LE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ (the past tense) In French, the past tense is made up of two parts: the helping verb (avoir or être) and the past participle: avoir: j'ai tu as il/elle/on a past participles regular verbs Er é Ir i Re u nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont irregular verbs avoir eu devoir dû être été faire fait lire lu mettre pouvoir prendre voir vouloir mis pu pris vu vu parler: to talk/speak j'ai parlé: I talked/I have talked tu as parlé: you talked/you have talked il a parlé: he talked/he has talked nous avons parlé: we talked/we have talked vous avez parlé: you talked/you have talked ils ont parlé: they talked/they have talked finir:to finish j'ai fini: I finished/ I have finished tu as fini: you finished/you have finished il a fini: he finished/he has finished nous avons fini: we finished/we have finished vous avez fini: you finished/you have finished ils ont fini: they finished/they have finished perdre: to lose j'ai perdu: I lost/I have lost tu as perdu: you lost/you have lost il a perdu: he lost/he has lost nous avons perdu: we lost/we have lost vous avez perdu: you lost/you have lost ils ont perdu: they lost/they have lost To make a past sentence negative, put ne...pas around avoir: J''ai mangé Je n'ai pas mangé HOUSE OF ÊTRE VERBS: There are 17 verbs that use être as the helping verb aller: to go allé descendre: to go down descendu entrer: to enter entré venir: to come venu rentrer: to come back rentré revenir: to come back revenu arriver: to arriver arrivé devenir: to become devenu rester: to stay resté naître: to be born né monter: to go up monté mourir: to die mort retourner: to return retourné partir: to leave parti passer: to pass by passé sorrtir: to go out sorti tomber: to fall tombé To conjugate a House of Être verb: 1.Choose the correct form of être: je suis nous sonmes tu es vous êtes il/elle est ils/elles sont 2. Add the participle of the verb you want to use. 3. Make the participle agree with the subject: add -e to the participle if the subject is feminine, -es if the subject is feminine plural, -s if the subject is masculine plural. aller: to go je suis allé (e) : I went tu es allé(e) : you went il est allé : he went elle est allée : she went nous sommes allé(e)s: we went vous etes allé(e)(s): you went ils sont allés: they went elles sont allées: they went venir: to come je suis venu(e): I came tu es venu (e): you came il est venu: he came elle est venue: she came nous sommes venu(e)s: we came vous êtes venu(e)(s): you came ils sont venus: they came elles sont venues: they came Reflexive Verbs in the Past Tense In the Past Tense, reflexive verbs take être as their auxiliary verb, and consequently the past participle needs to agree with the subject, as with other être verbs. Thus if the subject is feminine, we add an "e" to the past participle, and if the subject is plural, we add an "s". The following table shows the verb se réveiller in all its forms in the perfect tense. Letters in brackets may be needed, depending on the gender and the number of the subject. Je me suis réveillé (e) Nous nous sommes réveillé(e)s Tu t'es réveillé (e) Vous vous êtes réveillé (e) (s) Il s'est réveillé Ils se sont réveillés Elle s'est réveillée Elles se sont réveillées On s'est réveillé *** Past Participle of s’asseoir is assis BUT: If the reflexive verb has a direct object, as in the examples below, the reflexive pronoun is the indirect objectand therefore the past participle does not need to agree: e.g. Marie s'est blessé la jambe. (la jambe is direct object) Mes frères se sont lavé les mains. (les mains is the direct object)