Syllabus Spring 2014 Brette Webb Phone #: 704-799-8555 x 1352

Lake Norman
High School
ISS Mission Statement:
We will rigorously
challenge all students to
achieve their academic
potential and to lead
productive and rewarding
lives. We will achieve
this mission with the
support of parents, staff,
and the community.
Syllabus Spring 2014
Brette Webb
Phone #: 704-799-8555 x 1352
Class Schedule:
1st Block: Art Foundations
2nd Block: Ceramics I
3rd Block: Inter/Adv Ceramics
4th Block: Planning
Dear Parents:
As you may know Visual Art classes such as Ceramics, Sculpture, and Art Foundations require paint, glaze, brushes,
dry media such as oil and chalk pastels, graphite and charcoal with varying hardness, adhesives, plaster, wire, and
papers of varying color/weight. These materials are very expensive and current budgetary concerns within the
district make it necessary for the Art Department to require a fee from each of its incoming students.
If you are unable to pay this fee due to true financial limitations, please contact me directly so I may accommodate
your child.
If at all possible, please pay this fee with our ONLINE PAYMENT (41 cent transaction fee) method on the
school’s website at Payments may also be made by check to Lake Norman High
School or by cash. Please include a phone number on the check and student’s name on the memo line. All
monies will go directly to the bookkeeper and into the Art Account for Ms. Webb’s class so that supplies may be
purchased. Fees will not be used for anything other than supplies for this class. Your student will receive a receipt if
fee is paid by check or cash.
This is an enormous help to us during these economic times as we prepare to offer your child the most
comprehensive art experience possible.
Ceramics and Sculpture
 $30. 00 fee by January 31, 2014
 Sketchbook OR Binder with lined and unlined
Ceramics will cover an in depth study of clay
properties, handbuilding techniques, and surface
applications, and 3D forms.
A more expansive study of the above (with other
media) will be explored in the higher levels of 3D
Glazed works and Sculptural works may only come
home at the end of the Semester, so please ask to see
pictures and inquire about their works in progress.
As a class requirement, students are required to take
pictures of “works in progress” and “final design
solutions.” These images will be graded as half of their
exam grade. Students should expect to find and print
examples at home, practice drawing and writing about
artworks (evaluating and analyzing art and techniques
in class).
Art Foundations (Art I)
$20.00 fee by January 31, 2013
Sketchbook with 50 or more pages
8.5 x 11 or larger (any binder)
Art 1 is a foundation course in basic art and design. Art
Foundations will offer students ways to make
connections to other people, times and places and
experiences. Students will be introduced to the
Elements of Design and Principles of Composition.
They will learn about different art media and
techniques in a variety of areas, including drawing,
painting, color theory, and 3-dimensional art. Art
history and criticism will be included with many
projects, and students will engage in reflection,
evaluation, and presentation of their own work.
Emphasis will be on development of skills and
awareness of aesthetic choices in art. This course is a
prerequisite for all other courses in the Art
ClaSsRooM RuLes
Use Common Sense, Respect and Take
Responsibility for Your Own Actions.
1. Do NOT talk during lecture or
2. Follow ALL school rules and policies.
3. Use TIME and MATERIALS responsibly.
4. RESPECT ALL people at ALL times.
5. Clean up after yourself DAILY.
6. Remain in your SEAT until the bell rings.
10 days of notes in notebook will equal 100
points (test grade). Keep up with all worksheets
and notes for full credit. Work folders will be
checked to make sure you are completing Warm-Up
3. Late in the semester MIDTERM/FINAL EXAM
A cumulative exam will be given on the information
presented throughout the semester.
4. DIGITAL PORTFOLIO: Professional quality pics
the defend all works completed in the course in a
“PostCard format.”
DisciPLine POlicY
DISCIPLINE PLAN- Any disruptive behavior,
failure to follow school rules/policies or classroom
rules/procedures will result in consequences.
Consequences may include but are not limited to the
following: Points will be Deducted from
Performance Grade
 Warning
 Parent Phone Call and 45 Min. ASD
 Parent Phone Call 90 Min.
 Office Referral
1. PROJECTS: All projects are expected to be done to
the best of your ability. Projects will be graded using
the following rubric:
 Meeting the project objectives
 Effort
 Quality
 Craftsmanship
 Completion
 Other as specified
kept in an organized Sketchbook Journal.
3D Studio Extras: (Wish List) Items:
 Adhesives for wood or ceramics Wood Glue or
Super Glue
 Wire (on a spool) ANY METAL
 Chicken wire (or fencing)
 Lotion/Sanitizer
 Squirt Bottles dollar store
 Email me if you have other supplies you
may want to donate or get rid of. = )
 Canvas (cloth large enough to cover table
Health= CleAn Classroom/Equip:
1. Tables (daily) and personal bins (weekly) must be
washed/ wiped out. Every student is responsible for
their entire table and all tools/materials that are used.
