Math 8 • 2015 – 2016 Course Overview

Math 8 • 2015 – 2016
Miss Hoffman and Mrs. Kreft
Phone #: (703) 957 – 4340
Course Overview
Outline for the Year
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
Real Number System
Square Roots
Absolute Value and Integer Rules
Order of Operations, Evaluating
Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers
Solving Equations
3rd Quarter
Ratios, Proportions and Percent
Angle Relationships
Perimeter and Area of Composite figures
Volume and Surface Area
Solving Equations, continued
Solving Inequalities
Graphing and Functions
Analyzing Graphs in a real world context
4th Quarter
Three – dimensional models
Pythagorean Theorem
Probability and Statistics
SOL Review
Grading Policy
Each quarter, grades will be determined by dividing the total number of points earned on
summative assessments by the total number of points possible. This year, LCPS and Mercer will
continue the grading for mastery model. Homework and other forms of formative assessment
WILL NOT contribute to a student’s grade. A students’ final grade will be determined by
their success on summative assessments.
Homework Policy
Homework is a formative assessment and generally assigned each night. It is expected to be
turned in the next block. Homework is extremely important as it provides students with an
opportunity to practice new concepts on their own. Their success with each assignment is an
indication of how well they are progressing towards mastery of these new concepts. Homework
completion is recorded each day and gone over in class. Please use the parent portal to check
Phoenix and see if your child’s homework is being completed. Students must show all of their
work for an assignment to be complete.
Retake Policy
Prior to taking a summative assessment, students must have completed any formative
assessments and all homework assignments for that unit. Any student that meets these
requirements, will take the test in class on the given day. Those students that receive a 65% or
below will be required to retake the assessment. Any student receiving below an 80% can opt to
do a retake. An 81% cap applies to ALL retesting grades. At MMS, we encourage, teach and
model effective study skills to ensure students know how to prepare for assessments.
Students that do not complete the formative assessments and/or homework assignments prior to
the unit test will use the following procedure per the MMS Reteaching/Retesting Policy.
The Teacher Will:
 Enter a "Z" in Phoenix
 Provide student with an assignment tracking
 Schedule a testing appointment with the
student (within one week)
 Email home and cc dean and counselor
The Student Will:
 Immediately begin review assignment while
other students are testing
 Complete missing formatives before testing
 Take the test in resource on assigned day
(proctored by one of our resource teachers)
 If formatives aren't completed within the one
week grace period, the student is assigned OT,
takes the test, and is not eligible for a retake
Materials Needed and Calculator Use
Three Ring Binder (1 ½ inch)
4 Dividers (Notes/Warm Up’s, Homework, Assessments, SOL Practice)
Notebook Paper
It is not necessary that students own a calculator. We will be using a scientific calculator, the TI30xa. Each math and resource class has a set for student use.
Extra Help
We are available during Block 8 Resource and encourage all students that need help to seek us
out. We are also available in the morning from 8:00 – 8:30 for extra help. We are available after
school by appointment.
Website and Google Classroom
On Miss Hoffman’s website site, you will find for each unit we study PDF copies of all of the
flipcharts used in class, a homework calendar and additional sources for practice and review.
Students will use Google Classroom at various times during the year for collaboration.
Miss Hoffman and Mrs. Kreft
Math 8
2015 – 2016
Your signature below indicates that you have read and understand the class syllabus.
Much of our communication with parents is done via email. Throughout the year, we will be
sending updates regarding upcoming units of study, assessments, exam information and extra
review sessions. If you wish to be included in these updates, please provide an email address
that you check regularly on the line below. Feel free to contact us if you have any further
questions! We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Print Parent Name
Print Student Name
Email Address. Please PRINT NEATLY.
Miss Hoffman and Mrs. Kreft
Math 8
2015 – 2016
Your signature below indicates that you have read and understand the class syllabus.
Much of our communication with parents is done via email. Throughout the year, we will be
sending updates regarding upcoming units of study, assessments, exam information and extra
review sessions. If you wish to be included in these updates, please provide an email address
that you check regularly on the line below. Feel free to contact us if you have any further
questions! We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Print Parent Name
Print Student Name
Email Address. Please PRINT NEATLY.