Document 17612696

Our atmosphere, our Earth and our oceans are all heated by the Sun. This heat from the Sun moves throughout our
atmosphere and oceans and is the basis for our weather.
There are three ways heat can transfer from one place to another. Let's investigate each. Use these guiding questions:
1. What are the 3 types of heat transfer?
2. How are they similar?
3. How are they different?
What is Similar About Each of These
Make a Bulleted List:
What is Similar About Each of These
Make a Bulleted List:
What is Similar About Each of These
Make a Bulleted List:
Actual Answer/Explanation
Actual Answer/Explanation
Actual Answer/Explanation
This Type is Called:
This Type is Called:
This Type is Called:
Bill Nye – Heat
Bill Nye explains two examples of _______________
What are these two examples?
Using the images below, draw arrows and point to all of
the locations where _____________________ is
Use the flasks below to lightly shade in the colors
that you observe.
What would happen now if we put #1 on top of
a hot place?
1. How can Earth get heated?
a. Draw how you think this
2. Now that the ground is warm,
besides radiation, what’s another
way air can get warm?
Explain: ________________________
3. Now that the air (air molecules) is
warm, what will it do?
a. Draw what you think will
Now draw what you explained.
Type of Heat Transfer:
Type of Heat Transfer:
Type of Heat Transfer: