World History I Alexander the Great Guided Notes Persians & Greeks Strained relationship for past hundred years. ______________________________________________ hate Persians for fear of conquest. Culminated in _______________________________ (Athens). Memories of war drive ____________________ Phillip II of Macedon Three goals 1. Build a _____________________________________ 2. ________________Greek City States 3. Defeat _______________________ Phillip II: Outcomes Phillip is successful at building a ________________________. Phillip is successful at unifying _________________________. Just when he is getting ready to invade Persia, he is _______________________ Wife Olympias Persian Assassin Alexander - the Perfect Blend Appealed to ___________________________ Served in fathers army (______________ General) Great ______________ Charismatic Brave Proven Winner in Battle Appealed to Aristocracy Well _______________________________ (__________________ was his teacher) Good ____________________________ Brilliant Orator World History I Alexander the Great Guided Notes Alexander Becomes King Following death of Phillip and with the help of his _____________he becomes King of ___________________ Wants to fulfill _________________ legacy and conquer Persians. Leads Army into Asia Minor in 334 BCE Conquests & Battles 334 BCE - Battle of_______________ (Asia Minor) 333 BCE -Battle of _______________ (Syria) _____________, Gordium (Gordian Knot) Egypt: Establishes__________________________ & Declared ______________________ 331 BCE Battle of Gaugamela Defeats Darius’ army, ________________ escapes but is later killed by one of his own generals. World History I Alexander the Great Guided Notes Alexander Declares himself king of Persian Empire and declares_________________ the Capital of his new empire. To Indus and Beyond….. Conquered the River Valleys Egypt and_____________ in 332 BCE _____________________________________ in 331 BCE _____________________ in 326 BCE (Made pact with the Indian King Porus afterwards) Troops tire of war and want to head back home before _______________________________ River are Alexander’s….. He reluctantly heads back towards home. Death, Dying, and Divide Alexander moves his troops across 3000 miles back towards _______________________... When they reach the city a banquet is thrown in his honor. He grows_____________________ that evening and is dead by morning at the age of ________. With no ________his empire will be divided amongst his top ____________________________. A Divided Empire Without _______________________________________ the strong empire falls apart, literally. _______________...... Egypt _______________ ….. Modern Middle East ______________________ ….. Greece and Asia Minor Results of Alexander: Alexander’s Empire was not long lasting. Yet it had important effects. After Alexander, the people of Greece and Persia and all the lands between mixed together and shared ideas and culture.