Warrior Battalion Standard Operating Procedures School Year 2015-2016 West Iredell High School JROTC

West Iredell High School JROTC
“Leadership Excellence”
Warrior Battalion Standard
Operating Procedures
School Year 2015-2016
Warrior Battalion JROTC Procedures:
Purpose. This Warrior Battalion SOP is to assist you with operational and
administrative requirements.
Mission. To motivate young people to be better citizens. As a cadet you will
acquire an understanding of the fundamental concepts of leadership, the application of
leadership, our governmental system, history, and many other “life-skill” lessons.
JROTC assists in the total development of high school students so that they become
responsible and ready citizens!
(1) Provide and encourage good citizenship & strengthen self-esteem.
(2) Develop leadership potential & Improve physical fitness.
(3) Promote high school completion & incentives to live drug free.
(4) Enhance life skills: Math, English, & Science.
Staff: The SAI is LTC Eric Van Vliet and the AI is First Sergeant Reginald
“Reggie” Hooker
Warrior Battalion JROTC Procedures:
The Battalion Structure & Promotion Board
The Cadet Battalion The Warrior Battalion is organized to achieve as much
leadership realism as possible. The curriculum provides the cadet with an opportunity to
put into practice the theory taught in the classroom. The Warrior Battalion replicates a
typical Army organization.
Organization/Structure. The Cadets are organized as a battalion with 3 companies.
Positions and Rank. BN CDR- LTC, BN XO- Major, BN CSM- CSM, Company
Commanders- CPT, Primary Staff-1LT, First Sergeants-1SG, PLT LDRs- 2LT, PLT
SGT- SFC. Any other positions to be determined by SAI/AI.
Method of Appointment of Rank and Duty Positions:
All cadets must pass a Rights of Passage exam before they can be issued a uniform
and receive rank. Cadet enlisted ranks are awarded through promotion boards run by
the AI and the CDT CSM. Rank Limitations:
1st Year Cadets: Private - Corporal
2nd Year Cadets: Corporal - Sergeant First Class
3rd Year Cadets: Corporal - Master Sergeant. Higher ranks awarded by SAI/AI.
4th Year Cadets: Corporal - Lieutenant Colonel.
Some of the criteria for officer promotions includes, but is not limited to the following:
Attendance at a JROTC summer camp
Good merit, conduct, attendance, dependability
Interest in and participation in JROTC & JROTC activities
Good academic grades in JROTC and school
Knowledge of drill and ceremony and/or staff position
Completed all requirements as a LET 2
Community Support/Service Hours
Promotion Board Procedures: Promotions to be conducted in accordance with the
The promotion board will look at the “whole cadet” concept. This means that a cadet’s
grades, extracurricular involvement, community service hours, attitude, and knowledge
of JROTC subject areas are all considerations in determining the promotion potential of
a cadet.
Cadets must keep their Individual Cadet Community Service Sheets maintained and
Cadets must be proficient in drill and their knowledge of cadet ranks, the cadet creed,
ranks, and all JROTC subject matter.
Cadets must perform to standard with uniform inspections, & be active PT participants.
Cadets will need a letter of recommendation from an EOC teacher.
The promotion board will meet twice a semester - See the Warrior Cadet Calendar on
our webpage. It is the cadet’s responsibility to be prepared for the board.
The board will consist of the following: AI, BN CSM, and the Cadet’s First Sergeant.
Cadets interested in going before the promotion board should get with their company
first sergeant’s to gain additional insight/information that will assist them in preparing for
the board.
Classroom/Building Rules and
- Be prepared & be courteous and professional
- Stand behind your seat, at the position of “parade rest”, when the tardy bell rings.
- No headgear will be worn in the JROTC office unless you are carrying a drill weapon.
- The use of spray deodorant/perfume in the building is forbidden (allergies/asthma)
- The JROTC classrooms and building may not be used as “your locker”. Take all
clothing and personal items with you.
