Head and Spinal Injuries

Head and Spinal
Head Injuries
• Scalp wounds
• Skull fracture
• Brain injuries
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Scalp Wounds
• Care for scalp
– Control bleeding.
– Keep head and
shoulders slightly
elevated if spinal
injury is not
– Seek medical care.
Skull Fracture
• Recognizing a skull fracture
– Pain at point of injury
– Break or deformity
– Loss of consciousness
– Drainage from ears and nose
– Heavy scalp bleeding
– Penetrating wound
Care for Skull Fracture
• Check responsiveness
and breathing.
• Apply sterile dressing.
• Apply pressure around
edges of the wound.
• Stabilize head and
• Call 9-1-1.
Brain Injuries
• Recognizing brain injury
– Vacant stare
– Slow to answer questions
– Unaware of time and place
– Slurred speech
– Stumbling
– Loss of responsiveness
– Headache, dizziness, and nausea
Care for Brain Injuries
• Check responsiveness and breathing.
• Stabilize head and neck.
• Control bleeding with sterile dressing.
– Apply pressure around edges of the wound if
there is skull fracture.
• Call 9-1-1.
Eye Injuries
Foreign objects in eye
Penetrating eye injuries
Blows to the eye
Eye avulsion
Cuts of the eye or lid
Chemicals in eye
Eye burns from light
Care for Loose Foreign
Objects in Eye (1 of 2)
Lift upper lid over lower lid.
Hold eyelid open and gently rinse.
Pull lower lid down.
Remove object with moistened,
sterile gauze.
Care for Loose Foreign
Objects in Eye (2 of 2)
• Roll upper lid
upward over cotton
• Remove object
with moistened,
sterile gauze.
Care for Penetrating Eye
• Stabilize the
• Ask victim to close
unaffected eye.
• Call 9-1-1.
Care for Blows to the
• Apply ice for about
15 minutes.
• Seek medical care
if vision is affected.
Care for Eye Avulsion
(Eye Knocked Out)
Cover the eye loosely.
Protect injured eye with a paper cup.
Have victim close the uninjured eye.
Call 9-1-1.
Care for Cuts of the Eye
or Lid
• If eyeball is cut, do
not apply pressure.
• If eyelid is cut,
apply gentle
• Have victim close
unaffected eye.
• Call 9-1-1.
Chemicals in the Eye
• Flush with water for
20 minutes.
• Loosely bandage with
wet dressings.
• Call 9-1-1.
Care for Eye Burns
from Light
• Cover eyes with wet
dressings and cold packs.
• Do not rub eyes.
• Seek medical care.
Nose Injuries
• Nosebleeds
• Broken nose
Care for Nosebleeds
• Sit and lean the
victim slightly
• Pinch nose for 5–
10 minutes.
• Seek medical care
if bleeding cannot
be controlled.
Broken Nose
• Recognizing a broken nose
– Pain, swelling, crooked
– Bleeding and difficulty breathing through
– Black eyes
Care for a Broken Nose
If bleeding, give care as for a nosebleed.
Apply ice pack to nose for 15 minutes.
Do NOT try to straighten a crooked nose.
Seek medical care.
Mouth Injuries
• Bitten lip or tongue
• Knocked-out tooth
• Broken tooth
Bitten Lip or Tongue
• Apply direct pressure.
• Apply ice or cold pack.
• If bleeding does not stop, seek
medical care.
Knocked-Out Tooth
• Place gauze in
• Save tooth and
seek dental or
medical care
• Keep tooth moist.
– Saliva, milk,
Broken Tooth
• Rinse the mouth with warm water.
• Apply a cold pack to cheek.
• Contact a dentist.
Spinal Injuries
• Common causes
– Motor vehicle crashes
– Direct blows
– Falls from heights
– Physical assaults
– Sports injuries
Recognizing Spinal
• Inability to move limbs
• Numbness, tingling, weakness, burning
sensation in arms and legs
• Deformity of neck
• Neck or back pain
Care for Spinal Injuries
• Stabilize head and
• Check responsiveness
and breathing, and
provide care if needed.
– If vomiting occurs,
carefully roll the
victim onto his or
her side.
• Call 9-1-1.