Points Requirements for Tri-M Music Honor Society

Points Requirements for Tri-M Music Honor Society
You must obtain a total of twenty (20) points throughout the year in order to remain in good
standing. Five (5) of those points must be musicianship points (see list below). You must also earn
a total of eight (8) out of your twenty (20) overall points within the first semester.
Attendance at meetings
1 point per meeting
Attendance at Induction and Soda Shop Events
3 points per event
Club Officer
5 points for year
Music related community service
e.g. District Assessment, Freedom Fest, Cluster Concert, etc.
1 point per hour
**You are required to have a minimum of 8 musicianship points.
Participation in Tri-M sponsored performance
e.g. Soda Shop or Induction
2 points per performance
Private Lessons on a weekly basis (note from instructor)
3 points per semester
Attending a Freedom Concert you are not participating in,
1 point per concert
or a performance in the community
Valid only with concert program submitted to Mrs. Lazarevich
Audition (All-County, All-District, Regional, All-State)
1 point each
All-State/Honors Audition
2 points each
Honors Band, Chorus, Orchestra, or Guitar participant
2 points
All-Virginia participant
4 points
Solo and Ensemble
3 points
2 points
1 point
Solo/Superior rating
Solo/Excellent rating
Solo/Good rating
Participation in:
Spring Musical, Marching Band, Drumline, or Winter Guard
4 points
Participation in a non-curricular ensemble/club
2 points per semester
e.g. Aca-Eagles, Pep Band, AYP, or others approved by the Tri-M sponsor
Leadership in a music ensemble
2 points
Non-Freedom HS performance for an audience
Valid only with concert program
2 points
Additional musicianship points may be awarded by Mrs. Lazarevich on an individual basis.