- Electronic devises (Cell phones, MP3 style players, etc.) will remain “put away” in your
school book bag during class.
- Food may not be brought into the classroom during class.
- Do not move furniture/chairs without permission from the SAI/AI
- Non JROTC students may not eat lunch in JROTC without the SAI/AI’s permission
- Female cadets will change-out for PT using the back storage area. Male cadets will
use the entry area within the supply room.
- Cadets will not change-out in the latrines. Cadets will keep their personal belongings
out of the latrines or changing rooms.
JROTC Extracurricular Activities:
JROTC cadets are highly encouraged to participate in JROTC and school wide
extracurriculars. The following is a listing of JROTC activities:
Official/Social Activities: Throughout the year there are other activities open to all cadets
such as: Ski trips, hikes, college visits, swimming parties, etc. These activities are voted
on and arranged by the cadets and the JROTC Parent’s Group.
Color Guard/Honor/ Saber All Year: The JROTC Color Guard is formed from
exceptional cadets and represents the Cadet Battalion and the school at many
formations, reviews, athletic events, and civic events throughout the year.
Drill Team: Members are selected from volunteers each year and the team participates
at school, civic, and competitive events.
Warrior Battalion Military Ball: All JROTC cadets are expected to attend. This is a formal
dinner followed by dancing.
Parades: All members of the battalion are expected to participate, and will receive a
parade ribbon for their participation. The Statesville Parade is currently our only parade
during the school year.
Raider Challenge/Fall event: A group of cadets who train during the fall in preparation
for regional competitions. This is rigorous and strenuous training that requires Cadets to
stay in outstanding physical shape throughout the school year.
Orienteering Team/Fall Event: A group of cadets who train in the fall in preparation for
regional competitions. This is rigorous and strenuous training that requires Cadets to
stay in outstanding physical shape throughout the school year.
Academic and Leadership Teams: Both are fall activities. These teams meet weekly in
preparation for the national on-line Academic and Leadership Bowls.
Warrior Battalion
Uniform Requirements and Inspections
1. Purpose: Establish clear guidance for the appropriate wear of the Army uniform as a
Cadet enrolled in the Warrior JROTC Program, and the associated grading related to
that requirement.
2. Requirements: Cadets wear the US Army uniform and thus represent not just
themselves, but also their school, community, and the Army. They will only wear it
when and how directed, and will not discredit the aforementioned parties while doing so.
The Army has a proud, hard-earned reputation and Cadet's actions will not be allowed
to discredit that history. Cadets are subject to all rules and regulations regarding the
proper wear of the JROTC uniform and must understand that these rules apply before,
during, and after normal school hours – on or off campus.
Only one formal inspection will be conducted each week, however, a Cadet may be
inspected informally anytime that they wear the JROTC-provided uniform. Points will be
added or subtracted from their weekly formal inspection score based upon these
informal inspections. On the designated uniform day Cadets must be in uniform before
the tardy bell rings, and must remain in uniform until the last bell of the school day.
A Cadet may only change out of their JROTC uniform when given prior permission from
their JROTC instructor. The only exception is for a physical education (PE) class. They
must change during the class (i.e. change out at the beginning and back into uniform
before the class ends). No other exceptions are allow without specific prior approval by
an instructor for each incidence.
If a student is absent on the designated uniform day they will wear their uniform on the
first day that they return to school. No excuses will be accepted for not being in uniform
on the designated day, or their first day back. If a Cadet does not wear their uniform or
wear it properly on the designated day they will receive a zero for their grade.
3. Uniforms:
Army Service Uniform (ASU): This is the standard uniform for JROTC and the one in
which Cadets will be inspected weekly. Instructors will designate the appropriate
configuration for a given week (i.e. Class A, Class B, etc…). The program issues this
uniform to all Cadets (LET I – Class B and windbreaker after their first quarter, LET II-IV
– full set).
Army Combat Uniform (ACU): Select Cadets may be issued this uniform and
instructors may designate it for the weekly inspection depending on program activities.
