Freedom High School DRAMA IV Handbook Instructor Information: Director: Mrs. Portch Hours: 8:45 AM – 4:15 PM Office: 802C PH: (703) 957- 4305 School Address: 25450 Riding Center Dr. South Riding, Virginia 20152 Course Description: Drama IV is designed for students with intense interest in theater arts at professional and/or collegiate levels. Drama IV students will complete independent projects specifically suited to individual strengths. Course Objectives: To further the development of acting skills and styles, and technical arts To further the students skills and techniques used in design elements To introduce students to the skills and responsibilities of the director and carry out larger directing projects To provide students the opportunity to formulate their own working styles and techniques in performance and technical theatre to better assist in course selection To use research as a tool for working on period pieces Course Prerequisites: Enrollment / Satisfactory completion of Drama I, II & III – or recommendation of director. Senior status is advised, but not required. Classroom Expectations: All students are to be in the classroom before the final bell rings ready to participate in class activities and instruction. This mean: o o All assignments are due at the beginning of class in the upper tray. All gum is disposed of properly upon entering. The first five minutes of each class period is devoted to the warm-up exercise listed on the board. Students will be asked to lead physical and vocal warm-ups from time to time and should consider both a vocal and a physical warm-up. Food and Drink (other than water bottles) are not permitted in the classroom, and will be disposed of if not put away before the bell rings. All students must have their theatre notebook and other drama materials on a daily basis. Students will abide by the Freedom High School code of rules and responsibilities. Work on outside homework is not permitted while our class is in progress. During class, please keep these things in mind: o o o o o o o o Theatre is quizzical by nature – ASK QUESTIONS. Speaking for any period of time wears at your throat and vocal cords. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. A water fountain is located in the classroom, but it is recommended that you bring a water bottle to have at your seat. Your agenda contains the hall passes to the bathroom, nurse, locker, etc. Please use your best judgment in using this pass. Miss use will result in the director’s right to deny the student’s request. The agenda should be filled out completely prior to asking for the director’s signature on the pass. If you come to school ill or unable to participate in the class activities, please notify the director BEFORE class begins. You are still responsible for the material covered that day and expected to participate to the best of their ability by following along with the group. Please be courteous of your classmates. Do not talk and cause disruptions during presentations or performances, as it will detract from the learning process. Constructive criticism is learning tool for all parties involved. Look for opportunities to share constructively and assist your peers. This is a safe environment where you should never feel scared of sharing. If you are having problems with the material please let the director know so that the issue can be resolved. Odds are that you are not the only one struggling with that particular issue. As you have signed the class social contract, please remember what you agreed to do and behave in a manner that is fitting your agreement. At the end of rehearsal the room and materials need to be returned to their proper location. The director will collect all items that are not returned properly, and participation points will be deducted from the next class period. All students are to remain in the classroom until the bell rings and the director dismisses you from class. Grading: Grading Scale: 98 – 100% = A+ 93 – 97 % = A 90 – 92 % = B+ 85 – 89 % = B 82 – 84 % = C+ 77 – 81 % = C 74 – 76 % = D+ 70 – 73 % = D 69 % and below = F Students will be assessed according to the Syllabus attached. SYLLABUS FREEDOM HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA IV LATE ASSIGNMENTS: 1 Day Late – 10 Points Off 2 Days Late – 20 Points Off 3 Days Late – 30 Points Off After 3 Days Late – You May Not Turn In Assignment For Credit UNIT I: CHEKOV (PERIOD ONE-ACT) Participation - 20% Student’s participation grade is based on the following criteria: Students come to class on time, PREPARED for the class. (Refer to expectations) Students have a positive attitude Participation in class discussions and rehearsals All supplies are correctly stored and cared for. Permission slips and forms are turned in on time. Additional rehearsal attendance if needed Homework and Classwork - 10% Quiz on Chekov – 15% Monologue Draft (Technical Theater will have to have an addition to their portfolio – Set Design Rendering, Costume Rendering, or Lighting Plot) – 20% (3) College Choices with Reasoning For Choice – 15% Independent Project – 20% (Student has chosen an individual area of study that they will need to have completed an assignment for) 11/2/06 End of 1st Quarter UNIT II: SHOWCASE Participation - 20% Student’s participation grade is based on the following criteria: Students come to class on time, PREPARED for the class. (Refer to expectations) Students have a positive attitude Participation in class discussions and rehearsals All supplies are correctly stored and cared for. Permission slips and forms are turned in on time. Additional rehearsal attendance if needed Homework and Classwork - 10% Audition Package – 20% Character Analysis – 10% (On