“Poetry Out Loud” Assignment Due Date: and 24

“Poetry Out Loud” Assignment
Due Date: November 23rd and 24th (If you are going out of town early for the Thanksgiving Holiday, it is your
responsibility to be prepared for the recitation and with the written analysis upon your return to school on
November 30th/December 1st)
Points Value: 20 Points for Recitation (see guidelines below) and 24 points for short written analysis (see
Go to http://www.poetryoutloud.org/. Click on “Poems and Performance” and select a poem to recite.
For the purposes of this class, you will be expected to read the poem aloud in a way that demonstrates your
understanding of the poems content. You do not have to have the poem memorized unless you want to
participate in the school-wide contest, which feeds into the regional and national competition.
On November 23rd/24th, you will read the poem aloud and, afterwards, provide a brief written explication of the
poems meaning. You are required to bring two copies of the poem for recitation and the analysis and annotation
Recitation Requirements
Physical Presence—4 points
Are you poised? Do you make eye contact with the audience? Do you appear stiff and nervous? You should
“project ease and confidence” by your physical presence.
Voice Articulation—4 Points
This category includes your volume, pace, rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation. Any changes in tone (yelling
or getting louder) should be appropriate to convey the meaning of the poem. Your pace should suit the subject
matter. You should not mispronounce any words (since you’ve practiced). When poems rhyme or have a regular
rhythm, be careful not to become too “singsongy.”
Dramatic Appropriateness—4 Points
“Recitation is about conveying the poem’s sense primarily with one’s voice…and it closer to the art of oral
interpretation than theatrical performance.” The following mistakes will lead to lower scores in this category:
“affected pitch, character voices, singing, inappropriate tone, distracting or excessive gesures, or unnecessary
emoting.” In other words, you are not “acting out” the poem, you are interpreting it and helping your audience
understand it better.
Level of Difficulty—4 Points
“Every poem is a different combination of content, language, and length.” Shorter poems may contain complex
and difficult-to-convey ideas, while long poems may be relatively unsophisticated in their concepts and easier to
grasp. Make sure to choose a poem that shows off your interpretive skills effectively.
Evidence of Understanding—4 Points
“Students should demonstrate that they know the meaning of every line and word od the poem.” Make difficult
lines clearer. Use correct tone. “The student who understands the poem best will be able to voice it in a way that
helps the audience to understand the poem better.” Your written analysis after your recitation will reinforce
your understanding.
*Quoted material is from the official “Poetry Out Loud” judges’ guide. For more information on any of these categories, you may refer to the full
text of the judges’ guide using the link at the top of this page.