Evidence for Global Warming:

Evidence for Global Warming:
Global temps have risen 1 degree F in the last century (100 years) since 1900
~1998 was the warmest (now broken)
a. The industrial age, especially as the use of vehicles has increased, the amount of CO2
has risen increasing the global temperature as a whole.
Arctic ice has decreased
a. The amount of the arctic ice has been decreasing adding fresh water to the ocean
Sea levels have risen
a. As the glaciers have melted, the amount of water in ocean has risen reducing the shoreline.
Precipitation has increased
Frequency of extreme weather events has risen
a. Ex. El Nino; more hurricanes, flooding, blizzards, etc.
Change in weather patterns
a. Warmer winters, hotter summers (in our area)
Keeling Curve—measurement of CO2 over seasons, and years showing a rise in CO2 depending
on seasons, and a continuous significant rise over years.
Decrease of Gulf Stream salinity---as Greenland melts, the salinity of the Gulf Stream is reduced.
Bleaching of coral reefs—as the temperature of the oceans rise, the coral reefs obviously can
not move to cooler temperatures which is healthier for them. They instead have to stay, and
they die—which is called bleaching.
Northward migration of some animals—some animals—i.e. mosquitoes move northward
(towards VA from Southern states when they get too hot).
Rise in sea temperatures
The ocean absorbs a lot of the Earth’s/Sun’s heat keeping our temperature moderate. As it has
to absorb more and more—it’s temperature rises.
Ice cores—Scientists are learning about past global temperatures by studying long tubes (cores)
of ice. They indicate the global temperatures of the past were lower.
Ocean floor cores—Scientists learn about how the ocean works in a similar way to the ice cores
above—with mud cores from the ocean floor.
Rise in ocean acidity
Because there is more CO2 in the air due to pollution, it combines with the water to reduce the
PH in the ocean. Therefore it is more acidic
Dust samples—similar to ice cores, the scientists study dust samples in ice cores
NEED TO KNOW and be able explain 7