Mrs. Economou’s Weekly Update - Nov. 10 Important Dates to Remember:

Mrs. Economou’s Weekly Update - Nov. 10
Important Dates to Remember:
Nov. 11th – Veteran’s Day – no school
Nov. 21st – Field Trip to Tiger World – Please turn in permission slip and money
Canned Food Drive has been extended through Wednesday. The class that turns in
the most non-perishable food wins a pizza party.
Monday - Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday - Neon Day
Thursday - 60s, 70s Day
Friday - Western/boot day
Our class will perform our "7 Habits of Healthy Kids" song and dance at an assembly
called "Tellabration" on Thursday, 7:55-8:55. Parents are welcome. Mrs. Burry filmed
our class doing the song and dance and will send me the short video to forward to all
parents, too.
Math: We are studying 2 digits times 2 digits.
I will teach 6 different strategies for 2 digits times 2 digits.
They are graph paper, grid boxes, lattice method, a line method, the typical algorithm
parents know, and the typical algorithm parents know but with the 4 partial products
written down. I am including a few youtube links in case you are curious about these
methods. We will learn one a day. The students will be exposed to all of them in an
attempt to help them truly understand what multiplication is, and to help them find the
best method for them. In the end, they must do the standard algorithm for the EOG, but
they must understand the concrete and conceptual models also.
graph paper method for multiplication (area model for multiplication)
grid method for multiplication:
lattice method for multiplication
line method for multiplication
partial product for multiplication
ELA: We are going to revisit drawing conclusions or making inferences some more
because although the children can come to a conclusion, they cannot always explain
why. We are also learning about the narrator’s voice: is it first, second, or third person.
And when it is third person, is it objective, limited or omniscient. (It is fine for the
students to say the narrator is revealing no one’s thoughts, one person’s or
everybody’s instead of obj, limited or omniscient. Right now we are just focusing on
the whole idea of a narrator’s perspective.)