for each class missed. Note: Writing Workshops cannot be made up, so plan to attend or see me in advance if Writing Workshop must be missed. If a student is absent, Blackboard MUST be checked. Blackboard contains the information and assignments essential to student success. Special Services: To the extent allowable by NVCC, students with IEPs or 504 plans will receive the accommodations specified in those IEPs or 504 plans. It should be noted that such modifications will NOT include excusing students from completing the minimum page requirement for the class specified by the university. Drop Date: The last date to drop is October 19, 2015. If you are not proving successful in this college course due to its rigor or personal issues, the course can be dropped by the above date. Your school will not be billed for your participation in the course. With your agreement, your teacher will send an e-mail with this request to the DE Registrar. If a transferrable course, you must be removed from the course. If non-transferable, you can take the high school only credit and remain in the course. Withdraw Date: The last date to withdraw is December 11, 2015. If you missed the drop deadline, you may also be withdrawn from the course. A withdraw places a W on your college transcript but does not impact your college GPA. To be withdrawn, with your permission, your DE Instructor will complete the DE withdraw form and send to the DE Registrar. Please note, a “W” on a college transcript may impact your ability to secure financial aid in the future! C ours e Syll 5 abus