character from One-Act) Independent Project – 20% (Student has chosen an individual area of study that they will need to have completed an assignment for) Mid-Term Exam – 20% ONE ACT PERFORMANCES FOR DRAMA IV – DECEMBER 11, 2007 AT 7:30 PM SHOWCASE FOR DRAMA IV – DECEMBER 18, 2007 AT 7:30 PM 1/24/07 End of 2nd Quarter UNIT III: PERIOD PIECE – FULL PLAY PRODUCTION Participation - 20% Student’s participation grade is based on the following criteria: Students come to class on time, PREPARED for the class. (Refer to expectations) Students have a positive attitude Participation in class discussions and rehearsals All supplies are correctly stored and cared for. Permission slips and forms are turned in on time. Additional rehearsal attendance if needed Homework and Classwork - 10% Set Design (Group) – 10% Costume Rendering (Individual) – 10% Quiz on Playwright of Production – 10% (Students will choose the period piece that they will perform and study the playwright) Quiz on Life & Times of Era of Production – 10% (Students will choose the period piece that they will perform and study the life of the characters within that time period) Independent Project – 20% (Student has chosen an individual area of study that they will need to have completed an assignment for) Presentation – 10% (Students will present on one aspect of the time period such as: other playwrights of the period, politics, music, entertainment, career opportunities, major historical events, world influences, and major inventions) 4/10/07 End of 3rd Quarter UNIT IV: STAGE COMBAT & OTHER THEATRICAL PERIODS Participation - 20% Student’s participation grade is based on the following criteria: Students come to class on time, PREPARED for the class. (Refer to expectations) Students have a positive attitude Participation in class discussions and rehearsals All supplies are correctly stored and cared for. Permission slips and forms are turned in on time. Additional rehearsal attendance if needed Homework and Classwork - 10% Character Analysis – 20% (Major written work on Character Analysis) Performance – 10% Independent Project – 20% (Student has chosen an individual area of study that they will need to have completed an assignment for) FINAL EXAM – 20% CLASSICS IN THE PARK PERFORMANCE – MAY 17th & 18th, 2007 AT 1:00 PM 6/17/07 End of 4th Quarter Flex period Flex period is designed for additional assistance with classroom material. We will be using flex period from time to time for additional rehearsals and study times. New Material will not be covered during flex. If a rehearsal or study session is schedule it is required as part of the participation grade. In addition, if you are missing any assignments for this class, you will not be permitted to flex to any other activities or classes. When we do not hold a rehearsal during the flex period, students are required to bring something to work on, or the director will find something for that student to do. Materials A three ring binder (preferably a 1 inch binder) A notebook Writing utensils A folder with pockets A positive attitude and a willingness to try new things and get involved Textbooks Students will not be issued textbooks for the year. We will be working out of a number of different sources, which will be checked out as needed to the students. Students are allowed to use the textbooks at any time while in class. Textbooks may only leave the classroom if they have been checked out. Scripts and other theatrical works may also be checked out from the FHS drama library. Please see your director for further information on this. Additional Information Missed Work: All students are accountable for obtaining missed assignments. In the event a student is absent from school and misses an assignment, consult the box for students who have missed class. There will be the activities for any student missing for that day, copies of handouts, etc. It is the student’s responsibility to get this information. Drama Council: This is a student elected council from the Drama Club that will assist with establishing the drama program at Freedom High School. The council will have such responsibilities that include, but are not limited to: Working with the Fine Arts Booster Organization Formulating recruitment ideas Assisting in the building of group unity All special events involving the drama Thespian Society Serving in the Drama Council during the 2006-2007 school year: President – Shawonn Smith Vice President – Tara Lemieux Secretary – Nathan Didomenico Historian – Brittany Klein If you are interested in serving as a representative for your drama class please contact your director for the application. You can also get involved by joining the drama club. Productions given by Drama Classes in the Black Box (Tentative Dates): One Acts (Drama III & IV) – December 11, 2007 Drama IV Showcase – December 18, 2007 Drama III Children’s Show – April 1, 2008 Drama II Directing Scenes – June 4, 2008 Drama I Plays (Written and Performed by students) – June 10, 2008 Additional Performing Experiences: The Main Stage Productions for the FHS Drama Department are: To Kill a Mockingbird – October 25-27, 2007 Kiss Me Kate – February 21-24, 2008 Curse You, Jack Dalton w/ Vaudeville Review – May 1-3, 2008 If you are interested in participating in the upcoming events, please see the director or check the drama callboard for audition information. School productions will be open auditions for the entire school. Being cast or crew in the show is a privilege and as such all students involved are expected to follow the Freedom High School extra-curricular and sports academic policy. Students are to be enrolled in no fewer than five classes, and receive passing grades in all of