About the film

Notes on O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Directed by: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
About the film
Considered an _________________________ film
Set in rural _________________________ in 1937 during the
__________ is in reference to the 1941 film ______________________________, in
which the protagonist wants to film a story (called “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”) that
would capture the _________________________________ and the “problems that
confront the average man.”
Considered a ________________________ of Homer’s epic poem, the
__________________. The film _________________ from the __________ of the
Odyssey to move the story forward, and the Coen Brothers use _________________,
_______________, and ridicule to ____________________ the deep South in the 1930s.
Both the Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou depict a protagonist’s
__________________________________, during which he faces trickery and obstacles
in the form of a __________________, sirens, and more.
O Brother Where Art Thou is considered a hit both critically and commercially due to its
cinematography, _______________ humor, and unique _________________________.
Music and color
________________________ music dominates the film. We hear Virginia Bluegrass,
traditional African American Gospel, and even ________________________.
The music is supposed to be a major component of the film. It can almost be seen as a
______________________, and should not be considered merely “background music.”
The music _______________________ that the movie is about the things in life which
bring people real laughter, joy, and _____________.
The movie was _________________________________ to extensively use
____________________________________________. This creates a sepia-tinted,
autumnal appearance. The Coen Brothers wanted the scenes to look like “old, handtinted ____________________,” and they achieved this effect.
About the Coen Brothers
The Coen Brothers have written, ___________________, and directed more than 15
films together and are often said to be “__________________________.” They have
covered comedy, crime, Westerns, horror, neo-noir, romance, and more.
Their other films include Raising Arizona, Fargo, ________________________, No
Country for Old Men, True Grit, and Hail, Caesar!
The brothers grew up in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. As kids, they saved up the money
they made mowing lawns to buy a small camera and began
Joel attended New York University and studied __________, while Ethan studied
________________________ at Princeton.
__________________________, the first commercial film they wrote and directed
together, was released in 1984.
Although O Brother Where Art Thou draws influence from the Odyssey and Ethan Coen
described the ___________ as one of his “favorite _________________________
______________,” neither Ethan nor Joel had actually __________ the Odyssey when
they began filming.
Things to consider
Many critics and fans comment on the Coen brothers’ use of _______________ and
______________. They assert that a “flavor of language” can give a person a specific
_______________________________ placement. How does the ___________________
of dialect in O Brother shape our understanding of the characters’ identities?
Although some ____________________ the Coen brothers for creating characters that
“mock” different minorities, others disagree, pointing out that everybody gets
exaggerated in a Coen film--even the ________, even the_________________. What do
you think? How might this “mockery” relate to the satire and ______________________
commentary in O Brother?
Keep in mind that this film is supposed to be a little __________________. How can we
still find hope and ______________ in sometimes painfully ________________, overthe-top characters?
Remember: the _____________ is a __________________________! How does it serve
as a constant, participatory ________________ in the story?