Army Physical Training Uniform: Cadets may wear the Army PT uniform or the school
PE uniform, or a combination. Only the official Warrior JROTC T-shirt, the Army PT
shirt, or the school PE shirt may be worn. It will be a graded requirement on designated
physical training days.
Responsibility: The JROTC program will issue parts or all of the above uniforms in
clean and serviceable condition to Cadets. Cadets may purchase a school PE uniform
from one of the PE coaches. Upon acceptance, this government property becomes the
Cadet’s responsibility for cleaning, maintenance, and accountability until returned to
JROTC. Cadets will return JROTC property in the same condition in which they
received it.
Authorized Wear: Cadets may only wear the uniform to authorized JROTC events,
inspections, and other JROTC activities. At no time will the cadet wear any part, or all
ot, the uniform at political events, demonstrations, or events that would bring discredit to
the U.S. Army (court hearings, work, rallies, etc.)
Inclement Weather: A Cadet may wear appropriate clothing to protect themselves and
their uniform from the weather while traveling to and from school. Once at school,
however, the protective clothing must be removed and the uniform must be worn
properly with no intermixing of civilian items.
Gloves & Earmuffs: Cadets may wear black gloves and/or black earmuffs with their
JROTC Class A, Class B w/black jacket, and their PT uniform as long as these items
have no logos or designs. The gloves may be cloth or leather.
Stocking Cap (PT hat): A Cadet may wear a black stocking cap (or PT hat) to and from
school, but the cap must have no logo. Cadets will not wear the black stocking cap (or
PT hat) while at school in Class A or Class B uniforms.
Umbrellas: Cadets may use an umbrella during inclement weather. The umbrella color
must be all black or may be the school colors of green and gold.
Classroom: A Cadet may remove their JROTC windbreaker or Class A blouse, and
loosen their tie/neck tab if they become hot during a class. They must return to proper
uniform, however, prior to leaving the classroom for any reason (i.e. changing classes,
lunch, restroom break, etc.).
4. Uniform Inspection Grading: See the “Inspection Grading” memo and “Uniform
Inspection Checklist” (back of this SOP) for specific infractions and points assessed for
No uniform credit (zero): Cadets will receive a grade of “No Uniform Credit” (a zero) for
the following:
Not wearing the directed uniform on the designated uniform inspection day, or not
wearing it on their first day back at school after an absence on the designated uniform
inspection day.
Changing out of the uniform without prior instructor permission on uniform inspection
day, or the make-up day if they were absent on the designated uniform inspection day..
Mixing military with civilian clothing (see exceptions).
Consistent poor appearance: To include, but not limited to repeat occurrences of items
listed above. This also applies to Cadets that cannot conform to hair standards.
Occurrences and Consequences of “No Uniform Credit”:
First Occurrence: The Cadet will receive a grade of zero for that uniform inspection
Second Occurrence: The Cadet will receive a grade of zero for that uniform inspection
grade and parents will be contacted.
Third Occurrence: The Cadet will fail the semester and be directed to turn-in all
uniforms. These Cadets will be disenrolled from JROTC if possible during the term.
5. Uniform Wear Specifications: Covered by in-class instruction, referenced in the
latest “Cadet Reference” guide (available for download on the West Iredell JROTC
website under “Warrior Uniform Requirements”).
6. Policy Updates: Part or all of this policy may be updated at any time due to
regulation updates, Cadet Command guidance, local need for additional clarification, or
instructor review. Refer to the program website for the latest version and pay attention
to the version date.
7. Specific Uniform Requirements/measurements:
Male - Ribbons will be worn centered with the pocket button 1/8-inch above the left
breast pocket in as many rows as necessary.
Female - Ribbons will be worn centered on the left side with the bottom row positioned
parallel to the bottom edge of the nameplate. The placement of the ribbons may be
adjusted to conform to individual figure difference, but not more than 2-inches above the
top button on the coat.
Qualification badges:
Male - The badge will be centered from left to right on the left pocket flap with the upper
portion of the badge approximately 1/8-inch below the seam.
Female - The badge will be on the left side 1/4-inch below the bottom ribbon row.
JROTC Patch - centered on the left sleeve of the coat and ACU jacket. The top of the
insignia will be 1/2 inch down from the shoulder seam.
Insignia of Grade: On the shoulders of the Class A jacket and shirt using the JROTC
chevron sets.
ACU Cap - Grade insignia is centered top to bottom in the middle of the cap. All Cadets
wear Subdued Ranks
Honor Unit Insignia Male - Centered 1/8 inch above the right breast pocket (side with nametag).
Female - Centered 1/4 inch above the nametag on the right side.
Academic Achievement Insignia. If worn with the Honor Unit Insignia, the wreath will be
pinned so that the star is within the wreath. The measurement used would be the same
as the Honor Unit Insignia above.
Shoulder Cords –are to be worn on class “A” jacket. Cadets will receive the team chord
once they have become a member of the team. If the cadet is no longer on the team
they must turn in the chord.
Color Guard - worn on the right shoulder, under the shoulder loop.
Drill Team - worn on the left shoulder, under the shoulder loop.
Special unit designator pins - worn centered on the coats right breast pocket, between
the bottom of the flap and the bottom of the pocket. When wearing more than one,
spacing will be 1/4-inch. Order of precedence, Raiders, Rifle Team, Drill Team, Color
Guard, Summer Camp.
Male - Centered left to right and between the top of the Right pocket and the top of the
pocket buttonhole on the pocket flap.
Female - Centered on the right side on a line parallel, but not more than 2 inches above
top button.
Distinctive Unit Insignia:
Male - Centered 1/8-inch above the right breast pocket, unless worn with the Academic
Wreath or Honor Unit Distinction Award then 1/4-inch above them.
Female - Centered 1/4-inch above the nameplate or when worn with either the
Academic Wreath or Honor Unit Distinction Award then 1/4-inch above.
Cadet Service Hour Program:
Cornerstone to citizenship is community support and outreach. As good citizens all
Warrior Cadets must participate in service learning and community service.
Key to citizenship is giving of yourself selflessly. 50% of all service hours must come
from scheduled JROTC community service activities.
LET I’s: Must complete 10 hours per semester for a total of 20 hours per school year.
LET II’s – IV’s: Must complete 15 hours per semester for a total of 30 hours per school
year. Cadets are responsible for maintaining their hours in their individual “Warrior
Cadet Service Log” (copy is located at the back of this SOP). Additionally, cadets must
turn in their service hours using the battalion community service tracking sheet (in your
Cadets may only go before a promotion board when they have achieved their required
number of service hours for the semester.
Warrior Supply & Weapons Room
The supply room and weapons storage room are “limited access” rooms. You may not
enter either of these rooms without permission.
Any weapon being issued out of the arms room must be “signed for” by the cadet using
the drill or pellet rifles. Cadets may not “group issue” weapons, or sign for a weapon
that you intend to let another cadet use. Cadets must sign for their own weapon and
ensure they have “eyes on” their weapon at all times.
Movement of Weapons: At no time will a cadet take a weapon into an area of the
school (excluding the drill team carrying individual weapons to the new or old gym)
without permission from the SAI or AI. All weapons (excluding the drill team as listed
above) will ensure that weapons are cased during movement.
Supply Room Management:
At no time will a cadet “borrow” or take any uniform item without the permission of the
SAI/AI. Failure of a cadet to bring in the proper uniform does not entitle a cadet to
“borrow” the missing item from the supply room.
Cadets will complete a clothing tracking sheet record (sample is at the back of this
SOP) every time they are issued an additional/replacement item from supply.
Cadets are responsible for all of their issued gear. Cadets will be held accountable for
the damage to, or loss of, a uniform item in the care of a cadet.
Selected Cadet Forms are Attached:
Attachment 1: Warrior Cadet Service Log Sheet
Attachment 2: Warrior Cadet Clothing Tracking
Attachment 3: Uniform Turn-In Sheet
Attachment 4: Uniform Inspection Sheet
Warrior Cadet Service Log Sheet:
Note: 50% of all hours must be from JROTC Community Service Hours
Last Name: ____________________________First Name: ___________________________
School Year: 15-16
Company: B
Month/Day Volunteer/Service Activity
Warrior Cadet Clothing Tracking Sheet
ACTION (circle one):
Direct Exchange
NAME: _____________________________ RANK: ____________
Dress Uniforms
Shirt, SS, Gray
Size & (#)
(M:$19.00; :$19.25)
ACUs (field uniform)
Clothing Item
Beret, Gray (w/Flash)*
Clothing Item
Size & (#)
Boots, HW, tan
Windbreaker (w/liner) ($42.50)
Trousers, ACU
Coat, Blue, AG 450 M:$126.50;F:$108.25)
Coat, ACU
Shoes, Dress*
Patrol Cap
Name Tape, “JROTC”
(M:$45.00; F:$38.25)
Trousers, Blue, AG 451
Neck-tab, black
Socks, Dress, Black (pair)*
Patch, JROTC
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Patch, Rank
Tie, Black
Rank, metal, subdued (pr) ($2.00)
T-Shirt, White*
Socks, Green*
Belt, Dress, Brass tip
T-Shirt, Tan*
Crest, ROTC (beret)
Name Tape, “WIHS”
Distinguished Unit Insignia (Dog)
Belt, Webbing, Tan
Nametag, Plastic
Insignia, “JROTC” Brass (pair)
Hat, PT
Insignia, Torch (pair)
Shoulder Rank, Cloth (pair)
Shoulder Rank, Brass (pair)
Star, Honor Unit w/Distinction
Physical Training (PT) Uniform
Jacket, PT, “Army”
Long Pants, PT, black
Shorts, PT, “Army”
Shirt, SS, “Army”, PT
Cadet Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ______________
S-4 Section: Entered into JUMS: ______________ S-4: ____________________________
Uniform Turn-In Requirements Sheet:
(1) When in doubt, bring everything in for instructors to make the final call.
(2) Any item not returned to JROTC will be charged to your student account,
(3) Condition: All returned items will be in clean and serviceable condition.
Army Service Uniform (ASU) – Dress uniform:
Belt, black w/gold tip
Blouse, gray, short-sleeve (female)
Buckle, brass
Coat, ASU, blue
DUI, SHS JROTC (Greyhound)
Insignia, “JROTC”
Insignia, “Torch”
Rank, brass
Shirt, gray, short-sleeve (male)
Star, HUD
Trousers, blue, ASU (pants)
Windbreaker, black w/liner, JROTC
Physical Training Uniform:
Gloves, green
Hat, green
Jacket, “Army”, PT
Pants, PT
Shirt, “Army”, long-sleeve
Shirt, “Army”, short-sleeve
Shorts, “Army”, PT
Army Combat Uniform (ACU): field uniform
Belt, tan
Boots, tan
Coat, ACU (top)
Hat, ACU
Nametape, “JROTC”
Nametape, “Statesville”
Patch, “JROTC”
Patch, “Statesville JROTC”
Rank, ACU
Trousers, ACU (pants)
Do Not Turn-in:
Shoes, black (low-quarters)
Socks (black or green)
T-Shirt, white or tan
Cadet Name (Last)
Missing Item (5 points per item)
Gig Line Off
Total Penalty Points
Improper Placement (per item)
Brass: Dirty/tarnished (5 pts. Per item)
Footwear: Dirty
Fingernails: Not Clean & Trimmed
Uniform: Dirty / wrinkled (each piece)
Unauthorized jewelry (per piece)
Unauthorized makeup or nail polish
Improper shave or sideburns
Hair: Not to standard
Beret: Not clean, shaved, or formed
Piercing(s) : tongue, ears, , or face
Failure to wear uniform as directed.