their classes. Failure to obtain a passing grade will result in suspension from the production until grades have improved. Educational Theatre Association: Students will have the opportunity to join in the educational theatre association known as the Thespian Society. This is a national theatre organization designed to help further the education and exposure for theatre students to the professional world. There is a one-time membership fee required to join this organization. Sufficient points for membership are usually achieved by the end of freshman year, making sophomores the induction class. This year, Thespian Society will be taking a trip to New York City over President’s Weekend. INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY POINT SYSTEM Item One Act Full Length Acting Major role Minor role Walk-on Chorus Dancer Understudy Production Stage manager Stage crew Lighting tech. Lighting crew Item One Act Full Length Writing 8 6 2 2 2 2 16 10 4 6 6 4 8 4 6 4 Set construction 6 Costumer 6 Costume crew 4 Props manag. 6 Props crew 4 Sound tech. 6 Sound crew 4 Video crew 3 Makeup 6 Musicians 4 Business Publicity crew 4 Ticket manager 4 Ticket crew 2 House manag. 4 Concessions 2 Ushers 2 Directing Director 8 A. Director 6 Choreographer 8 Assist. Choreo. 6 16 8 12 6 10 12 10 10 6 10 6 6 10 6 6 8 6 8 4 4 16 12 14 10 Original play (produced) 10 Orig. radio script (produced) 8 Orig. TV script (prod.) 8 Orig. play (unproduced) 2 Orig. radio script (unproduced) 1 Orig. TV script (unprod.) 1 Miscellaneous Oral interpretation Duet acting scenes 16 12 12 4 3 3 4 4 Participation in theatre festival or contest 6 Attending a performance or festival 2 Assembly program Officers President Vice president Secretary Treasurer Clerk Website develop/maintenance Other Award Total Points Honor One star 20 Thespians Two stars 30 Three stars 40 Four stars 50 Honor Bar 60 2 12 8 10 8 8 8 4 Lettering in Drama: In addition to the International Thespian Society, a student can earn points toward their high school letters in drama. Points towards lettering can be earned by: Main Stage Productions (non-musical): Musical Point System: Student Director/Stage Manager: 30 points Lead Role: 30 points Designer: 30 points Supporting: 25 points Performer: 30 points Ensemble/Chorus: 15 points Tech Crew Leads: 20 points Student Director: 30 points Tech Crew: 15 points Stage Manager: 30 points Tech Crew Leads: 20 points Tech Crew: 15 points (Pep Rally, Game, Assembly, Talent Show, etc.) Second Stage Performances: Serving on Drama Council: 5 points Student Director/Stage Manager: 20 points Solo performances: 5 points each Performer: 20 points (Must be teacher approved) Tech Crew Leads: 12 points Tech Crews for Outside groups: 5 points each Tech Crew: 10 points Active Drama Club Member: 5 points Outside Auditions: 5 per audition Additional Points – Tickets/Usher/Concessions: 2 points each Thespian Hours: 5 per performance night Active Thespian Member: 3 points Additional Outside Theatre Training: up to 5 Workshop attendance: 5 per event points One-Act Festival: 20 points Service: 5 points per service Informal School Performances: 5 points each To letter in Drama students must achieve 100 points per year. Totals are not transferred from year to year, each student starts over each year. Play Report Your Name: Play Title: Author: Characters (#): Define the play’s genre as you have conceived it (Comedy, melodrama, farce, tragedy, etc.): Major Characters and a brief description of each: Identify the important conflicts of the play: Describe what happens in the climax: Synopsis of the play: Explain you personal reaction to the play: Announcement from Freedom’s drama Program Is your dresser full of clothes you haven’t worn in years? Have you been eyeing a comfy leather sofa, but don’t know what to do with your old one? Have your dishes been dropped a few times and you no longer have a complete set? The drama group is willing to take it off your hands. The drama department is trying to acquire props, costumes, and set pieces for future use in productions, and would appreciate any help you can offer. They are looking specifically for the following items: Furniture (period sofas/chairs, tables, benches, etc.) Old Clothes (period to modern)/costumes Jewelry and other personal items (gloves, eye glasses, watches, suitcases/briefcases, purses, etc.) Fabric Tableware (dishes, utensils, glasses, etc.) Knick knacks Tools and building materials (including old paint) These items will not only be helpful for school productions but classroom work as well. Donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided upon request. We ask that you contact Mrs. Portch the drama teacher prior to dropping things off at school because storage space is limited and the program may no longer have need for that item. If you have any other items (not listed above) you would like to donate to the drama program please contact Mrs. Portch as well. Mrs. Portch can be reached via email at: or by phone at 703-957-4303. Receipt of Acknowledgement Student Name __________________________________________________________________ The following is to verify that both the student and their parent(s) have read the Drama handbook and understand the contents therein. Student Signature ____________________________ Date _____________________ Parent Signature _____________________________ Date _____________________ In case of emergency: Contact Name ___________________________ Daytime phone ___________________ Please return to your director by Friday, Sept. 7th, 2007. This form will be kept on file in the drama office for future reference. Parents if you have any questions please feel free to contact the director at any time.