Pre-Calculus Mrs. Jonna Ramsey, Room #416 (704) 799-1831 ext 1416

Mrs. Jonna Ramsey, Room #416
(704) 799-1831 ext 1416 (email is the best method of contact)
Parents and Students:
Welcome to Pre-Calculus! I am excited to start a new semester and am looking forward to working with you.
It is very important that students are here every day! This includes being present both in mind and in body as
well as being prepared for class. Should you ever feel that you need extra help it is important that you get it
immediately. I will be available before school and during Smart Lunch almost everyday. It is my
recommendation that you get in the habit of coming to my room Tuesdays and Fridays during Smart Lunch if
you have questions on the material from the night before.
It is your responsibility to seek help when you feel it is needed. Remember, asking questions is how you learn
and there is no question too basic or trivial.
I have high expectations for all of my students. I truly believe that all students can succeed in this class. I
will do my best to help my students master the material presented in Pre-Calculus, and it is my personal goal
that each student go on to AP Calculus very well prepared. Parents, you are the most valuable tool I have in
educating your child. There are several ways you can help your child be successful in this course:
1. Make time each day to ask your child what they did in class.
2. Make sure your child does their homework each night and comes to class with questions ready.
3. If your child has problems with the homework, have them read over their notes.
4. Encourage your child to get a study partner who is taking this class or has already taken the class.
5. If your child still does not understand the homework, encourage them to see me for help the next day.
6. Stress the importance of a good education.
Materials needed for this class include:
 3 ring binder
 Loose leaf paper
 Two Pocket Folder
 Pencils (work will NOT be accepted in pen)
 Graphing Calculator (TI 84+ or better)
Materials Mrs. Ramsey would love to have :
Tissue Boxes
Sheet Protectors
Small Stickers for rewards 
Clorox Wipes
Grading Policy: We are operating on a 10 point grading scale
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
D: 69-60
F: 59 and below
All grades for the class will be based on a point system as follows:
o Homework/Classwork/Daily Grades will count as 40 points per unit.
Work is NOT accepted after the day it is due unless you are absent. I take up homework on a
unit basis (day of test) for many reasons. If you are absent one day you will have until the day
of the test to complete and turn it in. I also want you to have access to those resources as
study material to prepare for the test. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!! Do homework each night.
o Study Guides will count as 10 points and will be taken up before each test. You will need
a folder to turn these in and be organized.
o Quizzes will count as no more than 50 points each. They will be frequent and
unannounced. If you miss a quiz or test, you will make it up the day you return. If that means
you miss a lesson, then you will should get notes from a friend or look at the notes online.
o Tests will count as 100 points, with the exception of the final exam (a state test),
which will be worth 20% of the final grade.
There will be a test on each unit, which will always be preceded by a day dedicated to review.
I will be updating grades often in PowerSchool and I strongly encourage you to sign on frequently to
check your student’s progress. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns
you may have. I am looking forward to a great semester with your child.
Test Correction Policy:
 IF/when I allow test corrections it will be for the class as a whole. No individuals will be
allowed to make corrections unless I give the whole class the same option.
 All corrections are required to occur in my classroom during Smart Lunch. The times available
for these corrections will be announced and posted.
 Students are encouraged to come and seek help before attempting corrections.
 There will be a deadline for corrections and anything after that deadline will not be accepted.
LNHS Tardy Policy
 1st tardy: Warning
 2nd tardy: Warning
 3rd tardy: 1 after school detention and a parent contact.
 4th tardy and beyond: assigned Saturday school and driving privileges could be revoked.
LNHS Dress Code
 I will enforce dress code. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.
 I will not stop teaching just because you are out of the room, which means you WILL miss
valuable material because you choose to put yourself in a position to be sent to the office.
Student and Parent/Guardian: Please sign and date below. If you want a copy of this for your own
records it is posted on my website for your convenience.
I have read and understood all of the rules and procedures that will be
expected of my child in Mrs. Ramsey’s Pre-Calculus class and I understand
that a calculator is required everyday in this class. No exceptions.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
We are always in need of wonderful parent volunteers to help with proctoring exams at the end of
each semester. If you are interested and willing to help in this area please fill out the information
below so that I can pass that on to the appropriate school personnel. Thanks so much! 
Name: _________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number: ____________________________________________
Cell Phone Number: ______________________________________________
 How to Succeed in Honors Pre-Calculus 
(keep this in your notebook and refer back to it often as a reminder)
1. Come to class everyday. You will miss something if you are out and I will do my
best to catch you up, but more than likely you will already be behind. There are not
“easy days” that it is ok to miss and make up later. Each and every lesson is important.
2. Do your homework every night and come to class with questions ready. I
know that I am expecting a lot here because I do not take up homework every day,
but if you procrastinate you are only hurting yourself. You will not understand the next
lesson and you will fall farther behind just because you wanted “a night off”. Trust me,
it isn’t worth it.
3. Bring your calculator every day. There will be times that you aren’t allowed to use
it on tests and quizzes, but that doesn’t mean that you should ever leave home without
it and expect to borrow mine. If you leave it at home on the day that you need one
you are going to wish that you had it. Better safe than sorry!
4. Make good choices in class. If I give you the opportunity to work on homework or
an assignment in class TAKE ADVANTAGE of that time and do your best on the task at
hand. Talking to your friends and being on your phone can wait. It is in your best
interest to get questions answered while you have access to me in class. Don’t wait
until you get home!
5. Pick harder questions for your study guides. These study guides are meant to
prepare you for your test and I can promise you that I am not going to choose the first
example out of your notes for a test question. Go through and genuinely PREPARE
yourself. This isn’t meant to be a waste of time or something you complete in 15 min.
6. Go over missed items on the tests. Old material WILL show up on each and every
test, so make sure if you missed something from Unit 1 that you understand it before
Unit 2. It just might creep back onto that test!
7. ASK QUESTIONS! I cannot stress this enough. If you don’t understand something
you have to ASK QUESTIONS! I will answer you as many times as you need…or I will
reword it and explain things a different way until you do.
a. In class…in the lesson…STOP ME and ASK QUESTIONS
b. At home…star the ones you don’t understand so you can ask me the next day
c. Smart Lunch…get clarification on BIG topics, especially if you have more than
2 questions from the homework that you didn’t understand.
d. The next day…when I go over homework…ask about the ones that you didn’t
quite get the night before! (You have to have done your homework in order to
do this!) Then, FIX your mistakes as I am doing the problems!