Geography in Perspective Mr. Pentzak

Geography in
Mr. Pentzak
Bell Ringer #5
What is perspective?
Does your family eat any foods that your friends
think is “weird” or unusual but is traditional for you?
Have you ever used an expression that someone
from another part of the country or world didn’t
understand? Examples?
Play to 0:55
Today’s Global Context
Identities & Relationships
Who am I? Who are we?
Students will explore identity; beliefs and values;
personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health;
human relationships including families, friends,
communities and cultures; what it means to be
Examples of geographic
impacts on culture
The United States becoming
the only superpower after
The rise of radical Islamists
following the
decline/collapse of the
Ottoman Empire
Toddlers in Norway napping
outside in freezing
The U.S. was far away from
the front lines/main battle
theaters and infrastructure
was not damaged
Regional power struggles,
Western influences on
desirable locations,
geographic isolation
Exposure to the extreme
cold from an early age
makes living there much
What is
“a particular attitude
toward or way of
regarding something;
a point of view.”
We can view the same
image, hear the same
sounds, taste the
same foods and form
different opinions or
have very different
How we view the
world has a lot to do
with where we live
and our past
A Stereotype is a widely held
but fixed and oversimplified
image or idea of a particular
type of person or thing.
Sometime we expect certain
things about other countries
or places that turn out to be
completely different than
Examples: Lebanon is in the
Middle East but doesn’t have
any deserts, Nigeria
produces more films than
the U.S.
Same symbol, different
Countries that do not
use the metric system
(U.S., Liberia, Myanmar)
Population Density
Countries that fit inside
the continent of Africa
North of what?
Main Idea
Geography is more than just lines on a map or
knowing capital cities of different countries
Remember MR. LIP and the 5 Themes of Geography?
Which one describes how the natural features of an
area affect how people live?
Paper Globes
What challenges do cartographers face?
What tools do you think cartographers use?
Look at the lines of latitude and longitude, why are
they straight now and what will happen to them
when you tape our map together?
Which landmass takes up the most amount of
squares on your grid?
DIRECTION CHANGES: Write your name anywhere on
the Equator and only color the landmasses if we are
ahead of schedule time wise
1. Cut out the map carefully. The easiest way might be to cut around
the edges first and then cut out the white triangles last (see
2. Start with about 4-6 pieces of tape, about an inch long, or slightly
shorter. (Conserve tape!)
3. Put the piece of tape behind one of the triangle pieces, so that the
sticky side is facing up and hanging out past the triangle you taped it
4. Pull the adjacent triangular piece towards the tape. Make sure
the lines of latitude line up and there is not a gap between the 2
triangular pieces.
5. When you run out of tape, get another 4-6 pieces.
6. Anchor the end of your string to a piece of tape, then snake it
through the top opening. Stick the anchored piece of tape to the
inside of your globe.
7. Continue steps 3 and 4 until the globe has a globe shape!
Geography Game Practice: Record your times
and scores for each round you play
Play through Level Two and Three until you score
Play through this game until you score an 85% or
Exit Slips
Did you find anything surprising in today’s lesson?
Why or why not?
Where does the majority of the world’s population
Give an example of a time when two perspectives
might be correct.
Has the way you look at the world changed at all
after today?
If we have time: