Fold an Explorer/Colonist

Period _____
2nd Quarter Project SOL4abc-SOL5abcd
Name __________________
Date ___________________
Fold an Explorer/Colonist
I. Purpose: To research an important explorer/colonist that is aligned with the Virginia
Standards of Learning in a creative way that will stimulate learning while using an
alternative form of assessment.
II. Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of European exploration in
North America:
A. By describing motivations, obstacles, and accomplishments of the Spanish,
English, and French explorations.
B. By describing cultural interactions between Europeans and the American Indians
that led to cooperation and conflict.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the factors that shaped colonial
A. By describing the religious and economic events and conditions that led to the
colonization of America.
B. Comparing and contrasting life in New England, Mid Atlantic, and Southern
colonies with emphasis on how people interacted with their environment.
C. Describing life in colonial America from the perspective of large plantation
owners, farmers, artisans, women, indentured servants and slaves.
D. Identifying the political and economic relationships between the colonies and
III. The student will choose a historical character from the list provided below and place
the character’s name here ________________________
A. English Colonists:
1. Sir Walter Raleigh – Roanoke, VA.
2. John Smith – Jamestown, VA.
3. William Bradford – Plymouth, MA.
4. John Winthrop – Massachusetts Bay, MA.
5. William Penn – Philadelphia, PA.
6. James Oglethorpe – Savannah, GA.
B. Explorers: 1. Francisco Coronado
2. Samuel de Champlain
2. Robert LaSalle
4. John Cabot
IV. The Student will use the attached directions to create a fold-a-person
(explorer or colonist).
A. Use the “17x22” paper and instructions provided to create your fold-a-person.
B. Attach to poster board 22”x26” minimum size – any color.
C. Place a title on the top of your poster board with your character’s name.
V. The student will choose 5 of the 10 body parts offered to construct the historical body
of the character. The student will follow the directions below for either an explorer
offered of an English colonist offered.
A. Heart – “The heart of the Matter” – Research and write a historical, detailed
paragraph on the following:
1. Colonist – What motivated and encouraged the establishment of the settlement?
Include researched reasons why they left their homeland and support it with facts.
2. Explorer – What motivate the explorer to sail? Include factual details of events in
his life that led to the decision to sail.
B. Brain – “The brains behind the organization” – Research and write a historical,
detailed paragraph on the following:
1. Colonist – How did the idea to settle in this location in North America come
about? Include all the major people that helped make this settlement possible
explaining how they contributed to the success of the settlement.
2. Explorer – How did the explorer overcome the obstacles, adversity, and trials of
the journey to North America? Include specific events and the use of
technologies in your research.
C. Right Hand – “Hand it to you” – Research and write a historical, detailed
paragraph on the following:
1. What did they actually do to build a successful settlement? Include how they
planned and built it, as well as native tribes they would have met and dealt with as
neighbors – what was the relationship with the Natives?
2. Explorer – Where did they go, why/how did the explorer end up exploring where
he did, and what natives did they meet along the way?
D. Left Hand – “The hand is quicker than the eye” – Research and write a historical,
detailed paragraph on the following:
1. Colonist – What did the environment look like and what did they take from the
environment to meet the settlement’s needs? Include all four seasons in the
2. Explorers – What did the explorer take back to his country? Include an
explanation of the Columbian Exchange as it pertains to the explorer.
E. Mouth – “What a big mouth” – Research and write a historical, detailed paragraph
on the following:
1. Colonist – What things did they talk about during this historical time period?
Include ideas that included the economy (jobs), religion, politics, social activities,
2. Explorer – What was the original contact with the Native Americans like?
Include things like what was discussed, the tribes the explorers met, and how
were the Europeans perceived.
F. Eyes – “Feast you eyes on this!” – Research and write a historical, detailed
paragraph on the following:
1. Colonist – What would you see in and around the settlement? Include the
buildings and describe the type of structures, churches, the types of jobs and work
they did, clothes they wore, and important people that may have been in the
2. Explorers – What did they see when they arrived in North America? Include a
detailed description of the environment and its peoples. This will include their
dress, food, and housing.
G. Legs – “Getting a leg up” – Research and write a historical, detailed paragraph on
the following:
1. Colonists – What they stood for and believed in. Include information of the
character’s personality, faith, political views, family, etc…
2. Explorer – What they stood for and believed in. Include information of the
character’s personality, faith, political views, family, etc…
H. Left Ear – “Getting an ear full” – Research and write a historical, detailed
paragraph on the following:
1. Colonist – What were the problems and complaints (the negatives) that the
settlement and its leader heard that made life difficult and could have threatened
the settlement?
2. Explorer – What problems and complaints did the explorer hear during the
journey to the new world? Include problems that may have been heard before and
after the expedition concluded.
I. Right Ear – “Ear’s to you” – Research and write a historical, detailed paragraph on
the following:
1. Colonist – What were the positive comments that the settlement and its leader
heard as the community grew and prospered? Include economic, social, political,
and religious communications.
2. Explorer – What were the positive comments that the explorer would have heard
from the conception of the voyage, throughout the voyage, to the conclusion of
the voyage? Include discussions that may have been economic, social, political,
and religious.
J. Feet – “Watch your step” – Research and write a historical, detailed paragraph on
the following:
1. Colonist – How did they get from here to there? Include snags along the way,
obstacles that hindered their quest, challenges along the path of life, or the
journey that they chose for themselves. Explain who they worked for and why,
concluding with how successful were they.
2. Explorer – How did they get from here to there? Include snags along the way,
obstacles that hindered their quest, challenges along the path of life, or the
journey they chose for themselves. Explain who they worked for and why,
concluding with how successful were they.
VI. The student will respond to the task of choosing the 5 body parts by typing or writing
neatly the detailed paragraph and placing it in a speech bubble or using a line to designate
the appropriate location.
VII. The student is expected to create a “PROP” for the historical character. Suggested items
are below, but you may think of something else.
A. Helmet
D. Clothing G. Shield
J. Create a background
B. Weapon
E. Bucket
H. Food
K. Other
C. Briefcase F. Sign
I. Basket
Note: The “prop” should contain a clever reference or phrase that refers to the object that you
choose. Example – Nose Guard – “Puts his nose to the grindstone”. At this point you could
explain how the person was such a hard worker from the information you researched about the
VIII. The student will double check all work for L.A. skills: Spelling, Punctuation,
Capitalization, Syntax, Usage, etc…and must include a bibliography/works cited page on
the back of the poster.
A. Typing/Writing
B. Artwork
C. Poster character
X. Include rubric when you hand in your project.
A. –2 if the rubric is not included.
B. Put your heading on the back of the project.
XI. You may choose a PARTNER if you want, or you can choose to do the project yourself.
A. The partner must be from the same class as yourself.
B. Only one partner – No triples
C. If you have a partner, add three additional body parts to the character (part V in the
directions) for a total of 8. All other directions remain the same.
D. NO WHINING!!!!!!! You and your partner will receive the same grade, no matter
what. Remember you choose him or her.
E. Remember best friends don’t always make the best partners!
F. Partner’s name ______________________________________.
XII. Due Date: _________________________________________