2. All students will participate in recycling clay and loading
and unloading the kiln; this will work on a rotating
3. Clean all areas, sinks, cabinets, wedging table, slab roller
and your table.
4. All paint brushes must be washed with soap and water
and stored in the upright position.
5. Failure to participate in cleaning the tools, materials,
and tables will result in After School Detention
My name is Ms. Webb and I am excited to have the privilege to teach your son/daughter this semester. I
graduated from Piedmont College, Demorest GA. Earned my B.A. in Studio Art in 1997 and M.A.T. Art
Education K-12 in 2001. This is my 10th year teaching at LNHS and I love it!!! Please feel free to email me
with any concerns or questions throughout the year as replying to an email has proven to be the faster response.
Expect to receive printed progress reports from me every 6 weeks RATHER THAN EVERY 3 WEEKS
(due to the time required to research, do concept sketches for critique, construction, firing, glazing,
firing again…)
When this form is returned with your signature and any comments you may have, your student will
receive 10 points as an assignment grade. 0/10 = not signed while 10/10 = signed and returned. Thank
you for your participation in your student’s success and know that I look forward to working with you to help
your child reach their highest potential.
Thank You,
Brette Webb
Please read over ALL of the other pages and return the bottom portion of this form to me. The first page
should be kept in the students’ sketchbook for reference throughout the semester, and the top portion of this
page is for you and the bottom of this page should be returned to me as soon as possible.
Brette Webb
Art Foundations ($20) __ Ceramics ($30)__
Sculpture ($30) __
School Phone:
704-799-8555 x 1352
Ms. Webb’s Email:
Parent/Guardian Names:
Parent Email:
Best Contact:
Tips you may have (that I may benefit from) while teaching your student:
I have read and understand that these rules apply at all times during the course of the semester. I understand there are
consequences that follow if I do not perform at the teacher’s expectations.
Sign: _________________________ Date: _____
I have read the above information and my student has explained the rules and guidelines and I understand what is
expected of my student in Mrs. Foster’s classroom and will support the above rules.
Sign: __________________________ Date: ______
Ceramics Studio Safety Contract
To be granted the privilege of using this facility you are required to be familiar with and
to observe, these safety regulations governing its use. Violation of any safe working
methods may cause the loss of privilege or disciplinary action.
Not having this contract signed will result in not being allowed to use the supplies and materials within
the classroom.
1. Good housekeeping, cleaning and orderly work areas and equipment are
fundamental to accident and fire prevention. Assigned work areas and
equipment are to be cleaned and placed in order by each user at the end of
each work period.
2. Horseplay of any kind is Forbidden.
3. You are not to operate wheels, grinder, saws, or pugmill to which you have not been trained or
assigned. You will be trained in the use of potentially hazardous equipment.
4. Shop facilities may not be used after class time in the evenings or on the
weekends if Ms. Webb is not present.
5. All accidents, including minor scrapes or cuts, should be reported immediately
Ms. Webb.
6. Eye protection and or face masks should be worn at all times when it is appropriate. Using the mason
stains, grinder, saws, or spraying devices all require eye protection.
7. Jewelry, ties and clothing, which, in the opinion of the shop supervisor or
faculty, seem hazardous, must not be worn while working on the potter’s
wheel, using kilns, pugging or wedging clay. Close toed shoes are expected. Long hair should be tied back
when operating wheels or machines with moving parts.
8. Clean up of working areas should be done with a wet clean sponge a minimum of two times. Avoid
sweeping with the bristled broom in the ceramics lab as it raises dust that will remain air born for days.
Water is the best solution for cleaning. Be aware of floors that may be slippery.
9. Dust masks must be worn when making clay or glazes. Rubber gloves should
be worn when making glazes that contain heavy metals.
10. If you have allergies or are pregnant please inform your instructor. Working in
the ceramics lab could be hazardous to your health.
11. No eating food in work areas as the dry or wet tables may consist of glaze/stains that are toxic.
12. All containers must be returned label side out. All containers MUST BE labeled or they will be
discarded. All glazes or slips in the glaze room are to have a label with a list of ingredients. You are not to
make personal glazes and keep them in the room without labeling contents.
13. No work left on common tables overnight. If it is left it will be discarded the
next morning at the start of class.
14. This safety contract must be read and signed indicating that both Parent/Guardian(s) and Students
are aware of the Hazards inside of the Ceramics Studio/Classroom.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
___________________________, Date _________
___________________________, Date _________