Capital University Administrative Performance Review Employee Name: Employee Title:


Capital University Administrative Performance Review

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

Employee Name:


Supervisor Name:


Employee Title:


Supervisor Title:


2015 – 2016 Goal Review

This section provides the employee and their supervisor with the opportunity to evaluate goals from the previous fiscal year. Goals listed on the performance appraisal are to be specific individual outcomes necessary to improve job performance and/or help the university meet its strategic directions. These are actionable items for the appraisal period and they should be measurable so that a supervisor can indicate whether a goal was completed (or certain milestones achieved) during the appraisal period. Insert additional rows if necessary. When evaluating the final outcomes, use the following ratings: Met, Not Met, or In Progress. The In Progress designation may be accompanied by percent completed or a similar measure that reflects the degree to which the goal has been accomplished. The last page of this performance review will give you the opportunity to establish next year’s goals.

Goals Measurable Outcomes Status Reports Self-Review Supervisor Review

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Performance Factors

Place an “X” within the appropriate column. Employees should complete the self-evaluation before supervisors apply their ratings.

Service Orientation

Provides support to others, both inside and outside the University. Is willing to "go out of one's way" to help, even if contacts' needs cannot be met.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Aware of contacts' needs and responds to them. Usually foresees problems and works to avoid them.

Often makes extra effort to help and follow up.

Aware of contacts' needs and tries to meet them in a polite and helpful manner. Occasionally foresees problems and works to avoid them.

Not always aware of contacts' needs. Will help when convenient or directed by supervisor. Does not generally foresee problems.

Fiscal Responsibility

Recognizes the boundaries of established budget(s). Makes financial decisions that fall under the

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Manages budget responsibly.

Spends within the limits of the budget developed. Provides documentation of budget requests.

Usually manages budget responsibly. Tries to stay within the budget and usually provides appropriate rationale and documentation of budget requests.

Sometimes manages budget responsibly. Occasionally provides appropriate rationale and documentation of budget requests.

Problem Solving

Recognizes problems, reviews facts, and makes timely, practical, costeffective decisions.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Consistently shows insight in analyzing problems, makes practical decisions, and carries them out effectively. Considers results carefully.

Often effective in solving problems.

Needs little supervision.

Sometimes does a careful analysis.

Often needs help to make good decisions.

Dependability and Reliability

Ability to complete work on time.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Consistently meets deadlines.

Usually requests changes in advance to avoid problems.

Usually meets deadlines. May or may not discuss deadline problems in advance.

Sometimes meets deadlines. Does not generally discuss problems before deadlines have passed.

Quality of Work

The neatness, accuracy, and thoroughness of normal work (not work quantity).

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Work is exceptionally high in quality.

Consistently thorough and accurate.

Work quality is above average.

Errors are infrequent or minor.

Work quality is acceptable. Final product may need revision or correction.

Rarely aware of contacts' needs. Is often uncooperative or unwilling to help.

Does not manage budget responsibly. Makes decisions with no regard to departmental budget or to budget guidelines.

Does not problem-solve well.

Makes poor decisions if not guided.

Makes decisions without regard to results.

Rarely meets deadlines.

Work quality is minimally acceptable. Errors are common.

Time or materials are wasted.

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Quantity of Work

The amount and speed of work produced under normal conditions

(not work quality).

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating


Speaks and writes clearly and effectively. Uses words and style suitable for the audience. Uses proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Use of Technology

Uses technology in one's field to improve productivity, quality, and service.

Produces consistently high volume of work. Finds ways to accomplish unexpected work.

Consistently communicates clearly and effectively. Adjusts style to needs of audience.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Attendance and Punctuality

Is at work at times other than vacation, holidays, & personal days.

Fully uses available technology and explores new technology to improve productivity. If applicable: Actively encourages staff use of technology to improve productivity, quality, and service.

Always present and punctual.

Work volume often above expected level.

Usually communicates effectively.

Expresses ideas well.

