Quiz Review: Identification of Logical Fallacies and

Quiz Review: Identification of Logical Fallacies and
Persuasive Rhetoric in Revolutionary Era Literature
Your quiz will ask you to identify and explain the use of the following
elements from our study of persuasive rhetoric. Examples for identification
will come from both the Revolutionary Era literature we studied as well as
more “modern” examples.
Literature you may see on the quiz:
 Patrick Henry’s “Speech in the Virginia Convention”
 The Declaration of Independence
 Poor Richard’s Almanack
Logical Fallacies:
 Either-Or Thinking
 Oversimplification
 Half-Truths
 Overgeneralization
Persuasive Rhetoric & Techniques
 Loaded words/connotation
 Testimonial
 Plain folks
 Snob appeal
 Bandwagon
Other Literary Devices
 Allusion
 Parallelism
 Proverb/aphorism
 Rhetorical Question
 Circular Reasoning
 Evading the issue
 Attacking the person (ad
Ethos/ethical appeal
Logos/logical appeal
Pathos/emotional appeal