Name:__________________________________________________ Mrs. Daniel Block _____________________________________

Mrs. Daniel Block _____________________________________
English 11H
Logical Fallacies/Methods of Persuasion Mini-Project
To help us further study persuasive rhetoric, you will be doing a mini-project where you create a
poster outlining the key elements and ideas of common logical fallacies and persuasive techniques.
A logical fallacy is a “faulty argument built on unsound reasoning”. They can sound convincing, but
somehow avoid given a true answer.
Persuasive Techniques are specific techniques that people use in order to persuade others. They
are commonly seen in advertisements.
The Process:
Step 1: Find your group. You will need to make groups of 2-4 people. I will
need 8 groups total.
Step 2: Pick your topic. Once you have your groups I will come around with a
list of topics for your group to randomly choose. The topic you chose is the
topic on which you will make your poster.
See the back of this sheet to see the specifics on what information you need
for your poster/where to find the information.
Step 3: Make your “poster”. Next class we will be in the library where your
group will have an opportunity to make your poster with the necessary
information. Materials will be provided for you. You will have one day to make
your poster, so use your time wisely!
Step 4: Present your information. The day after you make your poster you
will present it to the class. During this time your classmates will be taking
notes on each of the elements from the posters.
This assignment will result in a summative grade, comprised of your
poster and your oral presentation.
Specific Topics/Resources to use
Logical Fallacies:
1. Incomplete Information
Group #1: “Either-Or Thinking, Oversimplification
 Information can be found on p. 485 of your grammar book
 For each logical fallacy listed identify the definition and give an example
 Any additional explanation necessary to understand the concepts
Group #2: Half-Truths, Overgeneralization
 Information can be found on p. 485-486 of your grammar book
 For each logical fallacy listed identify the definition and give an example
 Any additional explanation to understand the concepts
2. Dodging the Issue
Group #3: Circular Reasoning, Evading the Issue, Attacking the Person/ad hominem
Information can be found on p. 486-487 of your grammar book
For each logical fallacy listed identify the definition and give an example
Any additional explanation to understand the concepts
Persuasive Techniques:
3. Group #4: Loaded words/Connotation
 Information can be found on p. 488 of your grammar book
 Definition of connotation, bias, loaded words with examples
 Any additional explanation to understand the concepts
4. Group #5: Testimonial
 Information can be found on p. 489 of your grammar book
 Definition with multiple, specific examples (you may need to go online to find some
specific examples)
 Any additional explanation to understand the concepts
5. Appeals by Association
Group #6: Plain Folks, Snob Appeal
 Information can be found on p. 489-490 of your grammar book
 Definition with examples
 Any additional explanation to understand the concepts
Group #7: Bandwagon, Transfer
Information can be found on p. 490 of your grammar book
Definition with examples
Any additional explanation to understand the concepts
Group #8: Appeals to Fear
6. Information can be found on p.490 of your grammar book
7. Definition with examples
8. Any additional explanation to understand the concepts