Uses available technology to improve productivity. If applicable:

Allows staff to use technology to improve productivity, quality, and service.

Usually present and punctual.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Work volume is acceptable. When required, production increases.

Communication is generally acceptable. Occasionally has difficulty expressing ideas.

Tends to deviate from established time schedules.

Work volume generally below expected level.

Has difficulty expressing ideas clearly.

Uses technology as necessary. If applicable: Does not provide opportunities for staff to use technology to improve productivity.

Does not use available technology to improve productivity. If applicable: Does not encourage staff use of technology to improve productivity.

Has little regard for time schedules. Total sick days absent in last fiscal year:


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Supervisory Factors

The following four factors apply only to those employees with supervisory responsibilities as defined by their department. For non-supervisors, this section can be deleted.

Employee Relations

Deals effectively with employee problems and complaints. Treats employees fairly.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Fosters productive working environment. Effectively deals with employee concerns.

Maintains productive working environment. Handles complaints satisfactorily.

Employee problems and complaints sometimes result from lack of management attention.

Is ineffective in dealing with employee problems and complaints.

Developing Staff

Sees that employees receive training for competent job performance.

Actively encourages employees to identify longer-term career goals and objectives. Provides staff with career growth opportunities and experiences.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Actively participates in employee development. Encourages employees to identify long-term goals. Works with employees to create and implement realistic development plans. Provides many career growth opportunities.

Promotes various aspects of employee development. Encourages employees to attend classes and seminars. Provides career growth opportunities.

Has limited involvement in the development process. Allows employees to attend training sessions at their request. Provides few career growth opportunities.

Makes no effort to provide career growth opportunities.

Encourages Innovation

Encourages and rewards initiative, inventiveness, and decision-making while retaining responsibility for the results.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Actively encourages and rewards initiative, innovation and decision making. Willingly accepts responsibility for the results. Gives credit where it is due.

Recognizes and rewards initiative, innovation and decision-making.

Willingly accepts responsibility for the results. Usually gives credit where it is due.

Accepts some amount of initiative, innovation and decision-making. Is occasionally reluctant to take responsibility for the results.

Makes no efforts to encourage or reward initiative or innovation.

Easily assigns blame to others.

Performance Review

Sets up complete, relevant and objective measures of staff performance. Provides specific, timely and constructive feedback.

Employee Rating

Supervisor Rating

Sets mutually agreed upon job standards/ goals. Performance measures are complete, relevant and objective. Effectively coaches performance. Regularly provides constructive feedback.

Sets adequate job performance standards/goals. Occasionally provides constructive feedback.

Performance standards/ goals usually incomplete or unclear.

Feedback provided infrequently.

Seldom coaches performance.

Rarely meets deadlines.

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Summary of Overall Performance

Based on your assessment on the previous pages, mark an “X” on the line below at the point that summarizes the employee's overall job performance. Please note: It would be very unusual for a person to receive an overall rating of superior. If an employee's performance does not meet standards, a separate Professional Development Plan should be attached addressing these areas, expectations, for corrections, and a timetable to bring the performance to an acceptable level.

Superior Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Unsatisfactory

    

Summary Statement of Performance

Employee Comments


At the conclusion of the appraisal, the employee and supervisor shall sign this document signifying discussion of the performance appraisal. The employee’s signature signifies that he/she has reviewed the appraisal and discussed it with his/her immediate supervisor. It does not necessarily mean that he/she agrees with this appraisal.

Appraiser Signature:




Employee Signature:




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2016 – 2017 Goal Development

This section provides the employee with an opportunity to define goals for the upcoming fiscal year. Goals listed on the performance appraisal are to be specific individual outcomes necessary to improve job performance and/or help the university meet its strategic directions. These are actionable items for the appraisal period and they should be measurable so that a supervisor can indicate whether a goal was completed (or certain milestones achieved) during the appraisal period. Insert additional rows if necessary.

Goals Measurable Outcomes Status Reports Self-Review Supervisor Review
