The Sahley Sun Mrs. Sahley’s 2nd Grade News Week of December 6th Learning Targets this Week Literacy: Students will learn about the LEGEND OF THE Poinsettia in reading. They will be focused on Cause and Effect, Main Idea, and Text Features. In Grammar we will be focused on Verbs. Please return Manilla Friday Envelopes back every Monday so I can put week’s papers in on Friday. I had many missing last week. Please let me know if your child is doing something after school. If I can come to support their team or activity I will try while juggling my own kid’s activities. Last week we focused on the story THE NIGHT TREE and contractions. Students will be taking their READING CA Tuesday and Thursday this week. Reading Log was sent home. Math: 2.NBT.5 I can add numbers within 100 based on place value and other addition strategies. I can subtract numbers within 100 based on place value and other subtraction strategies. Last week students were in the work zone solving word problems for addition and subtraction. We completed and met our goal for our PDSA! Also the kids did great on their Math CA Social Studies: We are looking at countries around the World and how they celebrate Christmas. We looked at Italy, Germany and America. Do you have a special tradition that is cultural to share? Feel free to send in pictures or information for your child to share with class. STEAM: Our class is paired up with Mrs. Jones 5th graders and we have a great activity on Friday planned. Letterland: This week, students will be reintroduced to the December 9: Early Release Winter concert 8-9 Second Graders: Are dancing to Instanbuhl. We are asking students to choose a winter theme’d character to dress like. Some examples would be elves, gingerbread men, snowmen, holiday dress, super hero, and/or just bright colored clothing (DO NOT BUY, use what you have. Students do not have to dress up. Only if they want to.) December 16th- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Is their anyone on the approved volunteer list to watch the class from 12-1 on this day so I can enjoy lunch? December 17th- Class Holiday Party from 12-1. Mrs. Baker will send email about educational activity centers.. This is a structure activity and only approved volunteers can attend. Last week for the TOY DRIVE DONATIONS FOR 5th GRADE! Stealers, Arthur Ar and Orvil Or; this time in more challenging words than before. Arthur Ar steals apples and shouts his name /ar/. Orvil Or steals oranges and shouts his name /or/. Students will also be introduced to the new syllable called the Robot Syllable, which always includes one or two vowels followed by an r. GUESS WHAT?????? My class got another funded project Donors Choose!!! The class has special Reading Comprehension games on the way!!! So many kind people out there supporting our 2nd graders! WISH LIST: A poinsettia and Post-It notes . I will use text features to increase my understand