Sustainable Stormwater Treatment Design Challenge Project Objective: Students will learn about components of sustainable storm water drainage systems and be able to apply them to a specific type of site. Design Criteria & Constraints: Design must be presented on the design paper available from the teacher Design must be outlined in dark markers but colored in as appropriate (blue for water, etc) in colored pencil. Project must represent a realistic treatment for storm water designed to aid in reducing flooding and the spread of contaminants and sediment after storm events. Design must only use the sustainable stormwater drainage components that are provided online on Mrs. Tracy’s page for this activity. Directions: 1. Follow the directions on the handout, and the links on my PFHS website. Go to Staff/Tracy find the link for the Stormwater Project Intro Webquest. 2. EACH STUDENT should choose at least 3 sustainable stormwater treatments that would work for their part of the location. Be sure to look at the grading rubric to make sure that you choose wisely! 3. Each student must draw the sustainable stormwater treatment components they have chosen on the paper that contains their half of the location site. 4. The rubric is the same for each student—there is no “Part A” or “Part B” in this project. Each partner will be responsible for following the rubric for their half of the project—no one works on both halves unless they are working alone (which requires prior approval). WARNING: If a student chooses to help another student by drawing, coloring, adding written comments, etc., then both students will receive a zero for the project. 5. Be able to present and explain your drawing, indicating how your sustainable components work. Consider how they’re better for the environment than conventional methods (like underground pipes that allow flow into rivers/lakes, etc.), and other advantages (such as cheaper to maintain, easier to install, etc). If things like slope of the land, and how water drains are important explain these points as applicable. TRACY—Environmental Science 1 NAME: ________________________________________ Grading Criteria for Sustainable Stormwater Project If you choose to work with a partner, you must choose different elements for your building. Any element that you both have will not count for either you or your partner. APPEARANCE: ___project is on teacher-provided paper (5 pts) ___project is colored in with colored pencils (5 pts) ___project is understandable: Project includes labels------5 pts Project is easy to read-------3 pts Project is neat-----------------2 pts CONTENT: ____poster shows only sustainable stormwater design elements (20 pts) ____poster contains at least 3 sustainable stormwater design elements (15 pts) ____poster contains: At least one sustainable stormwater element used as part of the landscape (5 pts) At least one sustainable stormwater element used underground (5 pts) PRESENTATION: student will: ______Explain two advantages of each element -----15 pts NOTE: runoff and flooding can only be used once per project. _______Explain why they chose their particular sustainable stormwater elements-----5 pts _______Explain how each sustainable stormwater element in their project works-----15 pts TRACY—Environmental Science 2