Student/Parent Information Sheet Mrs. Muller’s Language Arts Please print all information NEATLY!

Student/Parent Information Sheet
Mrs. Muller’s Language Arts
Please print all information NEATLY!
Elementary school attended:__________________________________________________
Birthday____________How many siblings and ages:________________________________
>Parents/guardians’ contact information. Include first and last name, phone, and email.
Primary contact: ___________________________________________________________
Secondary contact:_________________________________________________________
Bring Your Own Technology: Do you anticipate your child bringing a device to school to use for
educational purposes? _________If so what kind? Examples: Cell phone (limited abilities for
our purpose), tablet, I pad, laptop, etc. _______________________________________
Favorite subjects__________________________________________________________
Tell me about your child’s interests/ skills in reading and writing. ______________________
How does your child learn best? What are some things teachers have done in the past that have
helped your child be more successful? __________________________________________
Any food restrictions or allergy information? _____________________________________
Thank you! On the back, tell me about your son/daughter in a million words or less!