LCPS German I Curriculum World Languages and Cultures LCPS 2015-2016 German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 1: Vorstellung (Alles über mich) AP SUBTHEME : Personal and Public Identities Recommended pacing: 6-8 weeks Teachers need to appropr number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Maintain a discussion related to describing oneself. • Discuss personal facts and exchange information with peers. • Express and explain geographical information. • Express opinions and react to personal information given by others. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to formal and informal exchanges and German traditions. • Compare and contrast definite and indefinite articles and verb endings in German and English. INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to geographical regions and personal information. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on personal information and verb conjugations. COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards public transportation. . • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on themselves. • Produce an activity in which students ask/provide information. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Individual students’ previous knowledge and cognates. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. • Pronouns • Regular verb endings • Definite/Indefinite Artic • haben • sein • Interrogatives Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story Greetings/goodbyes, introductions, numbers 0-100, h you, to have, to be, modes of transportation, where yo German geography, question words, alphabet. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students ask peers for personal information and give personal information about themselves. Students can “interview” one another. Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 2: in der Schule AP SUBTHEME : Contemporary Life/Families and Communities Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriat number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to describing class schedules, school supplies, and subjects. • Discuss and/or debate personal opinions on school subjects and favorites. • Express and explain grades and report cards • Express opinions and react to personal opinions, favorites, and how others are doing academically • Explore attitudes when reacting to the German school system. • Compare and contrast report cards and tracking in the public schools. • Compare and contrast German and English word order • Compare and contrast telling time (12 hour/24 hour) • Compare and contrast singular and plural forms INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to school life. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on school life. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards public education. . COMMUNITIES: • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports through a personal narrative. • Produce an activity in which students provide information about their school. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Haben/sein, Pronouns, Reg. verb conjugation, Modes of Transportation RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. • Negation • Expressing opinions • Definite/Indefinite Artic • gern haben • sein (focus on plural for • Word order • Sequencing Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story/Listening activity School supplies, Subjects, Adjectives, Telling time, Likes/Dislikes/Favorites, Reactions to news (pos. and Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students interview a partner on the theme topic Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 3: die Freizeit AP SUBTHEME : Personal and Public Identities/Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriat number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Maintain a discussion related to free-time activities. • Discuss and/or debate personal opinions on after school activities. • Express and explain what your family does for fun. • Express opinions and react to personal information given by others. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to what German students do in their free time. • Compare and contrast word order • Compare and contrast vowel changing verbs •Compare and contrast modal verbs INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to when/where activities take place. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on free time activities. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards leisure/vacation time in Germany. . • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. • Produce oral and written reports on free time activities. • Produce an activity in which students ask/provide information. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Likes/Dislikes, Word Order, Times, Pronouns, Regular verb endings RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. • modal verbs (möchten, w • stem-vowel changing ve (e →ie ): lesen, sehen, leg Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story Activities, Interests, When/How Often, Basic family m Declining/Accepting invitations, Weather, Places to go Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students ask peers for personal information and give personal information about themselves. Students can “interview” one another. Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 4: die Familie/zu Hause AP SUBTHEME : Personal and Public Identities/Families and Communities Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropr number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to describing family members and home life. • Discuss and/or debate personal opinions on what you like/dislike about your family and room. • Express and explain descriptions. • Express opinions and react to personal information given by others. CULTURES: • Compare and contrast possessive pronouns •Compare and contrast pronoun replacement in the nominative/accusative •Compare and contrast separable verbs INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards family life in Germany. . • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to family. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on family and home life. • Explore attitudes when reacting to how German families are organized and where/how Germans live. COMMUNITIES: CONNECTIONS: • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on family members. • Produce an activity in which students ask/provide information. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Likes/dislikes, sein, wohnen, pronouns, basic family members RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. • separable prefix verbs (a • possessive pronouns • pronoun replacement Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story Adjectives, colors, family members, pets, body parts, rooms in the house Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students ask peers for personal information and give personal information about themselves. Students can “interview” one another. Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 5: Essen und Getränke AP SUBTHEME : Families and Communities/Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 5-6 weeks Teachers need to appropr number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to describing shopping for and ordering food. • Discuss and/or debate personal opinions on favorite foods and drinks • Express and explain cultural differences. • Express opinions and react to personal information given by others. • Explore attitudes when reacting to how Germans shop for food and order out • Compare and contrast modal verbs •Compare and contrast commands •Compare and contrast stem-vowel changing verbs CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to food and drink. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on restaurants and shopping. CULTURES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards food culture in Germany. . • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on food cultures. • Produce an activity in which students ask/provide information. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Möchten, du/Sie, indefinite/definite articles, plurals, cognates RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. • Commands • Modal Verbs • Stem-vowel changing ve (e→i) Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story Food, drinks, restaurant phrases, taste, metric units, c home Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students ask peers for personal information and give personal information about themselves. Students can “interview” one another. Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 6: Mode/Einkaufen AP SUBTHEME : Contemporary Life/Beauty and Aesthetics Recommended pacing: 4-5 weeks Teachers need to appropr number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to describing clothing • Discuss and/or debate personal opinions on uniforms in school and personal expression through fashion • Express and explain cultural differences. • Express opinions and react to personal information given by others. CULTURES: • Compare and contrast modal verbs •Compare and contrast the accusative and nominative cases •Compare and contrast stem-vowel changing verbs INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards fashion in Germany and in America. . • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to shopping and fashion. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on fashion and shopping. • Explore attitudes when reacting to how Germans shop for clothing and the role of fashion in Europe CONNECTIONS: • Accusative case Direct object pronouns Definite and indefinite • Modal Verbs • Stem-vowel changing ve (a→ä) COMMUNITIES: • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on fashion. • Produce an activity in which students ask/provide information. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Modal verbs, definite/indefinite articles in nominative, colors, adjectives, expressing opinions, pronouns, separable prefix verbs RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story Clothing, adjectives (size and fit), colors, shopping vo (shopping mall, department store), gefallen Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students ask peers for personal information and give personal information about themselves. Students can “interview” one another. Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 THEME 7: die Hausarbeit AP SUBTHEME : Families and Communities/Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 5 weeks Teachers need to appropriat number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level I: GI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in German. GI.2.The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in German, using familiar phrases and sentences.GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written German presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. GI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in German. GI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in German, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. GI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in German, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. GI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures. The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of German-speaking cultures studied are interrelated. GI.9 The student will connect information about German and German-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas. GI.10 The student will compare basic elements of German to those of English and other languages. GI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between German-speaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. GI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use German language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupation purposes. The above is an overview of the standards. See the VDOE link below for a more comprehensive look at the standards. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOW (Facts & Skills German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016 INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to describing chores around the house • Discuss and/or debate personal opinions on chores • Express and explain cultural differences relating to the environment. • Express opinions and react to personal information given by others. • Explore attitudes when reacting to how Germans preserve the environment • Compare and contrast modal verbs •Compare and contrast commands •Compare and contrast stem-vowel changing verbs CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to chores. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on helping around the house. CULTURES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards ecology in Germany. • Commands • Modal Verbs* • Separable prefix verbs • accusative pronouns • accusative prepositions • denn, weil, daß • Explore daily life in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in German speaking communities. • Identify local German speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on personal responsibilities. • Produce an activity in which students ask/provide information. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary list on Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Modal verbs, commands, How often, family, word order, possessive pronouns, separable prefix verbs, the accusative RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES See Vision ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics. Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and answering questions/TPRS Story Chores, How often, Rooms/Furniture, Family and pets verbs Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentationa Students ask peers for personal information and give personal information about themselves. Students can “interview” one another. Student presents information on t interview partner to the class. German Level I – SY 2015 - 2016